Local Links: The Washington State Community Nutrition Assessment Education Project 

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The Twelve Step Process of Community Nutrition Assessment 
The best-designed nutrition policies will not be effective if they do not fit the settings in which they are to operate.  (Milio, Nutrition Policy in Public Health, 1997)
  1. Organize a community planning group
  2. Define community boundaries
  3. Develop a statistical profile
  4. Asssess perceived needs
  5. Identify assets and resources
  6. Analyze the data
  7. Identify common issues
  8. Identify unmet needs
  9. Identify high risk individuals
  10. Prioritize the issues
  11. Disseminate findings
  12. Incorporate findings into program planning, implementation, and evaluation
We are indebted to Carolyn Gleason, MS, RD who started us down the road to looking at nutritional data and who developed the 12 step approach to Community Nutrition Assessment. 
Case Studies
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Last revised: 04/12/99
Comments: Donna Johnson (djohn@u.washington.edu)