Nancy S. Jecker, PhD, (she/her)
Nancy S. Jecker, PhD is a Professor of Bioethics and Humanities at the University of Washington School of Medicine and Adjunct Professor at the University of Washington School of Law, Department of Global Health, and Department of Philosophy. Dr. Jecker was elected President of the International Association of Bioethics (2022-2024) and serves as a member of its Board of Directors (2019-present). She holds Visiting Professorships at the University of Johannesburg, African Centre for Epistemology and Philosophy of Science and the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Centre for Bioethics.
Dr. Jecker is a Fulbright U.S. Scholar (selected 2021/22); two time recipient of the Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science international fellowship (selected 2020/21 and 2018/19); and three time Rockefeller Foundation Fellowship awardee (selected 2020/21, 2018/19, and 1987/88). Dr. Jecker was a Visiting Professor at the National University of Singapore (2018); Scholar-in-residence at the Brocher Foundation (2017); Visiting Professor at The University of Bucharest Research Institute (2017); and keynote speaker at the Israeli Ministry of Health (2017).
Dr. Jecker’s research explores global bioethics, justice, and moral philosophy. Her research spans a range of topics, most notably healthcare allocation, capabilities and human dignity, sub-Saharan African philosophy, intergenerational ethics, and personhood. Dr. Jecker has published over 200 articles and 4 books. Her 5th book (co-authored with Caesar Atuire) What is a Person? Untapped Insights from Africa will be published in 2024 as part of Oxford University Press' new series, "Philosophy Across Borders." Dr. Jecker's 2020 book, Ending Midlife Bias: New Values for Old Age (Oxford University Press), coins the term 'midlife bias' to refer to the privileging of midlife values across the lifespan. Dr. Jecker's other books include Wrong Medicine: Doctors, Patients and Futile Treatment, 2nd Edition, with Lawrence Schneiderman (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2011, Japanese translation by Keiso Shobo Publishing Company 2021, Chinese translation by Ho-Chi Book Publishing Company 2015); Bioethics: An Introduction to the History, Methods, and Practice, 3rd edition, with Albert Jonsen and Robert Pearlman (Jones and Bartlett, 2012); and Aging and Ethics: Philosophical Problems in Gerontology (Humana Press, 1991, distributed internationally by J. Wiley and Sons and by Chapman and Hall, E-Book by Springer Publishers).
Nancy S. Jecker, PhD, (she/her)
Curriculum Vitae (Click Here)
Selected Books
- Jecker NS, Atuire CA, 2025. What is a Person? Untapped Insights from Africa. Oxford University Press. This book is the first in Oxford University Press's new series, "Philosophy Across Borders." Pre-order here!
- Jecker NS, 2020. Ending Midlife Bias: New Values for Old Age. Oxford University Press.
- Schneiderman LJ, Jecker NS, 2011. Wrong Medicine: Doctors, Patients and Futile Treatment, 2nd ed. Johns Hopkins University Press
Selected Journal Publications
For a full list of publications, see Dr. Jecker's Curriculum Vitae. See also Dr. Jecker's profile in Google Scholar, Research Gate, or PhilPeople.
- Jecker NS, Forthcoming. “Person, Not Thing: A Relational Path to Personhood for Social Robots.” In Hacker P, ed., Oxford Intersections: AI in Society. Oxford University Press.
- Jecker NS, Atuire CA, Ravitsky V, Ghaly M, Vaswani V, Voo TC, 2024. "Religion Welcome Here: A Pluriversal Approach to Religion and Global Bioethics." Journal of Bioethical Inquiry. Ahead of print. DOI: 10.1007/s11673-024-10410-7.
- Jecker NS, Fan R, Forthcoming. Is It Just A Machine? Confucian and Western Answers. In Safdari A, Gunkel D, eds. Relational Ethics for AI and Robots. Springer Nature.
- Iglesias S, Earp BD, Voinea C, Mann SP, Zahiu A, Jecker NS, Savulescu J, 2024. Digital Doppelgängers and Lifespan Extension: What Matters? American Journal of Bioethics. Ahead of print. DOI: 10.1080/15265161.2024.2416133.
