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Community Health Care for Adults and Elders with Developmental Disabilities Research and Training

A Project of the University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD)
funded by the Washington State Developmental Disabilities Council (DDC)

AEDD Home > Local, State, and National Community Resources> Other Internet Resources Contact

INTERNET RESOURCES For University of Washington’s CHDD Adults and Elders with Developmental Disabilities (AEDD) Web site:

Seattle, King County, and Washington State Community Resources

Seattle and King County Resources

Washington State

  • - This service is a dental resource for use by persons who have physical, mental, medical, or other disabilities, their families, caregivers, health care providers, and other agencies to quickly and easily find a dental professional.
  • - The site of the Children’s Hospital & Regional Medical Center in Seattle. It contains a wealth of information, advice and resources in Washington directed to families of children with special health care needs but much information is also very useful for families and caregivers of adults with developmental disabilities.
    From the shortcut menu, select “Starting Point” to access the resource guide* or care notebook to reach the excellent forms that are useful in tracking of medical information.. The resource guide is in “Acrobat” format and takes a few minutes to load the 34 page document.

Finding a physician who accepts Medicaid patients:

1) Find a physician who accepts new Medicare/Medicaid patients. For Medicaid the state usually picks up Medicare’s co-pays and other expenses when you see a physician.

2) Internet: - Click Participating Physician Directory, and follow the
easy directions for finding a physician who accepts Medicare patients in your area.

Phone: 1-800-Medicare
Ask if the physician is taking new Medicaid patients.

Help for tobacco users wanting to quit: or phone: 1-877-270-7867. Washington State Department of Health offers free help for tobacco users. Research shows that using the information on this site and calling the Quitline improves the success of quitters by almost 20 percent. There is toll-free, confidential help from an online tobacco-cessation specialist who will also send a cessation kit.

Spanish toll-free phone: 1-877-266-3863.
Hearing-Impaired toll-free phone: 1-877-777-6534(TTY)
Translators are available for almost 100 different languages- 1-800-270-7867

National Community Resources

  • - A service of the National Library of Medicine(NLM) and National Institute of Health (NIH). It is the source of a comprehensive list of health topics and gives a general overview of each disease, patient tutorials, current clinical trials and lists most recent articles on each disease. It also contains drug information, a medical encyclopedia with pictures and diagrams, and a medical dictionary. Resources include NLM, NIH and other government databases. Under the listing “Other Databases” is a multilingual glossary of technical and popular medical terms in nine European languages and a link to the NARIC which features an information center with document abstracts listed by types of disability including developmental disabilities.
  • Also under “Other Databases” is the complete text of the home edition of the Merck Manual (copyright 2000). This is an excellent reference manual and belongs in every home. A second edition (copyright 2003) is now available at your local bookstore and is even more comprehensive than the first edition.
  • - Comprehensive website run by the American Centers for Disease Control and Prevention with advice and links on infectious diseases and health topics.
  • - Website of the American Medical Association which contains links to patient education resources and health organizations.
  • - Website for Virtual Naval Hospital. The patient’s health promotion page contains a comprehensive listing of links to a variety of topics which include: Alcohol Abuse Prevention, Dental Care, Nutrition, Physical Fitness, Sexually Transmitted Disease Education, Smoking Cessation, Weight Control and many, many more.

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Updated 02/7/05


AEDD at University of Washington
Box 357920, Seattle, WA 98195-7920

Copyright © 2005 by University of Washington. Permission is granted to copy all materials written by the University of Washington for educational, noncommercial purposes provided the source is acknowledged. See Copyright Statement for more information.