Quick Bartender Notes

Just a quick note to remind myself later:

When setting up a new label template with the Zebra 17154 label stock, Bartender will correctly set up the page size (2.125″ x 1.125″), but not the margins. It sets the top margin to 0, as if the label were located precisely at the perforation line. It isn’t — you have to set the top margin to .0625″ (same as the left margin, which it does set correctly) in order to align the printed labels with your template.

Also, when using Excel as a data source, you need to match the bit size of Bartender and Office. We had 32-bit Office 2016 installed, and 64-bit Bartender. Bartender couldn’t connect to the Excel file, since it needed the 64-bit OLE DB provider. Uninstalling 32-bit Office and installing the 64-bit version did the trick.

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