- Jecker NS, Atuire CA, 2024. "Personhood: An Emergent View from Africa and the West." Developing World Bioethics. Ahead of Print. DOI: 10.1111/dewb.12461.
- Jecker NS, Atuire CA, Ravitsky V, Behrens K, Ghaly M, 2024. Bioethics Must Address War as a Public Health Crisis. Hastings Center Bioethics Forum.
- Jecker NS, Atuire CA, 2024, Author Meets Critics: What is A Person? Untapped Insights From Africa BMJ Journal of Medical Ethics. Ahead of print. DOI: 10.113/jme-2024110178
- Jecker NS, Atuire CA, Ravitsky V, Behrens K, Ghaly M, 2024. War, Bioethics, and Public Health. American Journal of Bioethics. DOI: 10.1080/15265161.2024.2377118
- Jecker NS, Atuire CA, Belisle-Pipon JC, Ravitsky V, Ho A, 2024. AI and the Falling Sky: Interrogating X-Risk. BMJ Journal of Medical Ethics. DOI: 10.1136/ jme-2023-109702.
- Jecker NS, Sparrow R, Lederman Z, Ho A, 2024. Digital Humans to Combat Loneliness and Social Isolation: Ethics Concerns and Policy Recommendations." Hastings Center Report 54(1): 7-12. DOI: 10.1002/hast.1562.
- Jecker NS, Atuire CA, 2024. Personhood Beyond the West. American Journal of Bioethics 24(1). DOI: 10.1080/15265161.2023.2278551.
- Lederman Z, Jecker NS, 2024. Social Robots to Fend off Loneliness? Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 33(3): 249-276. DOI: 10.1353/ken.2023.a917929.
- Jecker NS, 2023. Dignity Across the Lifespan. Law, Ethics, and Philosophy 10: 126-143. DOI: 10.31009/LEAP.2023.V10.09.
- Jecker NS, 2023. PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS: Lessons from Africa: Ubuntu, Solidarity, Dignity, Kinship, and Humility. Bioethics 38: 5-10. DOI: bioe.13253.
- Jecker NS, Ko A, 2023. Are Neurorights Global? AJOB Neuroscience 14(4): 369-371. DOI: 10.1080/21507740.2023.2257151
- Jecker NS, Verweij MF, Ravitsky V, Wangmo T, Ghaly M, 2023, Academic Freedom Under Siege. BMJ Journal of Medical Ethics. E-pub ahead of print. DOI: 10.1080/15265161.2023.2232748,
- Jecker NS, Ravitsky V, Ghaly M, Bélisle-Pipon J-C, Atuire C, 2023. Proposed Principles for International Bioethics Conferencing: Anti-Discriminatory, Global, and Inclusive. American Journal of Bioethics. DOI: 10.1080/15265161.2023.2232748.
- Jecker NS, Ravitsky V, 2023. The Ethics of Bioethics Conferencing in Qatar. Bioethics 37: 323-325. DOI: 10.1111/bioe.13153.
- Jecker NS, Ko A, 2023. Justifying A Capability Approach to Brain Computer Interface. Philosophy and Technology 36:4. DOI: 10.1007/s13347-022-00603-6.
- Jecker NS, Ko A, 2022. The Unique and Practical Advantages of Applying a Capability Approach to Brain Computer Interface. Philosophy and Technology 35:101. DOI: 10.1007/s13347-022-00597-1.
- Jecker NS, Nakazawa E, 2022. Bridging East-West Differences in International Ethics Guidance for AI and Robotics. AI 3: 764-777. DOI:10.3390/ai3030045.
- Jecker NS, 2022. Dignity in Dementia Care: A Capability Approach. BMJ Journal of Medical Ethics 48(12): 972-973. DOI: 10.1136/jme-2022-108612.
- Jecker NS, Atuire CA, Kenworthy N, 2022. Realizing Ubuntu in Global Health: An African Approach to Global Health Justice. Public Health Ethics. 15(3): 256-267. DOI: 10.1093/phe/phac022.
- Jecker NS, 2022. Too Old to Save? COVID-19 and Age-Based Allocation of Lifesaving Medical Care. Bioethics. DOI: 10.1111/bioe.13041.
