Further (selected) technical literature on Columbia River river and estuary (see also CRETM-LMER bibliography

(Note: this page is frequently updated)

Amspoker, M. C.,and C. D. McIntire. 1986. Effects of sedimentary processes and salinity on the diatom flora of the Columbia River estuary. Bot. Mar. 24:391-399.

Bottom, D. L., and K. K. Jones. 1990. Species composition, distribution, and invertebrate prey of fish assemblages in the Columbia River Estuary. Prog. Oceanogr. 25:243-270.

Bottom, D. L., K. K. Jones, and M. J. Herring. 1984. Fishes of the Columbia River estuary. Final Rep., Columbia River Estuary Data Development Program, Columbia River Estuary Study Taskforce, Astoria, OR. 113 pp.

Bristow, M. P. F., D. H. Bundy, C. M. Edmonds, P. E. Pinto, B. E. Frey, and L. F. Small. 1985. Airborne lazer fluorosensor survey of the Columbia and Snake rivers: simultaneous measurements of chlorophyll, dissolved organics and optical attenuation. Int. J. Remote Sensing 6:1707-1734.

Chapman, D. W. 1986. Salmon and steelhead abundance in the Columbia River in the nineteenth century. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 115:662-670.

Clark, S. M., and G. R. Snyder. 1970. Limnological study of lower Columbia River, 1967-68. US Fish. Wildl. Serv., Spec. Sci. Rep. Fish. 610. 14 pp.

Cordell, J. R., C. A. Simenstad, and C. A. Morgan. 1992. Establishment of the Asian calanoid copepod Pseudodiaptomus inopinus in the Columbia River estuary. J. Crustacean Biol. 12:260-269.

Cordell, J. R., C. A. Simenstad, and C. A. Morgan. 1992. The Asian calanoid copepod Pseudodiaptomus inopinus in Pacific Northwest rivers--biology of an invasive zooplankter. N.W. Environ. J. 8:164-165.

Craddock, D. R., T. H. Blahm, and W. D. Parente. 1976. Occurrence and utilization of zooplankton by juvenile chinook salmon in the lower Columbia River. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 1:72-76.

Craig, J. A., and R. L. Hacker. 1940. The history and development of the fisheries of the Columbia River. US Bur. Fish. Bull. 49: 133-216.

Cushing, C. E. 1967. Concentration and transport of 32P and 65Z by Columbia River plankton. Limnol. Oceanogr. 12:330-332.

Dahm, C. N., S. V. Gregory, and P. K. park. 1981. Organic carbon transport in the Columbia River. Est. Coastal Shelf Sci. 13:645-658.

Daly, K. L., and D. M. Damkaer. 1986. Population dynamics and distribution of Neomysis mercedis and Alienacanthomysis macropsis (Crustacea: Mysidacea) in relation to the parasitic copepod Hansenulus trebax in the Columbia River estuary. J. Crustacean Biol. 6:840-857.

Dawley, E. M., C. W. Sims, R. D. Ledgerwood, D. R. Miller, and J. G. Williams. 1981. A study to define the migrational characteristics of chinook and coho salmon in the Columbia River estuary and associated marine waters. Pac. NW Reg. Comm., Coastal Zone Est. Studies Div., Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv., Seattle, WA.

Durkin, J. T. 1975. An investigation of fish and decapod shellfish found at four dredge disposal sites adjacent to the mouth of the Columbia River. Rept. To Portland District, US Army Corps Engineers and US Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv., Col. Riv. Proj. Office, Hammond, OR. 29 pp.

Durkin, J. T., T. C. Coley, K. Verner, and R. L. Emmett. 1981. An aquatic species evaluation at four self scouring sites in the Columbia River estuary. Final Rep. To US Army Corps Engineer., US Natl. Oceanic Atmospheric Admin., Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv., Coastal Zone Est. Studies Div., Seattle, WA. 46 pp.

Durkin, J. T., and S. J. Lipovsky. 1977. Aquatic disposal field investigations, Columbia River disposal sites, Oregon. Appendix E. Demersal fish and decapod shellfish studies, 1977. Tech. Rep. D-77-30, US Army Corps Engineers, Waterways Expt. Sta., Vicksburg, MI. 184 pp.

Frey, B. E., R. Lara-Lara, and L. F. Small. 1983. Reduced rates of primary production in the Columbia River Estuary following the eruption of Mt. St. Helens on 18 May 1980. Est. Coastal Shelf Sci. 17:213-218.

Frey, B. E., R. Lara-Lara, and L. F. Small. 1984. Primary production in the Columbia River estuary water column. Final Rep., Columbia River Estuary Data Development Program, Columbia River Estuary Study Taskforce, Astoria, OR. 133 pp.

Fulton, L. A. 1968. Spawning areas and abundance of chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) in the Columbia River basin-past and present. Spec. Sci. Rep. No. 571, US Fish. Wildl. Serv., Washington, DC. 26 pp.

Fulton, L. A. 1970. Spawning areas and abundance of steelhead trout and coho, sockeye, and chum salmon in the Columbia River basin-past and present. Spec. Sci. Rep. No. 618, Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv., Natl. Oceanic Atmospheric Admin., US Dept. Commerce, Washington, DC. 37 pp.

