Mabel Forsythe (Timber Wolf)

Interview regarding climate and environmental change

Sharon Hargus interviewed Mabel Forsythe.
The interview was supposed to be conducted by a
Witsuwit'en speaker, but that person cancelled about an hour before,
so Sharon was the imperfect substitute.
Melanie Forsythe was watching TV in the next room.

Translation by Lillian Morris and Sharon Hargus. Transcription mostly by
Sharon Hargus.

  1. Tsëh,nts'ëdik lhinïzinye,silh newilnic.
    firstwhereyou grew uptell me
    'First, tell me about where were you were raised.'

  2. MF:

  3. Netintahts'oot'iy'.
    two placesinwe lived
    'We lived two different places.' % LM: ti

  4. Johnson L.Houstonwinet'etsinilhyekhnïfarmhoolh'a'.
    aroundtheremy parentsthey had
    'Around Houston Johnson Lake, my parents had a farm.'

  5. 'Etwihcëntahdinï ts'enlï.
    theretoosummerduringwe live
    'We lived there during the summer.'

  6. Khiyttah'etQuickwinikts'ahCoffin Lakehotssbepï'inbiyin' tah.
    winterduringthenfurther abovetheremy fatherlatehis land
    'During the winter we moved back to Quick, further up Coffin Lake, my late father's territory.'

  7. C'ika'aat'ahtah'ethotsnïnets'itnïh.
    they're trappingduringthentherewe move back
    'When they went trapping, we moved up there at Coffin Lake.'

  8. 'Etcabints'oolh'a'.
    therewe had
    'We had a cabin there.'

  9. SH:

  10. 'Etc'ika'ëwht'ën'?
    thereyou pl. trapped
    'You (pl.) trapped there?'

  11. MF:

  12. Mi'.'Etc'olilhwits'in'etdinï ts'ilhëkh.
    yestherespringtimeuntilthenwe would live
    'Yes, we would stay there until spring time.'

  13. Khiyttahc'ika'aat'ah.
    winterduringthey trap
    'They trap during the winter.'

  14. 'Oh de''anuskakts'enlïde'.
    at that timewechildwe arein the past
    'We were little kids then.'

  15. Cabin'awh ts'idïlhts'iy.
    stayed home
    'We always stayed at the cabin.'

  16. Sbepï'in,tsayïlhnidïlht'ic'oh.
    my fatherlatetraphe has linearound there
    'My dad had a trap line there.'

  17. Mumyilegh 'it'ah.
    she's helping him
    'My mom used to help him.'

  18. 'Ohc'ika'aat'ah.
    around therethey're trapping
    'They hunted/trapped around there.'

  19. SH: hmm

  20. MF:

  21. Hida'ohiy tahhiyighen.
    moosesometimesthey're killing
    'Sometimes they shot moose.'

  22. 'Eykwahiyilhggï.
    italsothey dried
    'They dried the meat too.'

  23. Tl'it'ak'ëttiwinïltsicsbepdinï denelïhtl'ihiylegh c'i'alh,'etde'hont'iy'.
    andautumnaroundmy fatherhe held feastandpeople ate with himthatin the pasthe liked
    'During the fall my dad used to like to have a feast and have people eat with him.'

  24. SH: hmm

  25. Tl'iso'c'ik'ënishozk'itsdik nïnyikhde'silh newilnic.
    andverymostit's coldyou're growing upin the pasttell me
    'Tell me about when it was very cold when you were growing up.'

  26. MF:

  27. Skakts'enlï'oh de'tabïhozk'its.
    childwe areat that timeveryit's cold
    'When we were kids, it was very cold.'

  28. Tl'icabin'etyi'eyheatercohiyilh'aytl'i'ey'awidzïndïzk'in.
    andtherethatbigthey have itanditalwaysit's burning
    'We had a stove in the cabin and it was burning all the time.'

  29. 'Anu'awh ts'idïlhts'iy.
    wewe stayed home
    'We always stayed home.'

  30. Tl'i'etsbepwelew silï'wik'ëts'et,silhtsenïnetnïtah,Josephtl'iLeonardbilh,yi'eytie contracthëlhcot.
    andthenmy fatherhe passed awayafterthenmy brotherstwo peopleandwith himthatthey took
    'After my dad passed away, my two brothers Joseph and Leonard got a tie contract.'

  31. Tl'idicindïstin'eyhiyitsëlh.
    andwoodfrozenitthey're chopping
    'They chopped frozen wood.'

  32. Railway tie'aalh'ah'ey.
    they're makingit
    'They made railway ties.'

  33. Lhanïhibibe'aat'ahnu',Francois L.wit'enïwih.
    many peoplefor themthey're workingupriverpeopletoo
    'A lot of people worked for them, Francois L. people too.'

  34. 'Ohcabin'oowilh'iyhtl'ihibibe'aat'ah.
    around therethey builtandfor themthey're working
    'They had cabins there and people worked for them.'

  35. Tl'ihileyMoricetownwit'enïtiwinil---'enïwihhibibe'aat'ah.
    andthey are manyWitsëtpeopletheytoofor themthey're working
    'Lots of people from Witset worked for them too.'

  36. Tl'iMoses David'enwihdifamilyhibibecabin'oonlegh.
    andhetoohis familyfor themhe built
    'Moses David built a cabin for his family.'

  37. Tl'iQuick'ohhiwit'iy.
    andaround therethey live
    'They lived at Quick.'

  38. Tl'i'enïwihsilhtsenïhibibe'it'ah.
    themtoomy brothersfor themhe's working
    'He worked for my brothers too.'

  39. SH: hmm

  40. MF:

  41. Dicindïstintah 'et,hiditsëlhbighewewilne'.
    woodit's frozenat that timethey're chopping woodit's not difficult
    'When the trees are frozen, they're not hard to chop.'

  42. 'Etggïrailwayhibibeties'aalh'ah.
    thenthatfor themthey're making
    'My brothers were making ties for the railway.'

  43. Tl'inints'ah'et 'awit'anuhibibec'izdilht'os.
    andlater onthenwefor themwe're peeling wood
    'Shortly after that we started peeling ties for my brothers.'

  44. 'Etdïstinde''etbighewilne'.
    thenwood is frozenback thenthenit's difficult
    'When the trees were frozen, they were hard to peel.'

  45. Nenïdzilhtah'etdilt'osbighewewilne'.
    it's warming back upwhenthenpeeling woodit's not difficult
    'When it warmed up it wasn't hard.'

  46. SH:

  47. Sa'on'a'deolk'itswewdïlhye'oh de'?
    long time agohow colddo you knowback then
    'How cold was it long time ago, do you remember?'

  48. MF:

  49. Nints'i'etQuickk'itstationuniksts'in'etLeonardMumyibeyikh'oonlegh.
    over therethereatabovetherefor herhousehe built
    'Leonard (my brother) built a house for my mother (after my dad passed away).'

  50. Tl'i'etts'iwit'iy.
    andtherewe're livingsometimes
    'We lived there.'

  51. Wilikhtah50, 55 below.
    'Sometimes (it was) 50 - 55 below.'

  52. Tabïïhozk'its.
    very veryit's cold
    'It was very cold.'

  53. 'Etyi'eymuklukstl'imittscode'Mumniwhbe'iyïlhdzin.
    thenthatandbigback thenfor usshe has
    'My mom used to make mukluks and big gloves for us.'

  54. Tl'i'ats hiwiynï'ts'it'ën'so'niwhbewighewewilne'.
    andoutsidewe workednotfor usit's not difficult
    'It wasn't hard for us to work outside.'

  55. Tsiz'eywih'anuk'its'idighit.
    firewoodittoowewe saw wood in two
    'We used to cut our own wood.'

  56. 'Oh de'power sawwelew.
    back thennone
    'There was no power saw then.'

  57. Cross-cut saw,bïlhc'atsts'isdiyïn.
    with itboth sideswe're standing
    'We used cross-cut saw standing across from each other.'

