False-color AVHRR satellite image of Columbia River watershed
Characteristics of Columbia River Watershed and Estuary
Watershed area (km2) | 660,500 |
Watershed maximum elevation (m) | 3,500 |
Watershed population (no. individuals) | ~4,000,000 |
Runoff (1000 m3 d-1) | 600,000 |
Precipitation (mm d-1) | 1.3 |
Evaporation (mm d-1) | 0.7 |
Groundwater flow (1000 m3d-1) | 20,000 |
Estuary water body area (km2) | 420 |
Mean depth (m) | 10 |
Mean tide range (m) | 1.7 |
Tidal prism (106m3) | 680 |
Freshwater inflow/tidal prism (flow ratio) | 0.486 |
Residence time (d) | ~2 |
Total sediment input (106 MT yr-1) | 10 |
Mean sedimentation rate (cm yr-1) | 0.5 |
Range of total suspended solids (mg l-1) | 1-1000 |
Salinity range () | 0-33 |
Water temperature range (ºC) | 0-23 |
Dissolved inorganic phosphorus range (m M) | 0.3-2.2 |
Nitrate range (m M) | 0.5-40 |
Ammonium (m M) | 0.3-6.6 |
Chlorophyll range (m g l-1) | 0.5-20 |
Net annual primary production (g C m-2yr-1) | 473 |
Mean primary production by phytoplankton (g C m-2yr-1) | 100 |
Mean primary production by emergent vascular plants (g C m-2yr-1) | 403 |
Mean primary production by benthic microalgae (g C m-2yr-1) | 16 |
Mean secondary production (g C m-2yr-1) | 6 |