.. _upbnd: ========== ``upbnd`` ========== Signature: ``subroutine upbnd(listbc, val, nvar, mitot, mjtot, maxsp, iused, mptr)`` Arguments: ``integer, intent(in)``: * ``listbc(5,maxsp)``: Coarse boundary lists for the input grid. * ``nvar``: Number of solution variables. * ``mitot``: Horizontal dimension of the input grid, including ghost cells. * ``mjtot``: Vertical dimension of the input grid, including ghost cells. * ``maxsp``: Space needed for each field in the coarse boundary lists. * ``mptr``: Pointer to the coarse grid being corrected. ``integer, intent(out)``: * ``iused(mitot,mjtot)``: Used to indicate where flux updates have been performed. ``double precision, intent(inout)``: * ``val(mitot,mjtot,nvar)``: Array of solution values on grid ``mptr``. Description: Corrects the coarse grid ``mptr`` with the flux differences stored with each of the fine grids.