- Jecker NS, Atuire CA, Bull SD, 2022. Toward A New Model of Global Health Justice: The Case of COVID-19 Vaccines. BMJ Journal of Medical Ethics. DOI: 10.1136/medethics-2022-108165.
- Jecker NS, 2022. Achieving Global Vaccine Equity:: The Case for an International Pandemic Treaty. Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine 95(2): 271-280.
- Jecker NS, 2022. The Dignity of Work: An Ethical Argument Against Mandatory Retirement. Journal of Social Philosophy 54: 152-168. DOI: 10.1111/josp.12471.
- Jecker NS, 2022. Health Disparities from Pandemic Policies: Reply to Critics. BMJ Journal of Medical Ethics. DOI:10.1136/ medethics-2022-108295.
- Jecker NS, Atuire CA, Ajei MO, 2022. Two Steps Forward: An African Relational Account of Moral Status. Philosophy and Technology 35(2). DOI: 10.1007/s13347-022-00533-3.
- Jecker NS, Atuire CA, 2022. Global Sharing of COVID-19 Therapies During a 'New Normal.' Bioethics 36: 699-707. DOI: 10.1111/bioe.13028.
- Campelia GD, Suga HK, Kempen JH, Kirkpatrick JN, Jecker NS, 2022. What the ‘Greater Good’ Excludes: Patients Left Behind by Pre-Operative COVID-19 Screening in an Ethiopian Town. Developing World Bioethics: 1-8. DOI: 10.1111/dewb.12358.
- Jecker NS, Atuire CA, Ajei MO, 2022. The Moral Standing of Social Robots: Untapped Insights from Africa. Philosophy and Technology 35: 34. DOI: 10.1007/s13347-022-00531-5.
- Jecker NS, 2022. African Ethics, Respect for Persons, and Moral Dissent. Theoria 88: 666-678. DOI: 10.1111/THEO.12390.
- Jecker NS, 2022. Global sharing of COVID-19 Vaccines: A Duty of Justice, Not Charity. Developing World Bioethics. DOI: 10.1111/dewb.12342.
- Jecker NS, Au D, 2021. Does Zero-COVID Neglect Health Disparities? BMJ Journal of Medical Ethics 48: 169-172. DOI:10.1136/ medethics-2021-107763.
- Jecker NS, 2021. Cash Incentives, Ethics, and COVID-19 Vaccination. Science 374 (6569): 819-820. DOI: 10.1126/science.abm6400.
- Jecker NS, Lederman Z, 2021. Three for Me and None for You? An Ethical Argument for Delaying COVID-19 Boosters. BMJ Journal of Medical Ethics. DOI: 10.1136/medethics-2021-107824
- Jecker NS, 2021. Can We Wrong a Robot? AI & Society. DOI: 10.1007/s00146-021-01278-x
- Jecker NS, 2021. My Friend the Robot: An Argument for E-Friendship. Proceedings of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN): 892-697. DOI: 978-1-6654-0492-1/2
- Lee, BM Jecker NS, Marron JM, Rosenberg AR, 2021. Striving for Equity: Patient Prioritization During a Critical Cancer Drug Shortage. Pediatric Blood & Cancer. DOI: 10.1002/pbc.29280
- Jecker NS, 2021. Vaccine Passports and Health Disparities --A Perilous Journey. BMJ Journal of Medical Ethics. DOI:10.1136/ medethics-2021-107491
- Jecker NS, Atuire C, 2021. What's Yours is Ours: Waiving Intellectual Property Protections for COVID-19 Vaccines. BMJ Journal of Medical Ethics. DOI: 10.1136/ medethics-2021-107555
- Jecker NS, Atuire C, 2021. Bioethics in Africa: A Contextually Enlightened Analysis of Three Cases. Developing World Bioethics 22: 112-122. DOI: 10.1111/dewb.12324
- Jecker NS, 2021. Intergenerational Ethics in Africa: Duties to Older Adults in Skipped Generation Households. Developing World Bioethics. DOI: 10.1111/dewb.12325
- Jecker NS, Atuire C, 2021. Out of Africa: A Solidarity-Based Approach to Vaccine Allocation. Hastings Center Report 51: 1-10.