  58. Tl'itsizts'idighittl'ibilikhnïkwalhts'ënhiydilhkwiz,tëtëtMumbibelhk'iydïzdle.
    andfirewoodwe cut woodandsome peoplealsothey split woodby the doorfor herpiled it
    'When we cut wood, my brothers and I split and piled wood by the door for my mother.'

  59. So'yikh'awhnic'inikiy'.
    reallyhousealways thereshe's sewing things
    'She stayed indoors and sewed.'

  60. To'anucts'idilïh.
    waterwe ourselveswe pack pl.
    'We used to pack our own water.'

  61. Tabïïde'hozk'its.
    very veryback thenit's cold
    'It used to be very cold.'

  62. Khiyt,uhNovember 1st'ohiy yiw'et 'awithok'is.
    winteraround thenthenit's cold
    'Around November 1st it used to be very cold.'

  63. 'Et 'awitcintah'it'ënso'hibibebighewewilne'.
    thenbushinworknotfor themit's not difficult
    'The work in the bush was easy during the cold spell.'

  64. Yïzlhiybï'aat'ahties,hiyditëlhgguh.
    horsewith itthey're doingthey're hauling them
    'My brothers used a team of horses to haul the ties.'

  65. SH:

  66. Deoldzikh50 below'indzin?
    how longit is
    'How long does 50 below weather last?'

  67. MF:

  68. C'olilhwits'inwilikhtahzihnewnïdzilhdzusliyez.
    springtimetowardssometimesjustit warms up againa little bit
    'Sometimes towards the spring time the weather gets warmer a little.'

  69. Tl'itabïc'olilhMarch'ohiy yiw'etwih'awitsichozk'its.
    andreallyspringtimearound thenthentoostillit's cold
    'Around March the weather is still cold.'

  70. K'aydohiy yiwtahulïts'in'aggec'oondzin.
    nowaround heredifferententirelyit is
    'Now it is altogether different around here.'

  71. K'ay'oondzinmiddle of November'awitsicnewilhtiyhtl'ëde''ats.
    nowit isstillit's raininglast nightoutside
    'It's the middle of November now and last night it was raining outside.'

  72. (laughs)


  73. Tabïulïts'in'a?
    'It is different now?'

  74. MF:

  75. mi'

  76. SH:

  77. Nts'ëwhtsëhnekicdik nïnyikhde'?
    whenfirstit fallsyou're growing upin the past
    'When was the first snowfall when you were growing up?'

  78. MF:

  79. Yis'eywihNovemberwilikhtahwihNovemberwewisdlek'et 'awitnekic.
    snowittoosometimestooit's notthensnow falls
    'Sometimes it snowed before November.'

  80. Tl'iNovember'ohiy yiwtsëtNovemberwilhëkh'et 'awitnekictl'ihozk'its.
    andaround thenfirstit doesthensnow fallsandit's cold
    'At the beginning of November it snows and it's very cold.'

  81. SH:

  82. Halloweenwitsëhde'?
    'Before Halloween?'

  83. MF:

  84. Mi'.Halloweenwitsëhde''et 'awitnekic.
    yesbeforethensnow falls
    'Yes. It used to snow before Halloween.'

  85. SH: hmm

  86. ...


  87. 'EtwihHalloween,'etwihschool, schoolts'enlï'oh de'bilikhnï.
    thentoothentoowe areback thensome people
    'Around Halloween time some of us were still in school back then.'

  88. Silhtsen'enulï'ts'ahlhile 'ëët'elh.
    my brotherhimpermanentlythey're working steady
    'My brothers kept on working.'

  89. SiyMary Annbilhzihnyenschoolhididlï.
    Iwith heronlyacrosswe 2 are
    'Only Mary Ann and I went to school across.'

  90. K'ayschoolhighwaywinï'ts'ahyeghhoonïn'ay.
    nowbehindaround therethey built
    'Our school was built close to highway 16.'

  91. Hots,yin'hotsk'inets'idilh.
    thereon foottherewe walk through
    'We used to walk to school.'

  92. Wilikhtahtabïhozk'its.
    sometimesveryit's cold
    'It used to be very cold sometimes.'

  93. SH:

  94. Nïlhdze'schoolts'ihont'iy',hon'az,lic?
    faryou livedyou sg.-du. walkedyes/no Q
    'You lived far away from the school?'1

  95. MF:

  96. Mi',nyenQuickdicggitstorewiniggit'etts'iwit'iy.
    yesacrosswellthereabovetherewe live
    'Yes, we lived above the store across from Quick.'

  97. Tl'inikhighwayk'ay'awyiwhotiyhon'a.
    andup therenowstillthereroad goes
    'The highway is still there (in the same place).'

  98. Deoldzikh?Maybe5 mile,yin'hotsk'inets'idilh.
    how longon foottherewe walk through
    'How long? Maybe 5 mile, we walked to school.'

  99. Ts'iley.
    we are many
    'There were many of us.'

  100. Nï-bilikhnïnïdoskakweh,tl'iStevenbizkaktl'iCharliebizkak,ts'iyewhQuick'ettsëtschoolwezdït'ën'.
    some peoplewhite peoplechildrenalsoandhis childrenandhis childrenalltherefirstwe started
    'We all first started school at Quick, white kids, Steven's kids, and Charlie's kids.'

  101. SH:

  102. Tsalhtsëunïwhyïn'lic?
    high-bush cranberryyou pl. pickedyes/no Q
    'Did you pick high-bush cranberries?'

  103. MF:

  104. Mi'.Tsalhtsë'eywihlhay,ggitMumhot'iy'winikts'ah.
    yeshigh-bush cranberryittoomanythereshe livedfurther uphill
    'Yes, there were a lot of high-bush cranberries, further up from where my mother lived.'

  105. K'ay'eywihdicints'iyewhwelew hiyilhtsiytl'iso' lictsalhtsëwelew.
    nowittoobushallthey removedandmaybe nothigh-bush cranberrygone
    'The bushes are all gone now and there might not be any more cranberries there.'

  106. SH:

  107. Tsalhtsëunïwhyïn'netakilhwitsëhdik'iswik'ëtl'ats?
    high-bush cranberryyou pl. pickedsnow will fallbeforeorafter
    'Did you pick high-bush cranberries before or after the first snowfall?'

  108. MF:

  109. Netakilhwitsëh.
    it will snowbefore
    'Before it snowed.'

  110. SH:

  111. Tl'itsëhnenkat,'awidïwhuzdlitlicdik'is'awidïwhweulilh?
    andfirstit snowedright awayit meltedyes/no Qorright awayit didn't melt
    'When the first fall of snow come did it melt right away or not?'

  112. MF:

  113. 'Oh de'tsët,tsëtnetakilhwitsëhde'yinhitiyh.
    at that timefirstit will fallbeforegroundit freezes
    'At that time the ground used to freeze up before the first snowfall.'

  114. Tl'inekictah'et 'awitulï'ts'ahc'olilhwits'in.
    andit snowswhenthenfor goodspringtimetowards
    'When it snows it stays until spring.'

  115. SH: hmm

  116. MF:

  117. Yiswilikhtahtabïyisditay.
    snowsometimesverysnowit's deep
    'The snow used to get very deep.'

  118. SH: hmm

  119. MF:

  120. K'ay'et'et diwewidzin.
    nowthereit's not like that
    'It is not like that any more.'

  121. 'Atsnekictl'inewidlic.
    outsideit snowsandit melts again
    'When it snows it melts right away.'

  122. SH: Mi'.

  123. Dik nïnyikhde'nts'ën'ato'aadil'ah,khiythozk'itstah?
    you're growing upin the pasthowwaterthey makewinterit's coldwhen
    'When you were growing up, how did they get their water when it was cold in the winter?'

  124. MF:

  125. Ntsin'c'ikwahhotsyi'eytin,tinnïnets'itsilh.
    downhillrivertherethaticewe chop low
    'We chopped a hole in the ice down (at the Bulkley river).'

  126. Tl'ihotstowezdïlïhnikMumwit'iy.
    andtherewaterwe packed from thereuphill thereshe lives
    'And we packed it from there to up where my mother lived (at Quick).'

