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Web Based Tools for Community Nutrition Assessment
| BRFSS | | Community Assessment | | Cultural Issues | | Data Sources | | Healthy People 2000 & 2010 |
| High Risk Groups | | Hunger | | National Nutrition Monitoring | | Nutrition: Washington State | | Poverty
| Public Policy |  | Research & Evaluation | | Washington State Resources | | YRBS |
  • BRFSS Homepage includes links to PDF document with actual BRFS Questions as well as access to state by state prevalence data: 

Community Assessment 

  • Community Tool Box. The mission of this large web site is, "Promoting community health and development by connecting people, ideas and resources." This excellent comprehensive site presents information about the community development process from the beginning of a plan for assessment through implementation, advocacy, evaluation, and long term maintenance of projects. 

Cultural Issues  Data Sources  Healthy People 2000 & 2010  High Risk Groups  Hunger  National Nutrition Monitoring Nutrition: Washington State  Poverty Public Policy Research and Evaluation  Washington State Resources YRBS  
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Last revised: 01/04/01
Comments: Donna Johnson (