- Jecker, NS, 2021. What Money Can't Buy: An Argument Against Paying People to Get Vaccinated. BMJ Journal of Medical Ethics. DOI: 10.1136/medethics-2021-107235
- Berkman E, Clark J, Diekema D, Jecker NS, 2021.A World Away and Here at Home: A Prioritisation Framework for US International Patient Programmes. BMJ Journal of Medical Ethics. DOI: 10.1136/medethics-2020-106772
- Jecker NS, 2021. The Time of One's Life: Views of Aging and Age Group Justice. History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences. DOI: 10.1007/s40656-021-00377-8
- Jecker NS, Wightman AG, Diekema DS, 2021, Vaccine Ethics: An Ethical Framework for Global Distribution of COVID-19 Vaccines. BMJ Journal of Medical Ethics. DOI: 10.1136/ medethics-2020-107036
- Jecker NS, Takahashi S, 2021, Shaming and Stigmatizing Healthcare Workers in Japan During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Public Health Ethics. DOI: 10.1093/phe/phab003
- Jecker NS, 2021, Sex Robots for Older Adults with Disabilities: Reply To Critics. BMJ Journal of Medical Ethics, DOI: 10.1136/medethics-2020-107148
- Jecker NS, 2020, You’ve Got a Friend in Me: Sociable Robots for Older Adults in an Age of Global Pandemics. Ethics and Information Technology. DOI: 10.1007/s10676-020-09546-y
- Jecker NS, 2020, Nothing to be Ashamed of: Sex Robots for Older Adults with Disabilities. BMJ Journal of Medical Ethics. DOI: 10.1136/medethics-2020-106645
- Li HL, Jecker NS, Chung RYN, 2020, Reopening Economies During the COIVD-19 Pandemic: Reasoning About Value Trade-Offs. American Journal of Bioethics 20(7): 136-138.
- Jecker NS, Wightman AG, Diekema DS, 2020, Prioritizing Frontline Workers During the COVID-19 Pandemic. American Journal of Bioethics 20, DOI: 10.1080/15265161.2020.1764140
- Shah SK, Miller FG, Darton TC, Duenas D, Emerson C, Lynch HF, Jamrozik E, Jecker NS, Kamuya D, Kapula K, Kimmelman J, MacKay D, Memoli MJ, Murphy SC, Palacios R, Richie TL, Roestenberg M, Saxena A, Saylor K, Selgelid MJ, Vaswani V, Rid A, 2020, Ethics of Controlled Human Infection to Study COVID-19. Science. DOI:10.1126/science.abc1076
- Jecker, NS, 2020, African Conceptions of Age-Based Moral Standing, Hastings Center Report 50(2): 35-43
- Jecker, NS, 2020, What Stories of Dementia Teach. Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics
- Bisaillon L, Cattapan A, Anton L, Driessen A, van Duin E, Spruit S, Jecker NS, 2020, Doing Academia Differently, Feminist Studies 46(1)
- Jecker, NS, 2020, Upstream Influences and Fair Subject Selection. American Journal of Bioethics 20(2): 22-24. DOI: 10.1080/15265161.2019.1701751
- MacKay D, Jecker NS, Pitisuttithum P, Saylor KW, 2020, Selecting Participants Fairly for Controlled Human Infection Studies. Bioethics. DOI: 10.1111/bioe.12778
- Jecker NS, 2020, Ageism, In Encyclopedia of Life Sciences. John Wiley & Sons Ltd
- Jecker NS, 2019, Growing Older and Getting Wiser: Lessons from Japan, International Journal of Applied Philosophy, Online First, DOI: 10.5840/ijap201987118
- Jecker NS, Miwa E, 2019, What Do We Owe the Newly Dead: An Ethical Analysis of Findings from Japan’s Corpse Hotels Workers, Bioethics 33(6): 691-698
Selected Book Chapters
- Jecker NS, Fan R, Forthcoming. "Is it Just a Machine? Western and Confucian Answers" In n Safdari A, Gunkel DJ, eds., Relational Ethics. Springer..
