water The 5th Asia Pacific Symposium on
Music Education Research

July 14 - 16, 2005
Seattle, Washington, USA

Keynote Speakers


Dr. Patricia Shehan Campbell
University of Washington

Patricia Shehan Campbell is the Donald E. Peterson Professor of Music at the University of Washington. where she teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in music education, including music for children, world music pedagogy, sociology of music, and research methods.

She has delivered lectures and conducted clinics across the U.S. and in Europe, Asia, Latin America, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa. Dr. Campbell is published widely on issues of cross-cultural music learning, children’s musical development, music methods for children, and pedagogical approaches to the study of world music in K-12 schools and university courses.
Dr. Campbell’s latest work is Teaching Music Globally (2004), one of multiple volumes within the Oxford University Press Global Music Series, for which she serves as co-editor. She is author of Songs in Their Heads (1998), Music in Cultural Context (1996), and Lessons from the World (1991/2001), and co-author of numerous texts and collections.

She has served on the Council of the Society for Ethnomusicology, and was board member of The College Music Society and the International Society for Music Education. Her editorial work has included terms with the Music Educators Journal and the Journal of Research in Music Education, and she is currently a member of the editorial committees for Psychology of Music (U.K.), Asia Pacific Journal of Arts Education (Hong Kong) and Research Studies in Music Education (Australia). Dr. Campbell is editor of the College Music Symposium and was named a Senior Research Scholar by the Music Educators National Conference in 2002.

Dr. Campbell holds a Ph.D. from Kent State University and a B.F.A. from Ohio University.


Dr. Narutt Suttachitt
Chulalongkorn University

Associate Professor Narutt Suttachitt, Ph.D., earned his B.Ed. and M.Ed. (Elementary Education) from Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand in 1976 and 1978. He earned a Ph.D. (Curriculum and Music Education) from Indiana University, Bloomington, U.S.A. in 1987.  After receiving his Ph.D., his academic career has been in the field of music education on the Faculty of Education, Chulalongkorn University. 

Dr. Suttachitt's specializations include the Kodály Method, music curriculum and instruction, music appreciation and psychology of teaching music.

His research studies in the field of music education and ethnomusicology incluce Pitch Perception in Pre-school Children (1989); The Comfortable Singing Range of Thai Elementary School Children (Grades One to Six) (1989); Tah Poh Folk Songs: Music Contents and Transmission (1998); Evaluation of Chulalongkorn University National Level Artistic Talent-Based Student Admission Program (2000); Students’ Opinions of the Content and Instruction of Music Appreciation (2001); and History of Thai Music Education (2004).

Professor Suttachitt's six textbooks related to music education have been widely used as a significant reference source. 

He is now an Associate Dean for Academic Programs.


Dr. Cornelia Yarbrough
Louisiana State University
Editor, Journal of Research in Music Eduation

Cornelia Yarbrough is the Derryl and Helen Haymon Professor of Music at Louisiana State University where she teaches Introduction to Research in Music to all doctoral students in music and graduate and undergraduate music education courses. She won the university's graduate teaching award in 1995. Dr. Yarbrought served as Division Chair of Music Education from 1986-2000.

Professor Yarbrough received the BME degree from Stetson University and the MME and PhD degrees from Florida State University. Her public school teaching experience includes eight years as a vocal/choral music specialist, K-12, in Georgia. She joined the faculty of Syracuse University, where she was founder and director of the Syracuse University Oratorio Society, the chorus-in-residence for the Syracuse Symphony Orchestra. She also served as Director of the School of Music and Assistant Dean of the College of Visual and Performing Arts. She received Syracuse University's highest academic award, the Chancellor's Citation for Exceptional Academic Achievement.

Dr. Yarbrough is co-author, with Clifford K. Madsen, of the book, Competency-Based Music Education, and has contributed numerous research articles to the Journal of Research in Music Education and the Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education. She has served as a member of the editorial committee of the JRME and chair of the Society of Research in Music Education. In 1996, she received the Music Educators National Conference Senior Researcher Award. She began a six-year term as Editor of the Journal of Research in Music Education in August, 2000.

Last Updated: January 2005
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