Diagram of Tomb

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Drawing of Liu Sheng's tomb      source

Liu Sheng and Dou Wan were buried in two separate caves hollowed out of a mountainside.   Each tomb has an entrance passage, two side-chambers for storage, a large central area, and a rear chamber in which the coffin was placed.  The central chambers in both tombs originally had wooden structures with tile roofs, which have since collapsed.  

Liu Sheng's tomb:

Entrance passage: 65 feet long.

South side-chamber: Chariots and remains of horses.

North side-chamber: Vessels and jars for wine, grain, fish, and meat; Cooking utensils and tableware.  

Central chamber: 50 feet long by 40 feet wide.  Large canopies, bronze vessels, lacquerware, pottery, and clay figures of attendants.  

Rear chamber: Lined with stone slabs.  Coffin placed on north side; a room on the south side of the chamber contained small stone figures of servants, wine flasks, lamps, and an incense burner. 

What are some differences in terms of tomb construction between this tomb and the earlier ones examined?

How do the contents of the tomb and the division of burial goods reflect changing beliefs about the afterlife? 

What is the likely significance of the stone and clay figures?

