James D. Murray

Picture of James D. Murray
Emeritus Professor of Applied Mathematics
Emeritus Professor of Mathematical Biology, University of Oxford
Senior Scholar, Princeton University
Visiting Professor, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Princeton University


murrayjd (at) uw.edu
jdmurray (at) princeton.edu
murrayj (at) maths.ox.ac.uk
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Guyot Hall, Princeton University
Princeton NJ 08544-2016

Professor Murray was awarded his baccalaureate degree in mathematics and doctorate in applied mathematics at the University of St. Andrews (Scotland) in 1953 and 1956 respectively. He also has a master of arts degree, 1961, and a doctor of science degree, 1968, from the University of Oxford (England). Professor Murray's research interests are in mathematical biology, mainly the application of mathematical modelling in medicine, psychology, ecology, epidemiology and developmental biology. Prior to coming to Washington, he was Professor of Mathematical Biology and founding Director of the Centre for Mathematical Biology at the University of Oxford.

Professor Murray holds a large number of honors and visiting professorships, a selection of which are: Guggenheim Fellow 1968; Fellow of the Royal Society (Edinburgh) 1979; Ulam Visiting Scholar, Los Alamos National Laboratory 1985; Fellow of the Royal Society (London) 1985; Fellow of the Institute of Biology (Great Britain) 1988; Foreign Member Academy of Sciences (France) 2000; London Mathematical Society Naylor Prize for Applied Mathematics 1989; University of Washington donor endowed chair in perpetuity: James D. Murray Chair of Applied Mathematics in Neuropathology 2006; Royal Society Bakerian Medal and Prize Lecture (Physical Sciences premier prize lecture) 2009; IMA Gold Medal 2009, Eur. Acad. Sci. Leonardo da Vinci medal 2011, William Benter Prize in Applied Mathematics, 2012; President, European Society for Mathematical & Theoretical Biology, 1991-1994; invited plenary speaker at many international conferences; PBS program Patterns in Nature Life by the Numbers 1998; many public lectures such as Bakerian Lecture (http://royalsociety.org/Prize-lectures-events/#); EBS (Educational Broadcast System) Korean Public Television: 3 hour series on the biological work of Alan M. Turing and James D. Murray 2010; Sears Public lecture 2010, 2009; Honorary degrees:D.Sc. University of St. Andrews 1994, D.Sc. University of Strathclyde (Scotland) 1999, Dott.Mat. Laurea Honoris Causa, University of Milan (Italy) 2004, D. Maths. University of Waterloo, 2006, LLD. University of Dundee 2011. Honorary Fellow, Corpus Christi College, University of Oxford 2000. Visiting Professorships: National Tsing Hua University 1975; University of Florence 1976; University of Utah 1979; Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1979; University of Heidelberg 1980; California Institute of Technology 1983; Los Alamos National Laboratory 1985; University of Angers, 1993; University of Paris, 1994, 1995, 1996 and others.

In his spare time, Professor Murray enjoys mediaeval art and architecture, 19th century English watercolour paintings. He and his wife, Sheila, now live in Princeton, NJ.

A listing of some recent publications:

Mathematical Biology. 3rd edition in 2 volumes: Mathematical Biology: I. An Introduction (551 pages) 2002; Mathematical Biology: II. Spatial Models and Biomedical Applications (811 pages) 2003 (3rd printings 2008). Polish translation Vol. I 2006, Russian translation Vol. I 2010, Vol. II 2011.

Why Are There No 3-Headed Monsters? Mathematical Modeling in Biology. (J.D. Murray) Notices of the Amer. Math. Soc.. June/July, 785-795, 2012.

Glioblastoma brain tumours: estimating the time from brain tumour initiation and resolution of a patient survival anomaly after similar treatment protocols, (J. D. Murray) J. Biol. Dyn., DOI: 10.1080/17513758.2012.678392 2012.

Vignettes from the field of mathematical biology - the application of mathematics to biology and medicine (J.D. Murray). Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. Interface Focus 2012. doi: 10.1098/rsfs.2011.0102

Le role des mathematiques dans les sciences biologiques et medicales (P. Auger, J. Demongeot, J. Murray, M. Thelier), In Les mathematiques dans le monde scientifique contemporain. Anim. Jean-Christoph Yoccoz. Rapport sur la science et la technologie (Academie des Sciences, Paris) 20:103-162, 2005.

On the mechanochemical theory of biological pattern formation with application to vasculogenesis (J.D. Murray). Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci. Paris (Biologies) 326: 239-252, 2003.

On the use of quantitative modeling to help understand PSA dynamics and other medical problems (K.R. Swanson, L.D. True, J.D. Murray). Amer. J. Clin. Pathol., 119(1):14-7, 2003

Virtual and real brain tumors: using mathematical modeling to quantify glioma growth and invasion (K.R. Swanson, C. Bridge, J.D. Murray, E.C. Alvord), Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 216(1):1-10, 2003.

Virtual brain tumors (gliomas) enhance the reality of medical imaging and highlight inadequacies of current therapy (K.R. Swanson, E.C. Alvord, J.D. Murray). British J. Cancer 86: 14-18, 2002. [Abstracted for inclusion in the 2003 Yearbook of the Institute of Oncology]

The Mathematics of Marriage: Dynamic Nonlinear Models (J.M. Gottman, J.D. Murray, C. Swanson, R. Tyson, K.R. Swanson). MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2002.

A mathematical model for the dynamics of serum prostate specific antigen as a marker for cancerous growth (K.R. Swanson, J.D. Murray, D. Lin, L. True, K. Buhler, R. Vassella). Amer. J. Pathol. 158(6): 2195-2199, 2001.

Curriculum vitae

Research Interests

I am interested in the genuine application of mathematical modelling in biology, medicine and psychology. Pedagogically I am also interested in communicating the excitement and practical use of scientific research, primarily mathematical modelling, to the general public. I try to construct realistic models to reflect the known biology, then study the resulting mathematical models and compare the results with extant experimental data. The final aim, and frequent result, is to be able to make biomedical predictions which can be confirmed by experiment or further observation. All of the research is interdisciplinary and usually collaborative with experimental biomedical scientists.
I am currently interested in the growth and control of brain tumours, specifically gliomablastomas, the most common and aggressive brain tumour and which is always fatal. Our models can estimates life expectancy, quantify specific treatments, namely surgery, radiation and chemotherapy, for individual patients prior to their use and fairly accurate. Other areas of current research are: (i) modelling marital interaction and divorce prediction and the development of a scientifically based marital therapy; (ii) benefits of cannibalism; (iii) specific species extinction which could result from climate change, specifically mild temperature rise.
Some examples of my past research are: animal coat patterns  How the Leopard Gets its Spots; butterfly wing patterns; the growth and detection of prostrate cancer; mechanisms for the spatial patterning of teeth initiation in alligators with relevance to human craniofacial development, spatial spread of rabies epidemics; bovine tuberculosis as related to a badger-cattle interactions; social behavior in certain animal communities and its importance in territory formation and survival, breathalysers and their accuracy in predicting the true level of blood alcohol; wound healing and scar formation; medication levels for hyperlactatemia in diabetics; morphogenetic laws. The 3rd edition of my book (in 2 volumes), Mathematical Biology, 2003, 2004, describes many examples in detail.
Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Washington, Lewis Hall #202, Box 353925, Seattle, WA 98195-3925 USA
Email 'info' (at amath.washington.edu) Phone 206-543-5493 Fax 206-685-1440