.. _outval: ============ ``outval`` ============ Signature: ``subroutine outval(val, nvar, mitot, mjtot, mptr, outgrd, naux,aux)`` Arguments: ``integer, intent(in)``: * ``nvar``: Number of dependent variables. * ``mitot``: Number of horizontal cells, including ghost cells. * ``mjtot``: Number of vertical cells, including ghost cells. * ``mptr``: Pointer to output grid. * ``naux``: Number of aux variables. ``logical, intent(in)``: * ``outgrd``: Only output if this is ``.true.`` ``double precision, intent(in)``: * ``val(mitot,mjtot,nvar)``: Solution values to print. * ``aux(mitot,mjtot,naux)``: Aux variables to print. Description: Prints the solution and aux variables to output; only prints values at interior (non-ghost) cells.