



Bedrooms in colder parts of China are dominated by raised platforms known as kang. During the winter, the kang provides a heated area that is warmed by hot air vents connected to adjacent stoves. The kang and the stoves were the only sources of heat throughout the cold months. In the summer, the kang were fairly cool places to spend time, and as a result the kang was a scene of household activity throughout the year.

Diagram of a house with a kang, facing south      

SOURCE:  Jianzhu xuebao (Beijing) 1962, vol. 10, p. 3.

The existence of a raised platform as the main focus  in Chinese houses led to a certain kind of furniture design.


From the pictures to the left and below, can you describe what effects the prevalence of a raised platform has on furniture design?

A kang found in Shanxi Province

SOURCE:  Liu Yuanting, Yang Gusheng, eds. Minzhu jianzhu, Zhongguo meishu quanji, Jianzhu yishu pian, vol. 5. (Beijing: Zhongguo jianzhu gongye chubanshe, 1988), p. 18, plate 18.



Woodblock print of a kang

SOURCE:  Zou Ya, Ling Pingfan, eds. Jiefang qu muke (Beijing: Renmin meishu chubanshe, 1962) plate 127.  Woodcut print by Zhang Wang, circa 1950.