.. _intfil: ============ ``intfil`` ============ Signature: ``subroutine intfil(val, mi, mj, time, flaguse, nrowst, ncolst, ilo, ihi, jlo, jhi, level, nvar, naux)`` Arguments: ``integer, intent(in)``: * ``mi``: Horizontal dimension of the input region. * ``mj``: Vertical dimension of the input region. * ``nrowst``: Starting ``i``-index of the patch, in indices relative to ``val``. * ``ncolst``: Starting ``j``-index of the patch, in indices relative to ``val``. * ``ilo``: Lower horizontal index of the patch to fill, in global indices. * ``ihi``: Upper horizontal index of the patch to fill, in global indices. * ``jlo``: Lower vertical index of the patch to fill, in global indices. * ``jhi``: Upper vertical index of the patch to fill, in global indices. * ``level``: Level of the input region. * ``nvar``: Number of solution variables. * ``naux``: Number of aux variables. ``double precision, intent(inout)``: * ``val``: Array of solution values on the patch being filled. ``double precision, intent(out)``: * ``flaguse(ilo:ihi,jlo:jhi)``: Indicates where the patch is successfully filled. ``flaguse`` is initialized to ``0.d0``, and set to ``1.d0`` in every location of the patch that gets filled. It is also set to ``1.d0`` in all cells outside the computational domain, as these will be filled in later using boundary data. ``double precision, intent(in)``: * ``time``: Time on the patch being filled. Description: Attempts to fill a rectangular patch of ``val`` and ``aux``, which contain solution and aux values on an input region. Values are needed at time ``time``, and at level ``level``. This routine only copies information from grids at level ``level`` into the patch; no spatial interpolation is done here. In indices relative to ``val`` and ``aux``, the lower-left corner of the patch is at ``(nrowst,ncolst)``. In global indices, its lower-left corner is at ``(ilo,jlo)``, and its upper-right corner is at ``(ihi,jhi)``. This is a subprocess of ``filrecur``.