Parson Lab Facilities

  • Home-built Ti:sapphire laser system with cavity dumper, providing pulses with widths on the order of 50 fs at adjustable repetition rates.
  • Home-built apparatus for femtosecond pump-probe measurements of changes in absorbance and stimulated emission and other spectroscopic studies.
  • Liquid helium cryostat for low-temperature studies.
  • Home-built instrumentation for electrochemical studies.
  • Access to Femtosecond Laser Spectroscopy Facility in the Dept. of Chemistry.
  • Multiple, high-speed Alpha and Pentium workstations.
  • Extensive library of software for molecular dynamics, electrostatics, quantum mechanics and other computational studies of proteins, including multidimensional kinetic analyses. Much of this software was written or modified in-house.
  • Facilities for site-directed mutagenesis, protein purification and protein characterization.