Regular parking rules will apply to this event unless otherwise noted. If you plan to park on campus, please stop at a University Gatehouse to purchase parking and receive directions to the best parking lot for this event. For additional parking questions, please contact the event organizer listed above.
Date & Time:
Tuesday, June 11, 2024
Husky Union Building South Ballroom
The School of Medicine PhD Hooding Ceremony honors students graduating from biomedical research programs in the School of Medicine between September 2023 and September 2024. This celebratory event will include the conferral of graduates PhD hoods, a keynote address, light refreshments, and plenty of room for your students, friends, and family to attend.
Cap & Gown Required? / Dress Code
Event Dress Code:
Graduating students will need to wear regalia.
Ticket Information
Graduating students will be contacted by their graduate program advisor with additional information including the registration link.
Hosted By:
School of Medicine
School of Medicine Office of Research and Graduate Education
Event contact:
Amy Serafino
Map to Event
4001 E Stevens Way NE
Event Comments: