Title: METADATA FOR GEOCHEMISTRY DATA SETS FROM PUMP CASTS COLUMBIA RIVER LMER PROJECT Contact: Fredrick G. Prahl College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences Oregon State University Corvallis, OR 97331 USA email: prahlf@ccmail.orst.edu Principle Investigators (Institution) and research area: Fredrick Prahl (Oregon St. Univ. Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences) geochemistry; Lawrence Small (Oregon St. Univ. Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences) phytoplankton Data Description: The quality and quantity of terrestrially-derived organic matter exported to marine ecosystems is determined by the physical transport and chemical transformation processes that occur within estuaries and their associated watershed. Key sites of chemical transformation in the Columbia River estuary occur within regions of temporary sediment storage such as intertidal mudflats and estuarine turbidity maxima (ETM). The dataset we have assembled to advance understanding of biogeochemical processes occurring at the land-sea margin of the Columbia includes detailed time series measurements of major nutrients, dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and various biogeochemical constituents of waters and suspended sediments from the river and its estuary. Spatial and Temporal Resolution: Pump cast sampling, and associated CTD casts took place from a fixed vessel during one 28-35 day cruise per year in 1990, 1991, 1992, 1995, and 1996. During 1997, sampling was performed during 2 week cruises in May, July, and October. Methodology: Pump casts were conducted immediately following a CTD cast and are, thus, cross- referenced by CTD data parameters. Pump samples were collected from usually three depths per cast (near- surface, mid-depth, near-bottom). Standard autoanalyzer techniques (Strickland and Parsons, 1972) were used to determine nutrient concentrations. Other standard techniques were used to determine suspended particulate matter (SPM) concentrations; its detrital mineral content and composition (instrumental neutron activation analysis), biogenic silica content (selective leaching and spectroscopic measurement), total organic carbon and nitrogen (high temperature combustion analysis) content and stable carbon isotopic composition (isotope ratio mass spectrometry). Variables: Code cast-specific code number (see below) Date Date in MM/DD/YY format Time Time of day (Pacific Standard Time) Depth depth in meters PO4 phosphate concentration (uM) Si(OH)4 silicate concentration (uM) NO3 nitrate concentration (uM) NO2 nitrite concentration (uM) NH4 ammonium concentration (uM) DOC dissolved organic carbon (mg/L) SPM suspended particulate matter (mg/L), uncorrected for salt SPMcorr suspended particulate matter (mg/L), corrected for salt Mn manganese content of suspended particulates (wt %) V vanadium content of suspended particulates (wt %) Ti titanium content of suspended particulates (wt %) Mg magnesium content of suspended particulates (wt %) Cl chloride content of suspended particulates (wt %) Ca calcium content of suspended particulates (wt %) Al aluminum content of suspended particulates (wt %) Br bromide content of suspended particulates (wt %) d13C del 13-C composition of particulate organic carbon (per mil) SiO2 biogenic silica (opal) content (wt %) Explanation of Code: Format of code is: YYBSENN YY first two digits indicate year B letter(s) indicates boundary location or tidal series as follows: U=upstream (beyond salt wedge), D=downstream (below estuarine turbidity maximum), N=neap tide, S=spring tide, SN=spring-neap transition, E= ebb, F=flood, L=long time series, YB=Young’s Bay, CB=Cathlamet Bay S number of sample series at that location/tidal stage E event number (sequence) within that series (an ‘E’ or ‘F’ may follow this number indicating and ebb or flood tide sampling NN two (or three) digits indicate CTD cast number that corresponds to the pump cast * an asterisk after the code indicates CTD data taken from the downcast immediately prior to the pump cast Other notes: *** biogenic silica was determined by: (leachable Si x 2.6), where leachable Si is defined by DeMaster (1981) *** Manganese, vanadium, titanium, magnesium, calcium, aluminum, and bromide values have been corrected for salt File format: comma-delineated ASCII with header; maximum number of records = 856; number of data columns = 24 References: DeMaster, DJ. The supply and accumulation of silica in the marine environment.1981. Geochim. Cosmochim Acta 45:1715-1732 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------