Source file:
 Directory:   /Users/rjl/git/rjleveque/clawpack-4.6.3/apps/tsunami/chile2010
 Converted:   Mon Jan 21 2013 at 20:15:27   using clawcode2html
 This documentation file will not reflect any later changes in the source file.

Create topo files needed for this example:
    etopo10min120W60W60S0S.asc        download from GeoClaw topo repository
    usgs100227.tt1                    create using Okada model and .cfg file

from pyclaw.geotools import topotools
import os,sys

def gettopo():
    Retrieve the topo file from the GeoClaw repository.
    remote_directory = ''
    topo_fname = 'etopo10min120W60W60S0S.asc'
    topotools.get_topo(topo_fname, remote_directory)

def makedtopo():
    Create dtopo data file for deformation of sea floor due to earthquake.
    Uses the Okada model with fault parameters and mesh specified in the
    .cfg file.
    from pyclaw.geotools import okada
    dtopo_fname = 'usgs100227.tt1'
    dtopo_cfg = 'usgs100227.cfg'
    if os.path.exists(dtopo_fname):
        print "*** Not regenerating dtopo file (already exists): %s" % dtopo_fname
        print "Using Okada model to create %s " % dtopo_fname
        okada.builddynamicdeffile(dtopo_cfg, dtopo_cfg, dtopo_fname)

if __name__=='__main__':