Bilingual Nativity Play

Written by Sr. Theresa Smith, f.c.J.
Translations to Witsuwit'en by Lillian Morris and Mabel Forsythe
Audio recording by Lillian Morris

  1. UdiggïlïzasGabrielyits'uleyïlhtiy,ts'akëyezNdo Malïhiyilhnï.
    Godangelhe sent him to herwomanyoungHoly Marythey call her
    'God sent the angel Gabriel to her, the young lady they call Holy Mary.'

  2. Nts'ëwit'iy'etNazareth.
    whereshe's livingthere
    'She was living in Nazareth.'

  3. "Weontsaz.
    don't be afraid
    "'Don't be afraid.'

  4. Udiggïnyilh'indzin.
    Godwith youhe is
    'God is with you.'

  5. Udiggïc'itanyïlhtiy."
    Godhe chose you
    'God has chosen you."'

  6. Malïtabïwentsaz.
    Maryveryshe's frightened
    'Mary was frightened.'

  7. Ggïlïzaskinicnts'ën'awe 'itnïwits'udilhye'.
    thatangelwordhowhe meansshe doesn't know
    'She didn't understand the angel's words.'

  8. "Wewenïlgit,Ndo Malï.
    don't be afraidHoly Mary
    "'Don't be afraid, Holy Mary.'

  9. Udiggïnyilh'indzin.
    Godwith youhe is
    'God is with you.'

  10. Nyezwitalïlh.
    your childthere will be
    'You will have a son.'

  11. Dinï yezyin k'ëtalhtëlh.
    boyyou will give birth
    'You will give birth to a boy.'

  12. Sïziglïbiditanïlh.
    Jesus Christyou will call him
    'You will call him Jesus Christ.'

  13. Tabïbïwnigit.
    veryhe's powerful
    'He is very powerful.'

  14. UdiggïBiyï'hiyditanïlh.
    Godhis sonthey will call him
    'He will be called the Son of God.'

  15. Udiggï'enmudïhtiyyitalhtsëlhnts'ën'aDavid'indzin."
    Godheleadergreathe will make himhowhe is
    'God will make him a great leader just like David was."'1

  16. Nts'ën'a?St'awec'esnec!
    howI haven't been touched
    'How can this be? I'm still a virgin!'

  17. "Lïzasnghitayelhtl'aUdiggïyï hilhtisnyilh'itadzïlh.
    angelwill come to youandGodhis powerwith youit will be
    "'An angel will come to you and God's power will rest on you.'

  18. 'Et wiletakh ts'inUdiggïBiyï'ts'iditanïlh.
    for this reasonGodhis sonhe will be called
    'For this reason he will be called the Son of God.'

  19. Udiggïts'iyewh'iyeolïlh."
    Godeverythinghe's doing everything
    'God does everything."'

  20. "Udiggïbibe'ist'ah.
    Godfor himI work
    "'I work for God.

  21. 'Et lic'edusnekh'idïnïk'in'a."
    thusthus it happensyou sayaccording
    'Let it happen to me as you have said."'

  22. Lhk'iy ts'etsaninwik'ëtshon'a'hibimudïhcodistl'is 'oonekhhibilhnï.
    ninemonthafterit wastheir leaderbigthings occur on paperhe told them
    'Nine months later their leader told them to take a census.'

  23. 'Adichidikeyikhts'oonedïlhiduzï'c'ik'eeytaggiswenï.
    each persontheir own villagethey returnedtheir namethey will write downin order to
    'Everyone went back to their own town to record their names.'

  24. JosephNazarethwedïnyetl'aggitSïziglïyin k'ëtazilh hinhotsuzye.
    he leftandthereJesus Christwhere he will be borntherehe reached
    'Joseph left Nazareth and reached the place where Jesus would be born.'

  25. JosephNdo Malïyilhhonyetl'acaantalyïlhwikaanita.
    Holy Marywith herhe wentandthey will campthey're looking for place
    'Joseph went with Holy Mary and they were looking for a place to spend the night.'

  26. "Hadïh!Ndo Malïyin k'ëwtalhtëlh.
    helloHoly Maryshe will give birth
    "'Hello! Holy Mary is going to give birth.'

  27. Niwhbehoziwhlh'aylic?"
    for usyou (pl.) have location(yes/no question)
    'Do you have room for us?"'

  28. "Ho'ggec."

  29. "Dindinï'itnïïzlhiy wets c'i'alhuditkë'niwhilhnï."
    this personmanhe saysstablewe 2 stayhe's telling us
    "'This man says we can stay in his stable."'

  30. Ndo Malïdinï yezyin k'eyïlhtiy.
    Holy Maryboyshe gave birth
    'Holy Mary gave birth to a boy.'

  31. Halho'bïyilhwilhïzlhiy wets c'i'alh'etyinïlhtiy.
    clothhe was wrapped in itstabletherehe was laid
    'He was wrapped in cloth and laid in a manger.'

  32. Ggit 'etyin k'itgginï'isbe ghinlïnïtl'ok'itcaanilyïh.
    thereterritorythose peopleshepherdsfieldonthey're camping
    'There were some shepherds in that part of the country who were camping in the fields.'