- Jecker NS, Forthcoming. "Ubuntu Ethics and Climate Change: Standing in Solidarity with Future People." In Chitando E, Okyere-Manu BD, Chirongoma S, Dube MW, eds., The Palgrave Handbook of Ubuntu, Inequality, and Sustainable Development. Springer Nature.
- Jecker NS, 2024. Ethical Issues in the Care of Older Adults. In Wasserman MR, Bakerjian D, Linnebur S, Brangman S, Cesari M, Rosen S, eds., Geriatric Medicine: A Person Centered Evidence Based Approach, 5th ed. Springer.
- Jecker NS, 2024. Robots We Relate to and Confer Moral Status on. In Gunkel DJ, ed., Handbook of the Ethics of AI. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.
- Jecker NS, 2023. Global Health Partnerships and Emerging Infectious Diseases. In Valdés E, Lecaros JA, eds., Handbook of Bioethical Decisions. Volume I. Springer Nature: 397-413. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-29451-8_22.
- Jecker NS, 2023. Ubuntu and Bioethics. In Imafidon E, Tshivashe M, Freter B, eds., Handbook of African Philosophy. Springer Nature. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-77898-9_6-1.
- Jecker NS, 2023. Medical Futility and Physician-Assisted Death. In Cholbi M, Varelius J, eds., New Directions in the Ethics of Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia, 2nd ed. Springer Nature: 203-223. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-25315-7_12.
- Jecker NS, 2022. Life-Extending Treatments for People with Dementia. In Wareham CS, ed., The Cambridge Handbook of the Ethics of Ageing. Cambridge University Press: 161-171.
- Jecker NS, 2022. Ethics Committees and Distributive Justice. In Hester M, Schonfeld T, eds., Guidance for Healthcare Ethics Committees, 2nd ed. Cambridge University Press: 219-227.
- Jecker NS, 2021.What We have Reason to Value: Public Reason and Human Capabilities. In Li H-L, Campbell M, eds., Public Reason and Bioethics. Springer Nature: 337-357.
- Jecker NS, 2021.Social Robots for Later Life: Carebots, Friendbots and Sexbots. In Fan R, Cherry MJ, eds., Sex Robots: Social Impact and the Future of Human Relations. Springer Nature.
- Jecker NS, 2020. Ageism. In Encyclopedia of Life Sciences. John Wiley & Sons.
Courses Taught
News & Events
- South China Morning Post: "Is Zero-COVID About Saving Face?" 06/23/21
- New York Times: "How to Have the Hard Vaccination Conversations" 06/22/21
- New York Times: "Could the U.S. Have Saved More Lives?" 06/17/21
- AsiaOne: "How Many Deaths Are Acceptable in 'Zero COVID-19' Economies? 06/16/21
- Washington Post: "You're Vaccinated. What are the Ethics of Traveling to Places Where Locals Aren't?" 06/08/21
- The Lancet: Serbia Begins Paying Citizens to Receive a COVID-19 Vaccine Raising Ethics Questions" 05/15/21
- NPR/KUOW: "Is It Ethical to Offer Incentive To Get People to Take the Vaccine?" 05/10/21
- Bloomberg: "Can Incentives Sway the Vaccine Hesitant?" 05/06/21
- UW School of Medicine: "Ethicists Prioritize Poorer Nations for COVID-19 Vaccine" 05/03/21
- Seattle Times: "What are COVID Vaccination Passports and Should They Be Used?" 04/23/21
- UW School of Medicine "Bioethicist Argues Against Paying Workers to Get Vaccinated" 04/05/21
- King 5 News, Seattle: "Medical Experts Urge Caution With Vaccine Passports" 04/06/21
- CNN: "Some Countries Considering Vaccine Passports for Travel" 04/05/21
- Medscape: "Ethical Questions Surround Plans for COVID Vaccine Passports" 04/01/21
- KIRO 7 News, Seattle: "More Front Line Workers Now Eligible for COVID-19 Vaccine" 03/17/21
- Inside Higher Ed: "Cash for Shots" 04/20/21
- UW School of Medicine: "COVID-19: Ethicists Identify Global Vaccination Priorities" 03/11/21
- Wired: "The Pandemic Can's End While Wealthy Nations Hoard Shots" 03/09/21
- Medscape: "Should People be Paid to Get a COVID-19 Vaccine?" 01/12/21
- The Conversation: "I'm Fully Vaccinated -Should I Keep Wearing a Mask for my Unvaccinated Child?"