  127. Tl'inutJohnson L.ts'oot'iy''etwihbink'itmisdustiwihhiynilhyekhyi'ey.
    andupriver at placewe livedtheretoolakeoncattlealsothey're raisingthat
    'There at Johnson Lake where we lived my parents raised cattle.'

  128. Hibibetonïnets'itsilhtl'ihibibetots'izdle.
    for themwaterwe chopped lowandfor themwaterwe have pl.
    'We chopped a hole on the ice and got water for them.' %'We had water ready for them all the time.'

  129. Tabïïwighewilne'.
    very veryit's difficult
    'It was very hard that time.'

  130. SH: hmm

  131. MF:

  132. Ïzlhiyggecbïnï'ts'it'ën''oh de'.
    horseexclusivelywith itwe workedback then
    'We used a team of horses for everything that time.'

  133. SH:

  134. Let's see, how often,'elhikhdzïn,to'ëwht'ën'?to'ewhlh'ah?
    oncedaywateryou pl. workedwateryou pl. worked on
    'How often did you pack water?'2

  135. MF:

  136. Dzïntiwinïltsicggïmisdustl'iyïzlhiyhibibetonïnets'ilïh.
    dayeverythatcattleandhorsefor themwaterwe bring from ground
    'Everyday we packed water for the horses and cattle.'

  137. Tl'inutfarmts'oot'iy''etwihtobin'ne-,bink'itsts'itilïh.
    andupriver at placefarmwe livedtherealsowatermorninglakeonwe haul
    'We had a farm up there and we got water from the lake in the morning.'

  138. Tl'i'awidzïn,'awidzïnto'its'ilh'ah.
    andevery daywaterwe're working on
    'We got water every day.'

  139. SH:

  140. Tabïwighewilne'.
    veryit's difficult
    'It was hard.'

  141. MF:

  142. Tabïïwighewilne'.
    very veryit's hard
    'It was very hard.'

  143. SH:

  144. Këyikh Wigittok'itwinïts'itnï?
    Witsëtwaterholethere isone says
    'Was there water in Witset?'

  145. MF:

  146. Mi','etyi'eyspring water---lhanï---
    yestherethatmany people
    'Yes, spring water--- many people---'

  147. GginstayLouie Tommytl'isbïtsMary Mooseskin Jim'enïnde'nets'odilhtahhibizuhts'idïlhts'iy.
    that personmy paternal uncleandmy paternal aunttheydownriver therewe go backwhenwith themwe stay
    'When we went to Witset, we stayed with my uncle Louie Tommy and aunt Mary Mooseskin Jim.'

  148. Tl'ihotswih'enïwihhibizuhts'idïlhts'iy.
    andtheretootheytoowith themwe stayed
    'We stayed with them there too.'

  149. K'aytiyhoon'awihwits'ahwidek'etde'yi'eywell'oolhdzin.
    nowthere is trailtootowardsedge of hilltopthenin the pastthatthey have
    'They had a well close to the hill where they lived.'

  150. Tl'i'etnts'ën'asibekhiyttah'etts'e'inkhiythibizuhwezdïlts'iyh.
    andtherewhyI don't knowwinterduringthenmiddlewinterwith themwe didn't stay
    'I don't why we didn't stay with them during the winter.'

  151. Cëntahyi'eylhoktidilhtah'et'et'awidzïnhibizuhts'idïlhts'iy.
    summerduringthatsalmonthey runwhenthenthenthenevery daywith themwe stay
    'In the summer when the salmon came, we stayed with them.'

  152. Tl'i'etwih'et daat'ahhidilebïtohiytilïh.
    andtheretoothey do thattheir own handwith itwaterthey're hauling
    'There too they hauled water by hand.'

  153. SH:

  154. Nts'ëwh yis k'itbindik'isc'ikwahnedïstin'oh de'?
    what time of yearriverorlakeit froze acrossback then
    'What month did the lake or river freeze over back then?'

  155. MF:

  156. T'ak'ëthok'is'awidïwhyi'eybink'itwetoneditiyh.
    autumnit gets coldright awaythatlakeonwith itwaterit freezes across
    'In the fall when it gets cold the lake freezes over.'

  157. (clock starts to chime)

  158. Tl'ic'ikwah'etNovember,about middle of November,'et,'etk'idzetinbinïnts'itsëlh.
    andriverthenthenfinallyicewe chop holes
    'Around the middle of November we chop holes on the ice (to get the water).'

  159. Wilikhtahnis,nis, we-,unistinhon'a'et ho'ints'iywilikhin tahtonïnlï.
    sometimesfarreally fariceit iseven soin some areawaterit flows
    'Even when the ice goes out far, the water still flows.'

  160. 'Et dilcolhëditiyhti'et'et 'awittobighints'itsëlh.
    entirelyit freezes acrosswhenthenwaterwe chop holes through it
    'If the whole river or lake freezes over then we chop holes (on the ice).'

  161. Tl'itok'ët'its'oolhdzin.
    andwaterholewe have
    'And we used the same site for water.'

  162. SH: hmm

  163. Deolk'itstahtinyendikwizdik'istinyendiltalh?
    how cold is itwheniceit cracksoriceit cracks with noise
    'How cold is it when the ice starts to crack?'

  164. MF:

  165. Tabïhozk'its,40, 50, 55 below,'ohiy yegh.
    veryit's coldaround there
    'It is very cold, about 40-55 below.'

  166. Tin'eywihditaylhëkh.
    iceittooit's thickit becomes
    'The ice would get very thick.'

  167. Nin ts'ah'awittabïwighewilne'hots'in'ac'ide'dinï ts'ënlï'.
    after thatthenit's difficultthat waylong agowe lived
    'It was very hard, the way we lived back then.'

  168. K'ay 'et'et diwets'edzin.
    nowwe're not like that
    'Now, we're not like that.'

  169. Toniwhghideninïzt'ictl'itsizwihwets'isëtlts'izdlï'.
    waterit comes inside to usandfirewoodtoowe don't chopwe became
    'Water comes right into our house and we don't even chop wood anymore.'

  170. SH:

  171. Tintl'akhlhok ka'ëwht'ën'--ha'ëwht'ën'?
    iceunderyou pl. fished
    'Did you go fishing under the ice?'

  172. MF:

  173. NutJohnson L.'etzihde'tintl'akhtinghoowitsiyhtl'ilhok'eyhiyulhges.
    upriver at placethereonlyback theniceundericethey make hole throughandfishitthey fish
    'Only at Johnson lake they chopped a hole on the ice and go fishing.'

  174. 'Eywilikhtahnets'it'ilh.
    itsometimeswe eat
    'Sometimes we would eat it (for supper).'

  175. GgitQuickts'oot'iy''etso''et diwets'ëst'ën'.
    therewe livedthatnotwe didn't do that
    'When we lived at Quick, we didn't do that.'

  176. Ggïc'ikwah'ohiyhoon'a.
    thatriverthereit is
    'The river was close by (my mother's house).'

  177. SH:

  178. Johnson L.nts'ëtah?
    'Where is Johnson Lake?'

  179. MF:

  180. Johnson L.Houstondïsts'in,about 10 minutes drive.
    this side
    'Johnson L. is about 10 minutes drive this side of Houston.'

  181. K'ayyi'eySalvation Army camphiwilh'iy.
    nowthatthey have
    'Now the Salvation Army has a camp there.'

  182. 'Et'anuyents'inïzye'.
    therewewe pl. grew up
    'That's where we grew up.'

  183. SH:

  184. Ndulhok bika 'ëwht'ën'?
    whatyou fished for
    'What kind of fish did you fish for?'

  185. MF:

  186. Dik'ay'awezihggitJohnson L.winï.
    rainbow troutonlytherethere is
    'There was only rainbow trout at Johnson L.'