  33. Hidi'isbehibigheenlï.
    their own sheepthey're taking care of them
    'They were taking care of their flocks.'

  34. Udiggïbilïzashibighinïnyetl'aUdiggïbits'ayïndiz.
    Godhis angelhe went to themandGodit shone from him
    'God sent his angel to them and the light of God shone from him.'

  35. Hibik'eyïndiz.
    it shone on them
    'It shone on them.'

  36. Tabïhinïlhgut.
    verythey're scared
    'They were terrified.'

  37. "Wewenïwhlhgit.
    don't (you pl.) be afraid
    "'Don't be afraid.'

  38. Hinicc'izu'niwhbenis'a,'etdinïyuts'iyewhhibidzï c'itazu'.
    newsgoodfor you (pl.)I'm carryingthatpeopleallthey will be happy
    'I bring you good news, which all people will be happy about.'

  39. Gen'etkeyikhSïziglïyin k'ënzit.
    herethatvillageJesus Christhe was born
    'Here in this village Jesus Christ was born.'

  40. Skakk'ay hozlïhalho'bïyilhwilh,ïzlhiy wets c'i'alh'etskaksikay.
    childnewbornclothhe's wrapped in itstabletherechildis in shallow container (cradle)
    'The newborn child is wrapped in cloth and lying in a manger.'

  41. 'Awghinslahlïzashileygginlïzashiyilh ïltsay.
    suddenlyangelmany peoplethat personangelthey appeared with him
    'Suddenly many angels appeared with the angel.'

  42. Ts'iyewhUdiggïhiyits'in tënedidlï.
    allGodthey're praying to him
    'They were all praying to God.'

  43. Sïziglïyin k'ënzithotsts'itodïlhtl'ats'inulh'ën'.
    Jesus Christhe's borntherelet's go toandlet's look at him
    'Let us go to where Jesus Christ was born and look at him.'

  44. 'EtUdiggïniwhdïnï'.
    thatGodhe told us
    'That's what God told us to do.'

  45. Sïziglïyin k'ënzitwik'ëtssimhiyk'iyelhdicnasdïtshaendïl.
    Jesus Christhe was bornafterstarthey read themfrom overthey came out
    'After Jesus' birth some men who studied the stars came from the east.'

  46. Sïziglï'etyin k'ënzitnïïnïndïltl'aHerodhiyts'oondïl.
    Jesus Christtherehe was bornthey stoppedandthey went to him
    'They stopped where Jesus was born and went to Herod.'

  47. "Nts'ëskakmudïhUdiggïbenï'it'ën'yin k'ënzit?
    wherechildleaderGodforhe workshe's born
    "'Where was born the child leader who works for God?'

  48. Bisimts'ën'ën'nde'han'ay.
    his starwe sawdownriverit came out
    'We saw his star when it came up in the east.'2

  49. Bizuhnïznïndïltënets'intalhdzïlhwenï."
    next to himwe went and stoppedwe'll worshipin order to
    'We came to worship him."'

  50. Gginmudïhwec'ezu'hiyibe yelhdic"'anïh"hibidïnï'tl'ahibudïlhkitnts'ëSïziglïyin k'ëtazilh.
    that personleaderbadhis councillorscomehe told themandhe asked themwhereJesus Christhe will be born
    'The bad leader called his councillors over and asked them where Christ was to be born.'

  51. "Sïziglï'etBethlehemyin k'ëtazilh.
    Jesus Christtherehe will be born
    "'Jesus Christ will be born in Bethlehem.'

  52. Skakso' ciwhbikiniwhtah.
    childvery thoroughlyyou (pl.) look for him
    'Look for the child very thoroughly.'

  53. Newhlhtiytahsduhnï'.
    you (pl.) found himwhenyou (pl.) will tell me
    'When you have found him, tell me.'

  54. Siywehhotstasyelhtl'atënentaclhdzïlh."
    ItoothereI will goandI will worship him
    'I too will go and worship him."'

  55. Herod'enskakyitizïlhghïtlwika'it'ah.
    hechildhe will kill himhe's trying
    'Herod intended to kill the child.'

  56. Nasdïtshaendïlhonedïl.
    from overthey camethey went
    'The same visitors from the east went on their way.

  57. Ggïsimkwa'eyzehhiyïn'ën'de'.
    thatstaragainittoothey saw itdownriver
    'Again they saw the star in the east.'

  58. Simhibitsëhïlts'ilh.
    starahead of themit's moving
    'The star was going ahead of them.'

  59. Skaksikayts'edik'etlhghenïlts'it.
    childit isright abovethereit stopped moving
    'It stopped right over the place where the child was.'

  60. Ndo Malïskakhiyilh neyïlhtiy'ethidikwit bï daadïndïltl'askaktëneeynïlhdzin.
    Holy Marychildthey found hertherethey kneltandchildthey worshipped him
    'When they found Holy Mary with the child, they knelt and worshipped the child.'

  61. Nikatdïztiy''eySïziglïhiyizuh nïïnïnle.
    goodsexpensiveitJesus Christthey placed down beside him
    'They offered expensive goods to Jesus.'


  1. yitalhtsëlh a variant of yitalhtselh
  2. down some east flowing river?