- UW School of Medicine: "Could Robots for Sex, Friendship Improve Our Aging Society?" 11/17/20
- Seattle Times: "Sex Robots: An Answer for Aging, Lonely Americans in the Age of AI?" 11/17/20
- Haaretz, Israel: "The Moral Case for Sex Robots" (Hebrew), 11/26/21
- LA Times: "Scandal After Scandal Focuses Scrutiny on USC Leadership, Culture" 05/20/18
- LA Times: "USC Had Many Warnings About Medical School Dean's Behavior But Took Little Action," 11/14/17
- Seattle Times: "Caring for Aging Parents Requires Government Support," 01/12/17
- In Limbo, India: Conversations with Philosophers, Nancy Jecker, Midlife Bias & Sociable Robots During the Pandemic," 07/11/21
- UW School of Medicine: "Vaccine Passports Raise Equity Concerns, Bioethicist Says," 07/14/21
- UW School of Medicine: "Paper Asks WTO To Waive IP Protections for Vaccine Makers," 07/11/21
- Hindustan Times, India: "WTO Should Temporarily Waive IP Rights on COVID-19 Vaccines," 07/13/21
- New Age, Bangladesh: "Humanity Must Stand Together," 07/14/21
- Common Dreams News: "'Humanity Must Stand Together," Medical Ethicists Demand Vaccine Patent Waivers" 07/12/21
- Wisconsin Public Radio: "UW System Will Offer Scholarship Drawing for Students Who Get Vaccinated," 07/25/21
- Belfast Public Radio: "Nancy Jecker: The Chronically Ill, The Newly Deceased," 08/9/19
- BBC: "China: How Delta Threatens A Prized Zero Covid Strategy," 08/05/21
- Seattle Times: "Who Owns COVID-19 Vaccines?" 08/8/21
- Northwest Asian Weekly: "The Ethics and Equity Questions of Vaccine Passports," 08/12/21
- National Geographic, "The U.S. is Expected to Authorize Boosters," 08/17/21
- "The US is Getting Covid Booster Shots. The World Is Furious," 08/23/21
- VeryWellHealth/Cleveland Clinic: "Is the U.S. Vaccine Booster Plan Ethical?" 08/30/21
- National Geographic: "Why Donating COVID-19 Booster Shots Isn't That Easy," 08/27/21
- The Conversation: "Are COVID-19 boosters ethical, with half the world waiting for a first shot?," 09/17/21
- UW School of Medicine: "Paper Urges Wealthy Nations to Delay COVID-19 Boosters," 10/08/21
- "More Covid Vaccine Boosters Are Coming. Who Should Get Them?," 10/20/21
- Smithsonian Magazine: "In 19th-Century Gibraltar, Survivors of a Deadly Virus Used ‘Fever Passes’ to Prove Immunity," 10/22/21
- Financial Times of London: "Merck signs royalty-free licensing deal to expand global access to its Covid-19 pill," 10/27/21
- Financial Times of London: "U.S. Battles to Sell Parents on 'Kid Size' Jabs for Children," 11/3/21
- Kristeligt Dagblad, Copenhagen: "Tell Me Where you Live And I'll Tell You if You've Been Vaccinated," 11/8/21 (Danish)
- UW School of Medicine: "Social Robots Deserve Our Appreciation, Bioethicist Says," 11/15/21
- Tech Xplore, "Social Robots Deserve Our Appreciations, Bioethicist Says, " 11/15/21
- Financial Times of London: "Pfizer Agrees Deal to Expand Low-Cost Access to its COVID-19 Pill,' 11/16/21
- The UW Daily, "Profits Over People: Neo-Colonial Relations Reflected in Access to Vaccines," 11/19/21
- NPR, "Spare the Rod and Spoil the Robot: Your Values May Be At Stake," 11/24/21
- The Conversation, "Who's In? Who's Out? The Ethics of COVID-19 Travel Rules," 11/20/21
- UW School of Medicine, "Zero-COVID Policies Re-Emerge, With Cruel Inherent Biases," 11/30/21
- New York Times, "Most Covid Infections May Soon be Breakthroughs. Here's What That Means," 12/19/21