  187. Ggïlhokncaghnï'eyde'Këyikh Wigitts'inets'odilhtl'ihotskhiytwenïlhok'izdil'iyh.
    thatfishbig onesitdownriverWits\etwe go back toandtherewinterforfishwe prepare for ourselves
    'We would go back to Witset for the bigger salmon to prepare for winter.'

  188. SH:

  189. K'aydoh widïzilhtindeondzinHoustonwinet,Quickwinet?
    nowaround this timeicehow it isaroundaround
    'This year and time how is the ice around Quick?'3

  190. MF:

  191. Dicin?

  192. SH:

  193. Tin.Tindeondzin?
    iceicehow is it
    'How is the ice?'

  194. MF: oh.

  195. K'aywilikhtahso'tinso'wedistin.
    nowsometimesnoticenot veryit doesn't freeze
    'Now sometimes the river doesn't freeze over.'

  196. SH:

  197. Wedïtaylic?
    it's not thick
    'It (ice) isn't thick?'

  198. MF:

  199. Wedïtaynlï,tl'ic'ide'tabïlhatggïyi'eycin-- ortinbidec'ilts'ic,bidediltiyhtl'iggitQuickntsin'storewinïwyiw'ohiy yeghde'k'isnïnlïlhëkh.
    it's not thickit isandin the pastreallymany timesthatthaticeit is blockedit freezes overandtherebelowbehindover thereback then insteadit flowsit becomes
    'It's not thick, and in the past many times that ice would freeze over and then the river would flow behind the store."

  200. K'ay'etwihso''et diwewist'ën'.
    nowthatalsonotit doesn't do thus
    'That (freezing) doesn't happen any longer either.'

  201. SH: hmm

  202. C'olilhco'.
    springtimehow about
    'How about spring.'

  203. Dzilhk'ityisulït,nts'ëwhdzilhk'ityisulït?
    mountainonsnowit's meltingwhenmountainonsnowit's melting
    'When does snow melt on the mountain?'

  204. K'ay. no,'oh de','oh de'nts'ëwhdzilhk'ityisulït?
    back thenwhenmountainonsnowit's melting
    'Back then when did the snow melt on the mountain?'

  205. MF: um,

  206. Dzilhk'it'et,'etso'ulïts'in'a'iwewidzin.
    mountainontherenotdifferentit isn't
    'On the mountain it's not different.'

  207. K'ay'et'agh yezyisulictl'ic'ide''etsa''awhc'olït.
    nowthereearlysnowit meltsandin the pastthenlong timearound therethings are melting
    'Now the snow melts really fast and in the past it took a long time for it to melt.'

  208. Tabïyiswiditaylhëkhtl'ihozk'its.
    reallysnowit's thickit becomesandit's cold
    'The snow used to get really thick and it was cold.'

  209. Tl'i'etwiletikhts'ahtabïsa' yezc'olilhc'olït.
    andthatbecause ofreallylong timespringtimethings are melting
    'And because of that it would take a longer time for the snow to melt in the spring.'

  210. SH: hmm

  211. Tl'inisibegh,c'olilhnisibeghwiwewdïlhyeh?
    andit floodedspringtimeit floodeddo you know
    'Do you know if there were floods in the springtime?'

  212. MF:

  213. tin?

  214. SH: uh,

  215. Tindik'istonisibegh?Nisibeghlic?
    iceorwaterit floodedit floodedyes/no Q
    'Was there flooding, of ice or water?'

  216. MF:

  217. Mi'.C'olilhtahggïc'ikwahtabïtilbïh.
    yesspringtimeduringthatriverreallyit floods
    'In the spring the river would flood.'

  218. Tl'iwilikhtah'etkwaso' tabïhok'istah'ettin'eynisibegh.
    andsometimesthenalsoreallyit's coldwhentheniceitit ran
    'And sometimes when it was really cold again the ice would run.'

  219. Tabïïggïbridge'eywihwilikhtahbidik,bidikhayiltiyh.
    reallythatittoosometimesits heightit freezes
    'Sometimes it would freeze as high as that bridge.'

  220. SH: gee

  221. Quick'et?
    'at Quick?'

  222. MF:

  223. Quick.mi'
    'yes, at Quick'

  224. SH:

  225. Këyikh wigitco'?
    Witsëthow about
    'How about Witset?'

  226. MF:

  227. Këyikh wigit.

  228. 'Oh de'khiytwilikhtahso''ohniwets'isye'tl'i'etwits'odiclhye'.
    at that timewintersometimesnotaround therewe didn't go aroundandthereI don't know about it
    'Back then we didn't go there much in the winter and I don't know about it.'

  229. 'Etwil-Quickwihwilicwilhighewhzihlic'oondzïn'niszin.
    theretoomaybesamejustmaybeit might beI think
    'I think it was about like Quick.'

  230. SH:

  231. Nts'ëwhiytilbïh,Quick'et?March?April?
    whenit floodsthere
    'When does it flood at Quick?'

  232. MF:

  233. C'olilhMarch'ohiy yiw,May'ohiy yiwtotabïhilhtislhëkh.
    springtimearound thenaround thenwaterveryit's strongit becomes
    'In the spring between March and May the water gets very strong there.'

  234. SH:

  235. Tl'it'ighisbit'anco',nts'ëwh yis k'itt'ighisbit'anwilhëkh,c'olilh?
    andcottonwoodleavehow aboutwhat time of yearcottonwoodits leavesbecomespringtime
    'And how about the cottonwood leaves, what time of year do the cottonwood leaves come out in the spring?'

  236. MF:

  237. C'olilhMay, about end of May, June'ohiy yiwbit'anwilhëkh.
    springtimearound thentheir leavesthey become
    'In the spring around the end of May or June the leaves come out.'

  238. SH:

  239. 'oh de'
    in the past
    'in the past

  240. MF:

  241. mi'

  242. SH:

  243. K'aydoh widïzilh?
    nowaround this time
    'And now?'

  244. MF:

  245. 'Awitlhighewhzih'it'ahniszin.
    thensamejustit doesI think
    'It's about the same, I think.'

  246. SH:

  247. lhighewh
    'the same'

  248. MF:

  249. mi'

  250. SH:

  251. C'iyehts'iyco'.Dik nïnyikhde'c'iyehts'iydeendzïn'?
    birdhow aboutyou're growing upin the pastbirdhow were they
    'When you were growing up, how were the birds?'

  252. Ndïtnïc'iyehts'iywinï?Hileylic?
    whichbirdthere arethey are manyyes/no Q
    'Which birds were around? Were there lots of them?'

  253. MF:

  254. C'iyehts'iy'eywihsokhdïndzin'eyc'olilhwitsaneedilh.
    birdittoorobinfor exampleitspringtimethey fly back
    'Birds like robins come back in the spring.'

  255. Bilikh,bilikhzihulïtsdïdikhnï'eykhiyttah'awh'et'oh'et dïndzin.
    some of themjustpermanentlysome kindsitwinterduringaround theretheretherethey are thus
    'Some different birds stay during the winter.'

  256. Detsanwih,khiyttibilhdohhidïlhts'iy.
    crowalsowinterduringaround herethey stay
    'Crows also hang around during the winter.'

  257. SH:

  258. Dit'ay,khikh,dïlh,ts'encodïndzin,khiyttahdoh 'awhhidïlhts'iylicwinï?
    duckgoosecraneswanfor examplewinterduringaround herethey stayyes/no Qthere are
    'Do the birds like ducks, geese, cranes and swans stay during the winter?'

  259. MF:

  260. C'ide''etso'doh 'awhhidïlhts'iywenïszin.
    long time agothennotaround herethey stayI don't think
    'A long time ago, I don't think they stayed during the winter.'

  261. Tabïhibibehozk'its.
    veryfor themit's cold
    'It was too cold for them.'

  262. 'Eywihk'aybilikhnïbilikhdoh 'awh'et dïndzinkhiyttiwih.
    ittoonowsome of themsome of themaround herethey are thuswinteralso
    'Some of these you mentioned stay here during the winter.'

  263. SH:

  264. November'etneedïdilhdik'isNovember'awitsicgenhidïlhts'iy'oh de'?
    thenthey fly backorstillherethey stayback then
    'In November in the past, did they leave or did they stay here?'

