Department of Comparative Medicine

Off Campus Billing

Animal Billing | Off Campus Billing | Budget Change Request| Shipping Animals | Example Invoice | Rates | Forms | DCM Invoices| FAQ

Off-Campus Billing

In order to bill to off-campus clients, special steps must be completed for proper billing. The department that is maintaining the colony is the contact responsible for billing issues or changes. If budget changes are needed, follow the instructions found on the Requesting a Budget Change page.

22 Dummy Budget for an Off-Campus Customer (22-XXXX)

A 22 budget is a dummy budget that is used to charge off-campus customers. There is an 18.6% UW Institutional Overhead fee that is added to the total bill on all off-campus customers.

To set up a dummy budget for an off-campus customer, please submit the Request to Setup 22-XXXX Budget Form and email to Animal Billing.

When purchasing animals or any other services the (22-XXXX) budget must be used, this is how we generate the bill through the per diem and services.
We recommend that off campus clients pay with a credit card to alleviate collection issues or late fee charges.

Lan Tran
Animal Billing
(206) 616-4057
Pamela Nazari
Budget/Fiscal Operations Supervisor
(206) 616-6254