- Folha De Sao Paulo, Brazil, "Vaccine Inequality Resurrects Discussion About Breaking Patents" (Portuguese), 11/25/21
- Queens University, Belfast, Northern Ireland, "The Chronically Ill and the Newly Deceased," 08/08/19
- Financial Times of London, "Biden Administration Prepares for the End of 'Full-Blown' Pandemic," 02/11/22
- Seattle Times, "Tossing That Mask Puts Others At Risk," 02/24/22
- Seattle Met, "Covid Travel Can Mean A Whole New Kind of Culture Shock," 2/25/22
- Financial Times of London, "Moderna Vows Never to Enforce Covid Jab Patent in Policy U-Turn," 03/08/22
-, "Are COVID-19 Boosters Ethics, With Half the World Waiting for a First Shot?, A Bioethicist Weighs In"
- UW School of Medicine, "Ethicists appeal for a More Global COVID-19 Care Model, 4/25/22
- Medical Xpress, "Ethicists Appeal for a More Global COVID-19 Care Model," 4/26/22
- NW Asian News, "UW Bioethicist Calls for Justice In Distributing Global COVID treatments," 5/5/22
- UW School of Medicine, "Ethicist: Crisis-care protocols should ignore patients’ age," 5/10/22
- The Conversation, "What is 'Personhood'? The Ethics Question that Needs a Closer Look in Abortion Debates," 5/13/22
- UW School of Medicine, "Age-Forced Retirement Violates One's Dignity, Ethicist Says," 55/25/22
- Financial Times of London, "Pfizer Warns of 'Constant Waves' of COVID as Complacency Grows," 5/25/22
- KING-5 Television, "An Ethicist's Argument Against Mandatory Retirement," 6/7/22
- Seattle Times, "The Corrosive Power of Ageism," 6/10/22
- The Conversation, "Abortion and Bioethics: Principles to Guide US Abortion Debates," 6/23/22
- Presidential Address, International Association of Bioethics (IAB), 07/22/22
- Financial Times of London, "U.S. Criticised for Rolling Out COVID Boosters Without Human Trials," 09/11/22
- Chemical & Engineering News, "Debate Over COVID-19 Product IP Flares Up Again," 10/13/22
- The Conversation, "Brain-computer interfaces could allow soldiers to control weapons with their thoughts...," 12/2/22
- NPR/KUOW, "Brain technology is moving forward, but are ethical standards up to speed?" 12/ 6/22
- WIRED, "In the Next Pandemic, Let’s Pay People to Get Vaccinated," 1/12/23
- The Conversation, "50 Years After Roe, Many Ethics Questions..." 1/17/23
- NPR/WAMC, The Academic Minute, "The Ethics of Brain Computer Interfacing," 1/25/23
- NPR/KCRW, "Defining Life and Personhood," 3/11/23
- HowStuffWorks, "Will Brain-Computer Interfaces Make Knowledge Streamable?" 3/14/23
- Leuven Center for Health Humanities, Leuven, Belgium, "Dignity in Later Life," 3/23/23
- UW School of Medicine Newsroom, "Paper Addresses Ethics of Bioethics Conference in Qatar," 8/7/23
- UW Today, "Paper Addresses Ethics of Bioethics Conference in Qatar," 8/15/23
- The Conversation, "There’s no age limit for politicians − as people live longer, should that change?" 8/28/23
- NPR/KUOW, "Should the U.S. Enact Age Limits for Elected Officials?" 9/1/23
- CNN International, "Is It Time for Age Limits for Politicians?" 9/2/23
- Voice of America, Latin America, "Washington envejece, ¿qué opinan los expertos y votantes?" 9/12/23 (Spanish language)
- Brocher Foundation, "Three Approaches To Death And Dying: Japanese, Sub-Saharan African, and United States," 08/20/23
- UW The Daily, "Work on your Media Literacy, for All of Us, Please," 02/02/24
- The Conversation, "Several Companies are Testing Brain Implants ...," 2/14/24