
Inspired by the University of Alberta Museums Blog, this will be a blog for talking about and documenting projects the Burke IT department (all two of us) works on for the Burke Museum which could be useful for other similar institutions. The Burke is in the middle of construction of a new building, and will be moving in the next few years. At least one of the projects here will be related to that: an initiative to provide barcoding and asset tracking support to the collections managers who would like to take this opportunity to barcode their collections.

I also built an inexpensive Raspberry Pi-based firewall for PCI compliance in the gift shop recently. I couldn’t find a good set of instructions which had all the steps I needed, so I’ll be writing that up as well. There may be some inexpensive digital signage projects in the future, and who knows what else.

Possibly we’ll also use this to talk about some things that didn’t work, or don’t work how we’d like them to. Sometimes the most valuable page I find is the one which tells me the thing I was about to try will never work.

In any case, that’s what this is about. If you’re reading, welcome.

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