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Writers, Critics, and Scholars: The Public Intellectual and Chinese Literature

The Biennial Conference of the Association of Chinese & Comparative Literature

Panel Session Details

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Session 1 (Conference Room 2)


Saturday 08:30-10:15

Cui Weiping          

Guo Jian 文以载史,抗拒遗忘:中国知识分子的良知与文学的纪实性
Wang Youqin 小说人物与其生活原型的对比:以王蒙《蝴蝶》为例
Xu Ben 文学 写作 公共记忆

Session 2 (Conference Room 4)

New Media, the Public Sphere, and Cultural Identity

10:30-12:30 I

Shuyu Kong 孔书玉,Simon Fraser University The Knot: Main Melody Film and Edutainment in Post-Socialist China

Wendy Larson, University of Oregon

Culture on the Global Stage: Jia Zhangke's The World
Lu Jie

Internet Literature: New Challenges and New Opportunities

Jiwei Xiao What We Can Do, Really, is Just to Listen: Memory and Reality in Jia Zhangke’s 24 City 对于过去,我们惟有洗耳恭听: 《24城记》里的记忆和现实
Zheng Yi

“Rebuild Our Soul's Home”: Yu Dan, Traditional Culture and Popular Media

Session 3 (Conference Room 2)  

阶级,政治、知识分子的反思与自我改造——作为 “批判知识分子”的中国公共知识分子

10:30-12:30 II

Panel Organizer: 陈丹丹

Discussant: 罗岗

陈丹丹 “现代”的政治观与智识阶级的政治教育:以梁启超、张君劢为例
Cheung  Lik-kwan(张历君)


Kwok   Szewing(郭诗詠) 革自己的命:——朱自清與知識份子自我改造問題


Session 4 (Conference Room 2)

Shifting Paradigms in a Globalized, Digital Era: Emergent and Residual Aesthetics

14:00-16:00 I

Discussant: Yvonne Sung-sheng Chang

Chang Kai-man Cosmopolitan Shift in Chinese Cinema: A Comparative Study on Tsai Ming-liang and Jia Zhangke
Yvonne Sung-sheng Chang

Diffusion and Reappropriation of Aesthetic Modernism since the Late Twentieth-Century: A Case Study

Guo Shaohua Blogging, Online Community, and Women's Self-Reflexive Writing in Contemporary China
Chang Tan Avant-Garde for the Mass: Two Art Projects from China
Yang Li Hybridized Aesthetics and the Ambivalent Artist: Analyzing Wang Xiaoshuai's Films

Session 5 (Conference Room 4)

Narrative, History, and Self

14:00-16:00 I

Paula Iovene Between the Verbal and the Figural: Han Shaogong’s Fragments on Language
Li Xia Preserving One's Voice: Public Intellectuals in China's Post-Mao Literary and Cultural Landscape
Eva Chou Creating New Myths of Identity: Writers in Republican China
Wang Yiyan Writings of Art: Absent Narratives of Modern Chinese Intellectual History

Session 6 (Conference Room 4)

Literature as Intellectual Discourse and Social Critique

16:10-17:50 I



尹从 作为双语作家的张爱玲的民族性和世界性---兼与纳博科夫作比
Shi Liang

Mirror Rubbing: A Critical Reading of Pre-modern Lesbian Texts

Yin Zhiguang

Constructing a New “Literature”: The Translation and Adaptation of “Aufheben” and “Ideologie” During the Process of Revolutionary Literature Controversy

Session 7  (Conference Room 2)

Translation and the (Im) possibility of Cross-Cultural Understanding

16:10-17:50 II

Chair and Discussant: 刘伯红

Bai Di Lost or Gained in Translation?
Gao Jin How to Fling a Pot of Paint: The Controversy over Modernism
from Ruskin to Xu Zhimo
Nicolai Volland The Translator in the Cupboard: Voicing Private and Public Concerns, 1949-1957
Wu Shengqing

The Will to Refrain: Wu Mi and His Poetic Translation

Session 8 (Conference Room 4)

Popular and Elevated: Overlapping Roles for Intellectuals

Sunday 08:00-09:50 I

Jesse Field

A Life of Ideas: Yang Jiang as a Cultural Icon

Gong Haomin

Classical Culture in Commercialization: Yu Qiuyu's Prose Writing

Yang Xin, Macalester College Safeguarding Male Intellectual Dignity: Nanse in Fiction and Media

Session 9 (Conference Room 1)  

Negotiating Cultural Authenticity and Modernity

Sunday 08:00-09:50 II

Shen Yichin Teaching Journey to the West to American Undergraduate Students 为美国本科生讲授“西游记”的方式方法及收获和体会
Wang Rujie The Meaning of Chinese Literature in the Post-American World
易晓明 “历炼”看知识分子内涵的转换

Session 10 (Conference Room 1)

危机下的民族叙述、大众启蒙与文学书写: 一九三〇和一九四〇年代的历史与知识分子话语

Sunday 10:00-11:50

Panel Organizer: 陈丹丹

Discussant: 罗岗

Chen Xiaomei From Eight "Taiping Plays" to Eight Model Plays: The Betrayal of the Chinese Intellectuals on Stage
季剑青 周作人的"新的启蒙运动"
Wang Xiaoping“Subjectivity”, Class Consciousness, and Literature: A Case Study of Lu Ling and Hu Feng
冯淼 (read by Chen Dandan) "认识生活":探析一九三零年代城市大众文化运动的新视角
倪湛舸 (read by Chen Dandan) “Rewriting Jesus, Debate over Religion, and Salvation of the Nation" (重写耶稣、宗教讨论与民族救亡)