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Community Health Care for Adults and Elders with Developmental Disabilities Research and Training

A Project of the University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD)
funded by the Washington State Developmental Disabilities Council (DDC)

AEDD Home > Curricula for Family and Residential Providers > Text Version of Developmental Disabilities in the Elderly Contact

Developmental Disabilities in the Elderly

Why is this a relevant issue to address?

Why Should We Take on This challenge of Aging Patients with Developmental Disabilities?

Common Misconceptions

Definition of Developmental Disability

Developmental Disability(cont)

Demographics of DD

Demographics of DD(cont)

Review of Aging Process

Review of Aging Process(cont)

Review of Aging Process(cont)

Pharmacology in Aging/Appropriate Prescribing

Adverse Drug Reactions  

Pharmacology Interactions: Drug-Disease

Pharmacology Interactions: Drug-Disease

Pharmacology Interactions: Drug-Food

Pharmacology Interactions: Drug-Drug

  • Absorption


  • Oxidative metabolism
  • Many drugs decreased by antacids and sucralfate
  • Inhibited by cimetidine
  • Induced by alcohol, phenytoin, and barbituartes

Pharmacology Interactions: Drug-Drug

Pharmacology Interactions: Drug-Drug

Principles of Appropriate Prescribing

Common Concerns in Elderly and Developmentally Disabled

Where Developmental Disabilities and Aging Concerns Meet

Psychiatric Issues

Challenges for the Primary Care Physician

Ways to Counteract These Challenges

Medical Issues Deserving Close Attention

Updated 02/7/05


AEDD at University of Washington
Box 357920, Seattle, WA 98195-7920

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