  265. MF:

  266. Witak'iswitsëhde'ggïbilikhnïhoneedilh.
    it'll get coldbeforethatsome of themthey fly off
    'Some of them would leave before it would get cold.'

  267. Bilikhnïzihkhiyttah,doh 'awh'et dïïndzin.
    some of themjustwinterduringaround herethey are thus
    'Some (birds) stay around here all winter.'

  268. SH:

  269. K'ay 'awitNovember, middle of November,tl'i'awitsicts'encowinï.
    nowandstillswanthere is
    'It is now middle of November and there are still swans.'

  270. Ts'enco Bin,dïnc'iyïs'ën'.
    Toboggan LakefourI saw
    'I saw four swans at Toboggan Lake.'4

  271. MF:

  272. Mi'.Tl'ik'aydoh,doh widïzilhso'ts'iyewhhoneweesditl.
    yesandnowthis time of yearnotallthey fly off
    'Now the swans don't all leave this time of year.'

  273. Bilikhtah'awh'et dïïndzin.
    some of themaround therethey are thus
    'Some stay around here (all winter).'

  274. Ts'e'inwewik'itstl'iso', so' licdinï henlï.
    veryit's not coldandmaybe okaythey're living
    'It is not very cold and I think they are living okay (during the winter).'

  275. 'Enghadoh 'awhhibits'ë'ën.
    that's whyaround herewe see them
    'That is why we see them during the winter.'

  276. SH:

  277. C'iyehts'iywewilewhoonïnlï'licnïnzin?
    birdscarcestarting to beyes/no Qyou think
    'Do you think the birds are getting scarce too around here?'

  278. MF:

  279. C'iyehts'iy'eybilikhulïtsdïdikhnï'enïbilikhhibik'ëënïntay,nts'ën'adïtsneweetisditl.
    birditsome of themdifferentkindtheysome of themthey miss themnowherethey have not flown back
    'People miss some different kind of birds, (noting) how they haven't return.'

  280. 'Eyde'hiyghiyelhdic,c'iyehts'iybilikhwelew silï'ts'ahhitnï.
    itin the pastthey talk about itbirdsome of themthey disappearedthey say
    'They mentioned certain birds disappeared for good.'

  281. SH:

  282. Some?
    'Some of them?'

  283. MF:

  284. Bilikh,mi'
    some of themyes
    'Yes, some of them'

  285. SH:

  286. Misdzïdïndzin?
    'Like owls?'

  287. MF:

  288. Misdzï'enïwihts'e'inweest'ën'hizdlï'.
    owltheytooreallythey are not seenthey became
    'Owls are not seen any more either.'

  289. SH:

  290. Misdzï.um,dit'ay?
    'Owls. Ducks?'

  291. MF:

  292. Lek'oh.
    I don't know.
    'I don't know.'

  293. SH:

  294. Nduc'iyehts'iywitside'wesëwh'ën'k'aydohwinï?
    whatbirdpreviouslyyou pl. didn't seenowaround herethere are
    'What kinds of birds that you haven't seen are around here now?'

  295. Witside'wesëwh'ën',k'aydohwinïlic?
    previouslyyou pl. didn't seenowaround herethere areyes/no Q
    'What kinds of birds that you haven't seen previously are around here now?'

  296. Katherine Arsenaultniwhilh yelhdicbïsk'a,bïsk'iy?seagullhiyilhnï.
    she's telling usseagullthey call them
    'Katherine Arsenault was talking to us (about) seagulls.'

  297. MF:

  298. Oh,mi'.'Eyk'aydoh'awidzïnts'ë'ën.
    yesitnowaround hereall the timewe see
    'Oh yes, we see them all the time around here.'

  299. 'Eywitsëhde'so'welew.Mi'.
    'Those were not seen before.'

  300. SH:

  301. K'ay 'awitwinï.
    nowthere are
    'Now they are around.'

  302. MF:

  303. Mi'.Doh 'awhwinï.
    yesaround herethere are
    'Yes, they're around (now).'

  304. SH: Bïsk'a? Bïsk'iy.

  305. MF: Bïsk'iy.

  306. SH: Bïsk'iy. Mi'

  307. Tl'icën.

  308. Sa'on'a'cënwidiggïlicdik'isnewilhtiyh?
    long time agosummerit is drying outyes/no Qorit's raining
    'A long time ago, was it dry or rainy in the summer?'

  309. (phone rings)


  310. Wilikhtah

  311. (phone rings)


  312. Yeah.Cënco'.
    summerhow about
    'how about summer'

  313. Cënwidiggïlicdik'iscënnewilhtiyhsa'on'a'?
    summerit's dryyes/no Qorsummerit's raininglong time ago
    'Were summers dry or did it rain in the summer long ago?'

  314. MF:

  315. Wilikhtahnewilhtiyhtl'i'awidzïnhonzuyi'ey,nutfarmts'oot'iy'.
    sometimesit's rainingandalwaysit's nicethatupriver at placewe had
    'Sometimes it would rain, and there were (also) always nice days when we lived up on the farm.'

  316. Niwhnetfarmer'enïsinilhyekhnïtsëthibibe'aat'ah,tl'o'aalh'ah.
    near ustheymy parentsfirstfor themthey're workinghaythey're making
    'My parents first worked for farmers near our home, making hay.'

  317. Tl'i'enïhibibelha'aadit'iyh'etk'idze'adichidibetl'o'aalh'iyh,ïzlhiytl'imisdusbilhhibibe.
    andtheyfor themthey finish workingthenfinallyownfor their ownhaythey makehorseandcowandfor them
    'When they finished working for them, then they worked on their own hay (for the winter) for the horses and cattle.'

  318. Tl'iso''awidzïnnewilhtiyhweylïh.
    andnotall the timeit's rainingit isn't
    'It wasn't raining all the time.'

  319. Wilikhtahzihnewilhtiyh.
    sometimesjustit's raining
    'It only rained sometimes.'

  320. SH: hmm

  321. K'aydoh widïzilhlhighewh?
    nowaround this timesimilar
    'What about now around is it the same as long time ago?'

  322. MF:

  323. K'aydoh widïzilh'et'awidzïnnewilhtiyh.
    nowaround this timethenall the timeit's raining
    'Right now it is raining all the time.'

  324. Cën,cën'etwihwilikhtahzihnewewilhtic.
    summerthenalsosometimesjustit doesn't rain
    'In the summer sometimes it doesn't rain.'

  325. 'Indzohyeto k'itsdinï ts'enlïk'in'a'awidzïnnewilhtiyh.
    justcoastwe're livingas ifalwaysit's raining
    'It rains all the time as if we were living on the coast.'

  326. K'ay 'awitmid-November'et ho'ints'iytl'ëde'newilhtiyh.
    noweven thoughlast nightit's raining
    'It rained last night even though it's mid-November.'

  327. C'ide''etso''et diwewist'ën'.
    long time agothenit wasn't like that
    'A long time ago it wasn't like that.'

  328. Khiytnewilhtiyh'ohwets'oosnïc.
    winterit's rainingabout thatwe don't know
    'I don't remember rain during the winter long time ago.'

  329. SH:

  330. Cënsa'on'a'c'ikwahk'isc'ikwah yezk'isbinto,toyik'igegh,cënde'?
    summerlong time agoriverorcreekorlakewaterdownit wentsummerin the past
    'A long time ago, did the rivers, creeks and lakes go down quite a bit in the summer?'

  331. MF:

  332. Wilikhtah'etyik'it'iyh'et ho'ints'iyso'tabïyik'iwest'ic.
    sometimesthendownit goesbutnotverydownit doesn't extend
    'Sometimes the lakes would go down but not too much.'

