(The Two Girls Who Lived There)

Belle Deacon

Recording:  anl0761a.wav. Length: 21:35.
Recorded by Karen McPherson, who refers to the story as "two girls
and the crow man" on the recording.
Transcriptional refinements and word glosses added by Sharon Hargus. Reviewed by Jeff Leer.
  1. Niɬoghda'yetr'i'nenixidax.
    each other's cousinsone saysthey're living
    'There were two cousins, they say.'

  2. Qayxiyozrxixitl-'onh.
    villagelittlethey have
    'They lived in a little village.'

  3. Ndadzsre'xits'itr'inedatlinɬogo.
    somethingnot knownfrom itthose who came outtruly
    'They had come there from someplace.'

  4. nnn

  5. Yitots'in'xiviyiɬgitidaɬ.
    thenwith themaloneness
    'There wasn't anybody with them.'

  6. Ngitthingxiɬdikvalgatsine'[i]dixanhdaɬɬogot.
    down therethenboateventhey lacktruly
    'They didn't even have a boat down on the beach.'1

  7. Sanhtuxxiɬdiktuxveɬtixitlchethtux,tr'itlngithyuxudzxiyiɬ tiditthiyh.
    summerduringthenfishnetthey setwhenwillowlongjustthey push it out
    'In the summertime they would set a net with a long willow pole by pushing it out.'

  8. Iyxiɬdiaxaniɬk'ugixiniɬ'ots'i.
    itthenwiththey had set net
    'With that they had a net set.'

  9. Yuxudzaxaxiɬdinalayyiɬdixiɬ'anh.
    allwiththendog salmontoothey're getting
    'They got dog salmon with all that too.'

  10. Nuggunonxuxu'oyh.
    up therethey preserve lots
    'They put up big bundles (of fish).'

  11. Axaxiɬdikxeyts'in'tuxchechegagyiɬoqo nixitit'isr.
    thenautumnduringagainberrytoothey go pick
    'Every fall the two of them went berry picking too.'

  12. Yitots'iyuxudzxiyiqa xiyditodhiladhingagyiɬyuxudzngidugguchetsok'idzdidhu'onh.
    thenjustwhat they will live on themjust enoughberrytoojustupagaincachelittleit's up there
    'When they had enough berries for them to live on all winter they put the berries up in a little cache.'

  13. Gitsatl'(o)ntsoiyxiɬdiky(e)nxiyalyayh.
    woven grasscacheitthenthey put them in
    'They stored them in a grass cache.'

  14. Vavyuxudzvavnegyiɬ,genoq'uthyiɬ,yi'idit'oddhnegyiɬyit,xiyiq'i din'alyayh.
    foodallfoodniceanddried flat fishandcut fishniceandtherethey put pl. up on it
    'They put all the nice food---dried flat fish and nicely cut fish---in it.'

  15. Xidonxit'isrts'ixiɬdikgixinditthts'ixits'i---giqaɬchinyiɬyixidughoyh.
    they go back insidethenthey're twistingboottoothey're making for themselves
    'They would go back indoors and twist thread and make boots for themselves.'

  16. Łeq'athgiqaɬchin,xaɬts'i---ɬeq'athda'agcheedi xiyit'an.
    fish skinbootfish skinparkatoothat's all they have
    'All they had were fish skin boots and fish skin parkas.'

  17. Yitongomeatyiɬxithonts'in'.
    meanwhiletoothey haven't eaten
    'They never ate meat.'

  18. Ndadz axadixiyeloq,meatxitoheɬ?
    howthey did itnelangthey'll eat
    'How would they get meat to eat?'

  19. Łeggyan'xuhonh.
    fishonlythey're eating
    'They ate only fish.'

  20. Q'idoghtuxchevanhgiqxisrghedyiɬvituxiy.
    sometimesalsoice creamrosehipswithin it
    'Once in a great while (they made) indian ice cream with rosehips in it.'

  21. Q'idoghtuxchecheniɬanht'asryiɬvituxiychenixintth'ix.
    sometimesalsoblackberriestooin ittoothey mix
    'Sometimes they mixed in blackberries.'

  22. Yitots'igoɬogoniɬghuxithitanh.
    thenthistrulywith each otherthey slept together
    'Afterwards they lay down together.'

  23. Xivits'idniɬghun'ni'idalnek.
    their blanketwith each otherit's pushed back to wall
    'They rolled up together in their bedding.'

  24. Yitxiɬdixathdots'in',xuxinayh.
    therethenthey staythey're talking
    'And then they stayed there talking.'

  25. Niɬnoghɬndixaghdet'osr.
    before eyes of each otherthey told stories
    'They would tell one another stories.'

  26. Yuxudzxidigaɬxizrolchenhdi---nixidodhilcheyuxudzq'ixididhiɬdi.
    justfinallyapparentlyyears passedagainjustwhen they're becoming grown up
    'The years passed and they grew up.'