Haertel, L., and C. Osterberg. 1967. Ecology of zooplankton, benthos and fishes in the Columbia River estuary. Ecology 48:459-472.

Haertel, L., C. Osterbergm H, Curl, Jr., and P. K. Park. 1969. Nutrient and plankton ecology of the Columbia River estuary. Ecology 50:962-978.

Hamilton, P. 1990. Modelling salinity and circulation for the Columbia River estuary. Prog. Oceanogr. 25:113-156.

Hedges, J. I., H. J. Turin, and J. R. Ertel. 1984. Sources and distributions of sedimentary organic matter in the Columbia River drainage basin, Washington and Oregon. Limnol. Oceanogr. 29:35-46.

Higley, D. L., and R. L. Holton. 1975. Biological baseline data, Youngs Bay, Oregon. Final Rep. 75-6, 1 November 1973-30 April 1975. School Ocean., Oregon State Univ., Corvallis, OR. 90 pp.

Higley, D. L., and R. L. Holton. 1978. A grab-sample survey of the benthic invertebrates of the Columbia River estuary. Suppl. Data Rep. 76-3, 1 November 1975-29 February 1976, to Port of Astoria. School Ocean, Oregon State Univ., Corvallis, OR. 27 pp.

Jay, D. A., B. S. Giese, and C. R. Sherwood. 1990. Energetics and sedimentary processes in the Columbia River Estuary. Prog. Oceanogr. 25:157-174.

Jay, D. A., and J. D. Smith. 1990. Circulation, density distribution and neap-spring transitions in the Columbia River Estuary. Prog. Oceanogr. 25:81-112.

Jones, K. K., C. A. Simenstad, D. L. Higley, and D. L. Bottom. 1990. Structure, distribution, and standing crop of benthos, epibenthos, and plankton in the Columbia River estuary. Prog. Oceanogr. 25:211-242.

Kirn, R. A., R. D. Ledgerwood, and A. L. Jensen. 1986. Diet of subyearling chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) in the Columbia River estuary and changes effected by the 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens. Northw. Sci. 60:191-196.

Lara-Lara, J. R. 1982. Primary biomass and production processes in the Columbia River estuary. Ph.D. dissertation, Oregon State Univ., Corvallis, OR.

Lara-Lara, J. R., B. E. Frey, and L. F. Small. 1990. Primary production in the Columbia River estuary. I. Spatial and temporal variability of properties. Pac. Sci. 44:17-37.

Lara-Lara, J. R., B. E. Frey, and L. F. Small. 1990. Primary production in the Columbia River estuary. II. Grazing losses, transport, and a phytoplankton carbon budget. Pac. Sci. 44:38-50.

LMER Coordinating Committee (Boynton, W., J. T. Hollibaugh, D. Jay, M. Kemp, J. Kremer, C. Simenstad, S. V. Smith, and I. Valiela). 1992. Understanding changes in coastal environments: the Land Margin Ecosystems Research Program. EOS 73:481-485.

McCabe, G. T., Jr., T. C. Coley, R. L. Emmett, W. D. Muir, and J. T. Durkin. 1981. The effects of the eruption of Mt. St. Helens on fishes in the Columbia River estuary. Estuaries 4:247.

McCabe, G. T., Jr., S. A. Hinton, R. L. Emmett, and R. J. McConnell. 1990. Benthic invertebrates, sediment characteristics, and demersal fishes off Cottonwood Island, Columbia River, before and after rock groin construction, 1987-1988. Final Rep. To US Army Corps Engineers, Portland Dist., US Natl. Oceanic Atmospheric Admin., Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv., Coastal Zone Est. Studies Div., Seattle, WA. 17 pp + append.

McCabe, G. T., Jr., S. A. Hinton, and R. J. McConnell. 1989. Status and habitat requirements of white sturgeon populations in the Columbia River downstream from McNary Dam. Pp. 167-207 in A. A. Nigro (ed.), Rept. D, Project 86-50, to Bonneville Power Administration, Portland, OR.

McCabe, G. T., Jr., W. D. Muir, R. L. Emmett, and J. T. Durkin. 1983. Interrelationships between juvenile salmonids and nonsalmonid fish in the Columbia River estuary. Fish. Bull. (US) 81:815-826.

Misitano, D. A. 1974. Zooplankton, water temperature, and salinities in the Columbia River estuary December 1971 through December 1972. US Dept. Commerce, Natl. Oceanic Atmospheric Admin., Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv., Data Rep. 92. 31 pp.

Misitano, D. A. 1977. Species composition and relative abundance of larval and post-larval fishes in the Columbia River estuary, 1973. Fish. Bull. 75:218-222.

Muir, W. D., R. L. Emmett, and R. J. McConnell. 1988. Diet of juvenile and subadult white sturgeon in the lower Columbia River and its estuary. Calif. Fish Game 74:49-54.

Neal, V. T. 1965. A calculation of flushing times and pollution distribution for the Columbia River estuary. Ph.D. dissertation, Ore. State Univ., Corvallis, OR.