  333. Tl'ic'ikwah'eywih'awhnïnlï.
    andriverittooaround thereit flows
    'The river always flows.'

  334. SH:

  335. K'aydoh widïzilh'etdeondzin?
    nowthis time of yeartherehow is it
    'This time of year how is it?'

  336. C'ikwah yezyik'igegh?
    creekdownit went
    'Are the creeks down?'

  337. MF:

  338. So' licyik'iwesnekniszin,'awidzïnnewilhtiyh.
    maybe notdownit hasn't goneIthinkit's raining
    'I don't think it's going down, because it is raining all the time.'

  339. SH: hmm

  340. MF: mi'

  341. SH:

  342. Tl'init'ay.Sa'on'a'nit'aydendzin?
    andberrylong agoberryhow is it
    'How were the berries a long time ago?'

  343. MF:

  344. Nit'ay'eywihggitfarmts'oot'iy' hin'ulhcoh,low-bush blueberries'ey,yintimï',so''ulhcohnintl'o k'itnyenyikhwiyests'inso''ulhcohso''eyggechinlï.
    berryittootherewhere we hadeverywhereitlow-bush blueberriesreallyeverywhereover therefieldacrosshouseacross fromreallyeverywherereallyitjustthey are
    'Where we lived on the farm, there were lots of low-bush blueberries all over the place.'

  345. Tl'i'etlhanïniwhghaadilhtl'i'eyhiyuniyïn.
    andtheremany peoplethey visit usanditthey pick it
    'Lots of people came to visit us and pick them.'

  346. Tl'idigï'eykwanikGrouse Mt.hots,hotsdigïts'oyïn.
    andhuckleberryittoouphill thereDikh Cotherehuckleberrywe pick
    'We used to go to Grouse Mountain to pick huckleberries.'

  347. Tl'iggitk'ay'iwidisnïyi'eySalvation Armycampwihhoolh'a','etninesisgeabout 3 years ago.
    andtherenowI was sayingthattoothey used to havethereI went back
    'And about three years ago I went back to where Salvation Army has the Bible camp I mentioned.'

  348. So'yintimï'lhk'iywelew.
    low-bush blueberryonenone
    'There were no blueberries.'

  349. Nïdots'akë'itnïsists'ahts'iyewhhiynïldïl.
    white personwomansaysblack bearreportedlyallthey ate pl.
    'A white lady told me that the bears ate it all.'

  350. (both laugh)


  351. Sa'on'a'nïlhdze'tiwhdilhc'oniwhyïn.Grouse Mt.nïlhdze'?
    long time agofaryou pl. walkyou're picking berriesfar
    'Did you walk a long ways to pick berries a long time ago? Is Grouse Mt. far?'

  352. MF:

  353. Nïlhdze',nïlhdze''ohnits'idïlhyin'.
    fararound therewe walk aroundon foot
    'We walked a long ways.'

  354. Wilikhtahïzlhiyniwhbenikhëlhc'aalhdïlh.
    sometimeshorsefor usthey pack
    'Sometimes horses pack things for us.'

  355. 'Enïnaabits'ilhdluc.
    theywe lead
    'We hold the horses by the rope.'

  356. Tl'ikhiytwenïc'itsiy'eywih'et daayilh'ahnik.
    andwinterformeatittoothey do that to ituphill there
    'They prepare meat for the winter too.'

  357. 'Anuc'its'oyïnniwhlhtsen'enunohiy yiwhida'ohiy tahhiyighen.
    wewe pick berriesour brotherhimway up theremoosearound therethey kill
    'While we picked berries, our brothers hunted (moose) above us.'

  358. Tl'i'eyggitcaaznilyïh hin'ethiyïnï 'oolhdzintl'its'iyewhhiyilhggï.
    andittherewhere we camptherethey have place for itandallthey dry it
    'Where we set up camp they built a place for drying the moose meat.'

  359. So'weydezhiyïlh'iy'ey,tl'i'eyts'iyewhyïzlhiyniwhbe,niwhbetane-tanekhëlhhiyildilh.
    notit's not heavythey make ititanditallhorsefor usthey pack back home
    'It's not heavy after they do that, and the horses pack everything back for us.'

  360. SH:

  361. K'aydoh widïzilhdigïdeondzin?
    nowthis time of yearhuckleberryhow are they
    'Around this time of the year, how are the huckleberries?'

  362. MF:

  363. Dohiywinetso'digïwelew.
    around herearoundhuckleberrynone
    'Around here there are hardly any huckleberries.'

  364. NyeghSuskwa Riverhots,hotstiyhotsdigïlhaylhëkh.
    thereSis Kwahthereroadtherehuckleberrymanybecomes
    'At Suskwa River there are lots of berries.'

  365. Tl'i'ethotsnïlhdze''et ho'ints'iybighecaznilyïhtl'ic'its'oniyïn.
    andtheretherefarbutfor itwe campandwe pick
    'It is far but we stay over night and pick berries.'

  366. SH:

  367. Lusiybilh?
    with her
    'With Lucy?'

  368. MF:

  369. Mi',Lusiytl'iAlphonse,Rochelle.
    'Yes, Lucy, Alphonse and Rochelle.'

  370. Rochelledizkaknaabilïdicintah.
    her childrenshe brings thembushin
    'Rochelle brings her children with her.'

  371. Wilikhtahhibibewenigilgit'et ho'ints'iyAlphonsec'ilhtiynitintl'iniwhnedïyelh.
    sometimesfor themI'm scaredeven thoughgunhe carriesandhe walks around us
    'Sometimes I am scared for them even though Alphonse carries a gun and walks around us.'

  372. SH:

  373. Lhok.'Oh de'cëntahKeyikh Wigitïnde'lic,dik'isQuickïnde'?
    fishback thensummerduringWitsëtyou stayedoryou stayed
    'Did you stay in Witset in the summer or did you stay at Quick?'

  374. MF:

  375. Quick'awhts'idïlhts'iy.
    around therewe stayed
    'We stayed at Quick all the time.'

  376. Lhoktidilhti'ettahnde',nde'nets'odilhtl'iKeyikh Wigit'etlhok'izdil'iyh,khiytwenï.
    fishthey runthenwhendownriverwe go backandMoricetowntherefishwe make for ourselveswinterfor
    'Only when the fish came would we go down and prepare our salmon for the winter at Witset.'

  377. SH: mi'

  378. Lhoklhaylic?
    fishmanyyes/no Q
    'Were there lots of fish then?'

  379. MF:

  380. 'Oh de'lhoklhay.
    back thenfishmany
    'At that time there were lots of fish.'

  381. SH:

  382. Tl'a,nts'ëwhlhoktilwissa'on'a',tl'ik'aywihdeondzin?
    andwhenfishit runslong time agoandnowalsohow is it
    'When did the first salmon take place, and is it different from now?'

  383. MF:

  384. July'ohiy yiw,'ohiy yiwlhoktidilh.
    around thenfishthey run
    'Around July the first salmon run comes.'

  385. Tl'ik'ay 'etso' ts'e'inlhokwelew.
    andnownot muchfishthere are not
    'Now there isn't too fish at the canyon.'

  386. NdesdïtsRupertts'ahlhokhaayilhgguh,'eyk'ayniwhleeyditsic.
    from downriverfromfishthey transportitnowthey pass it out to us
    'The fisheries bring the salmon from Prince Rupert and they pass it around to us.'

  387. Tl'iwitsëhde''etso''et diwewidzin.
    andpreviouslythatnotit wasn't like that
    'It was not like that before.'

  388. Lhokso'bï wets'odeh.
    salmonnotit wasn't scarce
    'There was no shortage of salmon before.'

  389. SH:

  390. Ggïsdïnïh?
    spring salmonyou mean
    'Do you mean spring salmon?'

  391. MF:

  392. Ggïstl'a
    spring salmonand
    'spring salmon and'

  393. SH:

  394. talok?

  395. MF:

  396. Talok.'Eyts'iyewhbe'ts'ëlh'iytl'inti---nu'honets'ilïh.
    sockeyeitalldry fishwe madeandupriverwe take it back
    'We made dry salmon out of sockeye and brought it back to Quick. '

  397. SH:

  398. Lhokts'iyewhts'e'in---
    'All the fish is used?'

  399. MF:

  400. Mi',ts'iyewhbe'ts'ëlh'iy.
    yesalldry fishwe made
    'Yes, we used all the fish.'

  401. 'Oh de'bïc'itinwelew.
    back thendeep freezenone
    'There was no deep freeze back then.'

