UW LEND Interdisciplinary Interactive Modules

Contact: Susan Wendel (swendel@uw.edu)
Core Function: Technical Assistance and Outreach Training

The purpose of these online modules is to support workforce development of health care professionals who work with people that have developmental disabilities by enhancing knowledge of the contributions of various disciplines. The seven modules (audiology, psychology, physical therapy, speech and language, occupational therapy, nutrition and social work) were prepared by LEND faculty and other experts. Each module focuses on the contribution and roles of a specific health care discipline, illustrating the unique and shared roles within an interdisciplinary team setting. They allow self-paced learning and disseminate the interdisciplinary training curriculum to a broad audience. The modules are required curriculum for all UW LEND trainees, and may also be accessed by trainees in other LEND programs across the US, as well as undergraduate and graduate students in various academic and training programs at the University of Washington.