Late and Moderate Preterm Babies (LAMBs) Follow-up Clinic

Contact: Sophie Maleng (
Core Function: Clinical Services

The Late and Moderate Preterm Babies (LAMBs) Follow-up Clinic at the CHDD works with children who were born between 32 weeks to 36 weeks and 6 days gestation, or 4 to 8 weeks early. We provide developmental assessment and ongoing monitoring. Knowing that these children are at higher risk for developmental differences, our goal is to catch any problems early to help the child grow, learn, and thrive to their highest potential. A LAMBs clinic evaluation includes:

  • A comprehensive medical history, neuromotor exam, and a Level 2 norm-referenced screening and assessment tool (The Capute Scales Cognitive Adaptive Test (CAT) Clinical Linguistic & Auditory Milestone Scale (CLAMS)).
  • A detailed report on findings with recommendations for services, medical evaluations, laboratory studies, or imaging if pertinent which is sent to the primary care provider.
  • Patients will also receive an audiology evaluation at 1 year-old, autism screening at 1 and 2 years-old, and oral health screening at 1 year-old.
  • LAMBs clinic patients typically see a developmental pediatric nurse practitioner. The child will also see a pediatric registered dietician or pediatric audiologist depending on the child's age. Pediatric physical therapists, pediatric occupational therapists, developmental pediatricians, social work, and psychologists are also available for on-site consultations.