  402. Bilikhcan ts'ëlh'iytl'i'ethots'in'azihkhiytwenïso' nïts'ilïh.
    some of itwe cannedandthatthusjustwinterforwe prepare
    'We canned some of it and that's how we got ready for winter.'

  403. SH:

  404. Lilliansilhnï'oh de'diyikts'ëlkiy'lhay.
    she told meback thencanyoneelmany
    'Lillian told me that there were lots of eels at the canyon.'

  405. MF:

  406. Mi',ts'ëlkiy'lhay.
    'Yes, there were lots of eels.'

  407. 'Ey,'eywide'be'hiyïlh'iy.
    italso downstreamdried fishthey make it
    'They made dried eels out of them.'

  408. 'Indzohhidilebïhiyuggïwh.
    justwith their handswith itthey catch them
    'They would just catch them with their hands.'

  409. Tl'igginstay'inhibic'ibe' be yikh'eywe'its'endzintl'its'ëlkiy''ohiy tahts'iyewhbe'ts'ëlh'iytl'inu'honets'ilïh.
    andthat personmy paternal unclelatetheir smokehouseitwe used itandeelaround therealldry fishwe madeandupriver therewe bring them back
    'We used my late uncle Louie Tommy's smokehouse, and dried all the eels and brought them back to Quick.'

  410. K'ay'eywihso'welew.
    nowittoonotit's gone
    'That's gone now too.'

  411. Deoldzikhwits'insibeso'ts'ëlkiy'welew.
    how longsinceI don't knownoteelit's gone
    'I don't know how long it's been since there are no more eels.'

  412. SH:

  413. Nduwawelew?
    'Why are they gone?'

  414. MF:

  415. Degeghsibewits'odiclhye'.
    what happenedI don't knowI don't know
    'I don't know what happened.'

  416. SH: hmm

  417. MF:

  418. Dïts'in'aggïtalok'eywih'awitwelew honïnlï'.
    this waythatsockeyeittoonowit started to decline
    'Sockeye is declining too in the same way.'

  419. 'Et wiletahts'ik'isndesdïtsnïlhdze'hiytalhgguh'eyniwhleeyditsic.
    that's whysomewherefrom downriverfarthey transport ititthey give us
    'That is why they bring the salmon up for us every year now.'

  420. SH:

  421. mi'

  422. Babinewits'in
    'from Babine?'

  423. MF: uh, Prince Rupert.

  424. SH: Prince Rupert.

  425. MF: mi'

  426. SH: hmm

  427. Hiney.hineyco'.
    animalanimalhow about
    'how about animals'

  428. Sishileyhonïnlïdik'iswewilewhoonïnlï?
    black bearthey are manythey are becomingorscarcethey are becoming
    'Are black bears disappearing or are there too many?'

  429. MF:

  430. Sis'ey'awitlicwitsëhde'k'in'a'awh,'awh'et dïndzin.
    black bearitnowmaybepreviouslylikearound therethey are thus
    'Black bears might still be like before, still around.'

  431. Hida''eyzihsbewelew.
    mooseitjustto meis gone
    'Moose seem to me to be gone.'

  432. C'ide'townts'ints'itayelhtahtrainbïde'nusdïtsc'ik'ëts'idilh,tl'inikweninkhiyttahhibits'olhdiw.
    in the pasttowe're going to gowhenwith itdownriverfrom upriverwe get onanduphill therehill sidewinterduringwe count them
    'In the past when we went to Smithers we got on the train and we used to count the moose on the side of the hill.'

  433. Tl'ik'ay'etso' ts'e'ints'e'inweest'ën'.
    andnowtherenot muchthey are not seen
    'Now they don't see too many of them.'

  434. SH:

  435. Hidawelewhonïnlï.
    moosegoneit started to be
    'Moose are disappearing too.'

  436. MF:

  437. Niszin.Ts'e'in wewilew.
    I thinknot many
    'I think so. There are not many.'

  438. SH:

  439. Casco'?
    grizzly bearhow about
    'What about grizzly bears?'

  440. MF:

  441. Cas'eywihlic'awh'et dïndzin.
    grizzlyittoomaybearound therethey are thus
    'Grizzlies might still be around.'

  442. 'Etwits'odiclhye'.
    thatI don't know it
    'I don't know about that.'

  443. SH:

  444. StefanChiefs' Officesilhnïwilikhtahsis'awhts'iyhnaalh'as.
    he told mesometimesblack beararound therein the openthey're walking around
    'Stefan (at the) Chiefs' Office told me that sometimes the bears are still around (during the winter).'

  445. MF:

  446. Mi',k'ay'et daat'ahgen,genwist'iynyests'intiywiyests'in'ohkhiyttibilhhibits'ë'ën,sisbizkakhiyilh nilh'as.
    yesnowthey're doing thathereI liveacrossroadacross ittherewinterduringwe saw themblack bearher cubsthey're walking around with her
    'Yes, here where I live, across the road we saw a bear with her cubs during the winter months.'

  447. SH:

  448. nyen

  449. MF:

  450. mi'

  451. SH:

  452. Sa'on'a'lhighewh?
    long time agosimilar
    'The same as before?'

  453. MF:

  454. Lhighewh'awh'et daat'ah.
    similararound therethey're doing that
    'Yes, it is the same.'

  455. Witsëhde''ettabïhozk'its'engha'awidïwhwiyïlh'istl'iweebits'ës'ën'.
    long time agothenreallyit's coldthat's whyright awaythey go undergroundandwe don't see them
    'A long time ago when it was very cold the bears would go in their den for the winter, and we wouldn't see them.'

  456. K'ay 'etkhiyttibilhdoh'awhhët'ën.
    nowwinterduringaround herearound therethey are seen
    'Now they are seen during the winter.'

  457. SH: mhm

  458. MF: yeah

  459. SH:

  460. Nilto'wewilewhonïnlïtik'ishileyhonïnlï?
    deerscarceit's getting to beorthey are manyit's getting to be
    'Are the deer getting scarce or are there more deer?'

  461. MF:

  462. Nilto''enwihso' ts'e'intiyweest'ën'.
    deerittoonot muchroadthey aren't seen
    'We don't see the deer on the highway very much.'

  463. Deendzinsibe.
    how they areI don't know
    'I don't know how they are.'

  464. C'olilhtahhileytahhibits'ë'ën.
    springtimeduringthey are manywe see them
    'We used to see lots in the spring time.'

  465. K'ay 'etso'ts'iyewhweebits'ës'ën'.
    nownotallwe don't see them
    'Now we don't see many.'

  466. SH:

  467. Hidabiye'wewdïlhyeh?Hidabiye'?
    moosetheir tickyou don't knowmoosetheir tick
    'Do you know about moose ticks?'

  468. MF:

  469. biye'
    their tick
    'their ticks'

  470. (laughs)


  471. Stefansilhnïk'ay 'awithidaye'lhaylhëkh.Hontsiy'.
    he told menowmoosetickmanyit becomesit's bad
    'Stefan mentioned that moose get lots of ticks now. It's bad.'

  472. Sa'on'a''et diwedzin.
    long time agoit wasn't like that
    'A long time ago it wasn't like that.'

  473. MF: No.

  474. 'Etsa'on'a'tabïhozk'itstl'iggïhibiye''eywihts'iyewhhitiyhtilic.
    thatlong time agoreallyit's coldandthattheir ticksittooallthey freezemaybe
    'It was very cold long time ago and all their ticks would freeze too.'

  475. Tl'ik'ay 'et,'et tilic'et dïndzïn.
    andnowmaybe that's whyit's like that
    'Maybe that's why it's like that.'

  476. So'tabïcohozk'itswelïhggï.
    notreallyveryit's coldit isn'tthat
    'It is too warm now.'

  477. SH: mi'

  478. MF:

  479. Yin' nilh'as'eywihdicints'iyewhwelewhiyïlhtsiy.
    bugs on the groundittootimberallgonethey're causing
    'The bugs are destroying the trees.'

  480. Tl'ik'ay 'etc'ide'k'in'ahozk'its'et'i-'enïwihwelewwitalïlhhitnï.
    andnowin the pastlikeit's coldthentheytoogonethey will becomethey say
    'Now I heard the long cold spell will kill them.'

  481. Tl'iso' ts'e'inwewik'itswiletahts'itabïhiley.
    andnot veryit's not coldbecausereallythey are many
    'But it is not very cold anymore so there are lots of them.'

  482. SH: mhm

  483. cindu dilhghis
    pine beetle
    'pine beetles'

  484. MF: mi'

  485. SH:

  486. Mi',tabïhontsiy'.
    yesreallyit's bad
    'Yes, it's really bad.'

  487. Wesiyco',hileyhonïnlïdik'iswelewhonïnlï',wewdïlhyeh?
    lynxwhat aboutthey are manythey're becomingorscarcethey started to becomedon't you know
    'Do you know if are there more lynx or are they getting scarce?'

  488. MF:

  489. Wits'odiclhye'.C'ide'c'ika'aat'ah'et tah'eywihhiyilh c'ika'it'ah.
    I don't know about itlong time agothey're trappingthenittoothey trapped them
    'I don't know, a long time ago they used to trap them.'

  490. Tl'ik'aysa' wits'inso'mbïc'ika'iwest'ën'.
    andnowfor a long timeno onethey're trapping
    'Now no one has been trapping for a long time.'

  491. Tl'i'etdeondzinwits'odiclhye'.
    andthathow it isI don't know
    'I don't know what the situation is.'

  492. SH: hmm.

  493. ggikhco'
    rabbithow about
    'how about rabbits'

  494. MF:

  495. Kikh'ey'awitsa'on'a'wide'welewsilï'.
    rabbititnowlong agoalso at that timegoneit became
    'Rabbit disappeared a long time ago.'

  496. K'aywilikhin tahzihkikhhiyï'ën.
    nowin some areaonlyrabbitthey see it
    'Now they see rabbits only once in a while.'

  497. C'ide''eywide'so'bïwets'odeyh.
    long time agoitalso thennotit isn't in short supply
    'A long time ago there was no shortage of rabbits.'

  498. 'Ulhcohkikhlhay.
    'There were lots of rabbits.'

  499. K'ayso''et diwewidzin.
    nowit isn't like that
    'Now it's not like that.'

  500. SH:

  501. Ggikhlhiyilnedlikh?
    rabbitwhiteit becomes
    'Rabbits turn white (in the winter)?'

  502. MF:

  503. Mi',khiytti'etlhiyilnedlekh,cënti'etbrown.
    yeswinterthenwhiteit becomessummerthen
    'Yes, they turn white in the winter. They are brown in the summer.'

  504. SH:

  505. K'aydoh widïzilhggikhlhiyil?
    nowthis time of yearrabbitit is white
    'This time of the year are the rabbits white?'

  506. MF:

  507. Mi',k'aydoh widïzilh'etlhiyilnedlekh.
    yesnowthis time of yearthenit is whiteit turns
    'Yes, this time of the year the rabbits are white.'

  508. SH:

  509. GgikhbrownwinïlicawitsicNovember?
    rabbitthere areyes/no Qstill
    'Are the rabbits still brown in November?'

  510. MF:

  511. Hoo',khiyttah,t'ak'ëttah'et 'awitlhiyilnedlekh.
    nowinterduringfallduringthenit is whiteit turns
    'No, in the fall they turn white.'

  512. SH:

  513. Dilkw'akh.

  514. (both laugh; Mabel doesn't like frogs)


  515. Wewilewhoonïnlï'licdik'ishileyhonïnlï'?
    scarceit started to beyes/no Qorthey are manyit started to be
    'Are the frogs declining or are there more?'

  516. MF:

  517. 'Eywihso' ts'e'inweest'ën'.
    ittoonot muchthey are not seen
    'We don't see too many of them either.'

  518. 'Ulhcohde'dilkw'akhlhay.
    everywherein the pastfrogmany
    'There use to be lots of frogs everywhere.'

  519. K'ay'eywihso'weebizïs'ën'deendzinsibe.
    nowittoonotI haven't seen themhow they areI don't know
    'I haven't seen them and don't know how they are.'

  520. SH: hmm

  521. Tl'idilkw'akhbighoontsis?
    andfrogyou don't like it
    'You don't like frogs?'

  522. MF:

  523. Bïnigilgit.
    I'm scared of it
    'I'm scared of them.'

  524. (both laugh)

  525. Skakts'enlïde''a-hibï niwhc'oonilhgut.
    childwe arein the pastthey scared us with them
    'When we were kids they used to scare us with them.'

  526. Niwhghenditat'ikhts'ihitnï.
    it will fly at us/you pl.they say
    'They said they're going to fly into our face.'

  527. 'Etk'ay'awitsichibïnigilgit.
    thatnowstillI'm scared of them
    'That's why I'm still scared of them now.'

  528. (laughs)


  529. Tl'its'iyenin'etwighidic'enïnzin?
    andlast thingthatwhat do you think about it
    'And last thing, what do you think about it?'

  530. MF:

  531. ndu?

  532. SH:

  533. Yin kak ulïts'in'a widitëzit,dec'ebinïnzin?
    environmental changewhat do you think about it
    'What do you think about environmental change?'

  534. 'Etwighidec'enïnzin?
    thatwhat do you think about it
    'What do you think about that?'

  535. MF:

  536. Dic,ggïnïdoyi'eyhonlïhiynïlhggïh,
    wellthatwhite peoplethatsomethingthey're running it
    'The white people are doing something.'

  537. (clock starts to chime)

  538. Tl'idïyin kakbïhontsiy'ts'ihozdlï''ettilicwiletahts'i.
    andthisworldwith itit's badit becamethatmaybethat's why
    'And maybe that's why the environment is becoming bad.'

  539. Nunïtsiy'bilikhhiyu'alhwelew.
    smaller animalsometheir foodnone
    'Some of the smaller animals have nothing to eat.'

  540. So'c'ide''oondzïn'k'in'ak'ay'iwewidzin.
    in the pastit waslikenowit is not
    'It is not the same as it was a long time ago.'

  541. Tl'i'et wiletahts'ilic,bilikhwelewholï'.
    andthat's whymaybesome of themscarceit became
    'That is why some of them are declining I think.'

  542. tl'a

  543. (clock stops chiming)

  544. c'ide''et diwewidzin.
    in the pastit isn't like this
    'It was never like this long time ago,

  545. Ts'iyetsicnunïtsiy'hiley.
    allsmaller animalthey are many
    'There were lots of all the animals.'

  546. Dicintahdinï henlï.
    bushinthey live
    'They lived in the bush.'

  547. Tl'ik'aydicintahwelew'ulhcohhaolht'agh.
    andnowbushingoneeverywhereit's clear-cut
    'Now there are clear-cuts everywhere.' % that is why they are declining.'

  548. Wec'o'alhts'iwelew.
    they have no foodgone
    'They have nothing to eat.'

  549. 'Etlicwiletahts'iwelewhonïnlï'niszin.
    thatmaybethat's whygoneit started to beI think
    'I think that is why (the animals) are declining.'

  550. SH:

  551. 'Alha''idïnï.
    rightyou say
    'You're right.'

  552. MF: mhm

  553. SH:

  554. Misiyh,Mabel
    thank you
    'Thank you, Mabel.'

  555. MF:

  556. Misiyh.
    thank you
    'Thank you.'


  1. should have said: nïlhdze' k'inewht'is "you 2 walked far?"
  2. in place of these verbs, 'idiwhlh'iyh or 'idiwhlï would have been better
  3. should have said dendzin instead of deondzin
  4. The correct name of the lake is Ts'enco Tanedilh