Neal, V. T. 1967. Predicted flushing times and pollution distribution in the Columbia River estuary. Pp. 1463-1480 in Proc. Tenth Conf. Coast. Engineering, Tokyo, 1966. Vol. 2. Am. Soc. Civil Engin.

Park, P. K., G. R. Webster, and R. Yamamoto. 1969. Alkalinity budget of the Columbia River. Limnol. Oceanogr. 14:559-567.

Park, P. K., M. Catalfomo, G. R. Webster, and B. H. Reid. 1970. Nutrients and carbon dioxide in the Columbia River. Limnol. Oceanogr. 15:70-79.

Prahl, F. G. 1982. The geochemistry of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in Columbia River and Washington coastal sediments. Ph.D. dissertation, Univ. Washington, Seattle, WA. 207 pp.

Raymond, H. L. Effects of hydroelectric development and fisheries enhancement on spring and summer chinook salmon and steelhead in the Columbia River basin. N. Am. J. Fish. Mgmt. 8:1-24.

Rich, W. H. 1920. Early history and seaward migration of chinook salmon in the Columbia and Sacramento Rivers. Bull. US Bur. Fish. 37, Washington, DC.

Rich, W. H. 2940. The future of the Columbia River salmon fisheries. Stanford Ichthyl. Bull. 2, Palo Alto, CA.

Rich, W. H. 1941. The present state of the Columbia River salmon resources. Proc. Sixth Pac. Sci. Congress, Vol. 3, Berkeley, CA.

Rich, W. H. 1942. The salmon runs of the Columbia River in 1938. US Fish Wildl. Serv., Fish. Bull. 50: 103-147.

Salo, E. O., and Q. J. Stober. 1977. Man's impact on the Columbia River stocks of salmon. Pp.36-45 in Proc. Conf. Assessing Effects Powerplant-Induced Mortality Fish Pop., Permagon Press.

Sherwood, C. R., and J. R. Creager. 1990. Sedimentary geology of the Columbia River Estuary. Prog. Oceanogr. 25:15-79.

Sherwood, C. R., D. A. Jay, R. B. Harvey, P. Hamilton, and C. A. Simenstad. 1990. Historical Changes in the Columbia River Estuary. Prog. Oceanogr. 25:299-357.

Silliman, R. P. 1950. Fluctuations in abundance of Columbia River chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tschawytscha) 1935-45. US Fish. Wildl. Serv. Fish. Bull. 51. 383 pp.

Simenstad, C. A., D. Jay, C. D. McIntire, W. Nehlsen, C. R. Sherwood, and L. F. Small. 1984. The Dynamics of the Columbia River Estuarine Ecosystem, Vol. I and II.  Col. Riv. Est. Data Dev. Prog., Astoria, OR.

Simenstad, C. A., and J. R. Cordell. 1985. Structural dynamics of epibenthic zooplankton in the Columbia River Delta. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 22:2173-2182.

Simenstad, C. A., C. D. McIntire, and L. F. Small. 1990. Consumption processes and food web structure in the Columbia River estuary. Prog. Oceanogr. 25:271-298.

Simenstad, C. A., L. F. Small, C. D. McIntire, D. A. Jay, and C. R. Sherwood. 1990. An Introduction to the Columbia River Estuary: Brief History, Prior Studies, and the Role of the CREDDP Studies. Prog. Oceanogr. 25:1-14.

Small, L. F., C. D. McIntire, K. B. Macdonald, J. R. Lara-Lara, B. E. Frey, M. C. Amspoker, and T. Winfield. 1990. Primary production, plant and detrital biomass, and particle transport in the Columbia River Estuary. Prog. Oceanogr. 25:175-210.

Smith, C. L. 1979. Salmon fishers of the Columbia. Ore. State Univ. Press, Corvallis, OR.

Smith, W. E., and R. W. Saalfeld. 1955. Studies on Columbia River smelt Thaleichthys pacificus. Wash. Dept. Fish., Res. Pap. 1:3-26.

Trefethen, P. 1972. Man's impact on the Columbia River. Pp. 77-98 in R. T. Oglesby, C. A. Carlson and J. A. McCann (editors), River Ecology and Man. Proc. Internat. Symp. River Ecol. And Impact of Man, Univ. Mass., Amherst, MA. Academic Press, New York. 465 pp.

Turin, H. J., 1980. The lignin geochemistry of modern sediments in the Columbia River drainage basin, Washington and Oregon. Sr. thesis, Princeton Univ., Princeton, NJ. 87 pp.

Westrheim, S. J. 1955. Migrations of starry founder (Platichthys stellatus) tagges in the Columbia River. Fish Comm. Oregon, Res. Briefs 6:33-37.

Whetten, J. T., J. C. Kelley, and L. G. Hanson. 1969. Characteristics of Columbia River sediment and sediment transport. J. Sediment. Petrol. 39:1149-1166.

Williams, G. T. 1983. Distribution and relative abundance of major epibenthic Crustacea in the Columbia River estuary. M.S. thesis, Univ. Washington, Seattle, WA. 98 pp.


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