.. _bc2amr: ============ ``bc2amr`` ============ Signature: ``subroutine bc2amr(val, aux, nrow, ncol, meqn, naux, hx, hy, level, time, xleft, xright, ybot, ytop, xlower, ylower, xupper, yupper, xperiodic, yperiodic, spheredom)`` Arguments: ``integer, intent(in)``: * ``nrow``: Horizontal dimension of the input patch. * ``ncol``: Vertical dimension of the input patch. * ``meqn``: Number of solution variables. * ``naux``: Number of aux variables. * ``level``: Level of the input patch. ``double precision, intent(in)``: * ``time``: Time at which boundary conditions are being applied. * ``xleft``: Left bound of the input patch. * ``xright``: Right bound of the input patch. * ``ybot``: Bottom bound of the input patch. * ``ytop``: Top bound of the input patch. * ``xlower``: Left bound of the physical domain. * ``xupper``: Right bound of the physical domain. * ``ylower``: Bottom bound of the physical domain. * ``yupper``: Top bound of the physical domain. * ``aux(nrow,ncol,meqn)``: Aux variables on the input patch. ``logical, intent(in)``: * ``xperiodic``: Value is ``.true.`` if the physical domain is periodic in *x*. * ``yperiodic``: Value is ``.true.`` if the physical domain is periodic in *y*. * ``spheredom``: Value is ``.true.`` if the physical domain is spherically symmetric. ``double precision, intent(inout)``: * ``val(nrow,ncol,meqn)``: Solution values on the input patch. Description: Takes a grid patch with mesh widths ``hx`` and ``hy``, of dimensions ``nrow`` by ``ncol``, and uses the boundary conditions to set the solution values on any piece of the patch which extends outside the physical domain. User-specified boundary conditions must be included in this routine.