Title: METADATA FOR ZOOPLANKTON DATA SETS FROM PUMP CASTS COLUMBIA RIVER LMER PROJECT Contact: Charles A. “Si” Simenstad Fisheries Research Institute University of Washington Box 357980 Seattle, WA 98195-7980 USA email: csimenstad@lternet.edu Principle Investigators (Institution): Jeffery R. Cordell (Univ. Washington Fisheries Research Inst.) Charles A. “Si” Simenstad (Univ. Washington Fisheries Research Inst.) Data Description: Particle concentration in estuarine turbidity maxima (ETM) will have profound effects on zooplankton community structure, population dynamics, and secondary production. Pelagic and demersal copepods dominate the zooplankton in the ETM due to a combination of passive retention and active behaviors. High concentrations of phytoplankton, microbes, and protozoans in the ETM lead to high grazing rates and secondary production of zooplankton. Zooplankton may, thus, play an important role in cycling of organic matter in the ETM. Spatial and Temporal Resolution: Pump cast sampling, and associated CTD casts took place from a fixed vessel during one 28-35 day cruise per year in 1990, 1991, 1992, 1995, 1996, and 1998. During 1997, sampling was performed during 2 week cruises in May, July, and October. Methodology: Pump casts were conducted immediately following a CTD cast and are, thus, cross-referenced by CTD data parameters. A volume of 20 L was collected, sieved through a 200 um sieve on deck, and fixed with formalin In the lab, preserved zooplankton were indentified, staged, and counted under stereomicroscopes. Details of methodology are referenced in Cordell et al. (1992) and Simenstad et al. (1994). Variables: Code cast-specific code number (see below) Date date in MM/DD/YY format Time time of day (Pacific standard time) Depth depth in meters OBS optical backscattering (see below) Densities: ( # / m3) PICOPE Pseudodiaptomus inopinus (copepodite) PIMALE P. inopinus (male) PINOFEM P. inopinus (non-ovigerous female) PIOVIF P. inopinus (ovigerous female) PIADULT P. inopinus (total adults) PITOT P. inopinus (total) EA1-3 Eurytemora affinis (copepodite 1-3) EA4-5 E. affinis (copepodite 4-5) EAMALE E. affinis (male) EANOFEM E. affinis (non-ovigerous female) EAOVIF E. affinis (ovigerous female) EAADULT E. affinis (total adults) EATOT E. affinis (total) CC1-5 Coullana (= Scottolana) canadensis (copepodite 1-5) CCMALE C. canadensis (male) CCNOFEM C. canadensis (non-ovigerous female) CCOVIF C. canadensis (ovigerous female) CCMATE C. canadensis (mating pairs) CCADULT C. canadensis (total adults) CCTOT C. canadensis (total) BOSMINA Bosmina longirostris (all stages) PSBRADYA Pseudobradya sp. (total) AVADULT Acanthocyclops vernalis (adult) AVCOP A. vernalis (copepodite) DTADULT Diacyclops thomasi (adult) DTCOP D. thomasi (copepodite) ROTIFER rotifers COPNAUP calanoid copepod nauplii CYCLCOP cyclopoid copepod copepodites OTHER other taxa TotZoop total zooplankton density (#/m3) Explanation of Code: Format of code is: YYBSENN YY first two digits indicate year B letter(s) indicates boundary location or tidal series as follows: U=upstream (beyond salt wedge), D=downstream (below estuarine turbidity maximum), N=neap tide, S=spring tide, SN=spring-neap transition, E= ebb, F=flood, L=long time series, YB=Young’s Bay, CB=Cathlamet Bay S number of sample series at that location/tidal stage E event number (sequence) within that series (an ‘E’ or ‘F’ may follow this number indicating and ebb or flood tide sampling NN two (or three) digits indicate CTD cast number that corresponds to the pump cast * an asterisk after the code indicates CTD data taken from the downcast immediately prior to the pump cast Other data notes: *** OBS units are linearly related to suspended particulate material as measured in mg/L. File format: comma-delineated ASCII with header; maximum number of records = ###; maximum record length = ### References: Cordell, JR, CA Simenstad, and CA Morgan. 1992. Establishment of the Asian calanoid copepod Pseudodiaptomus inopinus in the Columbia River Estuary. J. Crust. Biol. 12:260-269. Simenstad, CA, CA Morgan, JR Cordell, and JA Baross. 1994. Flux, passive retention, and active residence of zooplankton in Columbia River estuarine turbidity maxima. In: KR Dyer and RJ Orth, eds., Changes in fluxes in estuaries: Implications from science to management (ECSA22/ERF, Plymouth, September 1992). pp 473-482. Olsen and Olsen, Fredensborg, Denmark. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------