Student to Student

Are you a new major in the School of Art, Art History and Design? If so, welcome! Here are a few tips for next quarter, to support you as you find your way through the School.

If you didn’t catch this already, whenever you’re enrolled in a studio class (art or design), you can rent a locker in the School’s admin office, located in Art RM 102. Lockers are rented out as early as the first day of the new quarter, and cost $12. It’s a great way to keep your supplies in the building, so that you’re not hauling them to and from classes and home.

Enrolled students get 24/hour building access to the Art Building, but make sure that you’ve activated this access on your husky card. Also be sure to bring your husky card with you, so that you can get in at the northwest entrance (by the loading dock)!

If you’re in a drawing class, you’ll need to purchase a drawing board. Unfortunately, these large drawing boards no longer fit into the lockers that are available to rent (it’s about an inch away from fitting perfectly!). However, John Martin, the School’s woodshop technician, can help you cut off a tiny edge of your board so that it’ll fit perfectly. Stop by and see him in RM 117.

Did you know that there is a basement in the Art Building? There is, and when you make your way downstairs, you’ll find an awesome coffee shop, Parnassus Cafe. Parnassus will not only fuel you through your classes during your time at UW, but it’s a great place to showcase your work! The gallery is curated by a team of student interns. Contact them here to find out more:

Goodluck and see you around!