  27. Nuq'oɬdaɬinnegyozryenotin.
    womennicepretty pl.2 people
    'Both of them were pretty women.'

  28. "Ndaghithe sre'dinaxelanhts'igo,"xi'neɬogo.
    whereI wonderpeoplethere areherethey saytruly
    "'I wonder if there are any other people around," they said.'

  29. "Ehe'\textpolhooke(?)etle[y]'."
    no waymaybe
    "'Maybe not."'2

  30. "Xunhdeyan'ngin' qoggxiyetr'itodoɬts'i'a,"didene.
    only usworldwe'll live inyou say
    "'We are the only people in the world," one said.'

  31. "Maybeixindaghche,nguqogg xidina'xelanhine'xantr'itr'uxineg."
    somewheretooearth's personthere arebutwe don't know it
    "'Maybe there are some somewhere, but we don't know anything about human beings."'

  32. Ndaghsre'xits'itr'ixine'otsinɬogot.
    whereI wonderfromthose who cametruly
    'They didn't know where they came from.'

  33. Uxuxuyiɬxilegodixinaɬt'adisre'yixinixixidi---nixixidoɬdhiɬ.
    suddenlytruly?how manyI wonderthereyears are passing
    'I don't know how many years passed as they stayed there.'

  34. Uxuxuyiɬxilegoxeydanxitithidhit.
    suddenlytruly?winter came again
    'Winter started to come again.'

  35. Xeyts'in'nuxodhiɬ.
    autumnis passing
    'It's autumn.'

  36. [Xi]ɬdikgagyiɬaxanonxoghdinon'.
    thenberrytoowiththey ate pl.
    'Then they put up berries again.'

  37. Dongittheghchecheq'eltritryiɬyu'odznixidaghghaɬts'in'.
    just down thereagaindry willowtoooverthey're packing home
    'They carried dry willow home from the beach too.'

  38. Engitheghxiɬdiengitheghxiyiɬq'igili'aɬine'xiɬdi,ndadzgoxaxadixiytoleɬ?
    out therethenout theretoothey're floating aroundbutthenhowhereby what meansthey'll get them
    'Meanwhile out on the water birds were floating around, but how would they get them?'

  39. Xidigaɬyuxudzdithitinh.
    finallyjustit froze up
    'Finally it froze up.'

  40. Engitheghchedithitinh.
    out thereagainit froze
    'The water froze up again.'

  41. Axaxiɬdingi'eghq'ixet'osrts'i,ngi'eghq'ixaghdinoyhxutl'oghtuxxidonxit'isrts'idigixiɬ'anh.
    thenoutsidethey're walking aroundoutsidethey work outsideafterwhenthey come back insidethey work on things
    'Going outdoors they did their outdoor work and after that coming back inside they worked there.'

  42. Giqaɬchinyiɬyixidughoyh,gixinditthts'ixiyiɬ,tuxveɬyiɬyixidetl'eyh.
    bootstoothey makethey spin/twistandfishnettoothey weave
    'They made boots, they twisted thread, and they made fishnets.'

  43. Deg dixet'axaɬts'in'xiyiɬxizrolchenh.
    time goes byeveningthenapparently
    'And that was how they passed the time in the evening.'

  44. Ngi'inxits'ixizrolche,tr'o'isrq'idixi'ne.
    over therefromapparentlysomeone is walkingit sounded like
    'And then one time there was the sound of someone coming.'

  45. Uxuxuyiɬɬogoyuxudz,niɬxitl'iyiɬyuxudz.
    suddenlytrulyjustthey grabbed each otherjust
    'They grabbed each other.'

  46. What is it?

  47. "Ganiy?"xi'ne.
    whatitthey said
    "'What is it?"' they said.'

  48. "Tr'o'isrxizrolchenh,"xi'ne.
    someone's comingapparentlythey said
    "'It's somebody coming," they said.'3

  49. "It couldn't be, there's nobody,"xi'neɬogo.
    they saidtruly
    "'It couldn't be, there's nobody," they said.'

  50. Uxuxuyiɬngu'oxidoyntr'ine'otsngiyixdiqa'---dinaqa'ntr'atitlghitl.
    suddenlyoutside doordoorsomeone came down theresomeone's feetsomeone started to strike
    'Just then somebody stopped in the doorway knocking the snow off his feet.'

  51. Yitongoyuxudzxinaghɬjit.
    meanwhilejustthey're scared
    'They were afraid.'

  52. "*** diva anh ***"xi'nets'ixiyiɬ.
    whohe/shethey saidthen
    "'Who is that?'" they said.'4

  53. Divasre'adit'aninh.
    whoI wonder(focus)who is coming
    'I wonder who's coming.'

  54. Dinaqa'ntr'idaghɬghitlxiyiɬngu'oxidoyyadz gitadhiniq.
    someone's bootssomeone struckthenoutside doordoorpushed curtain aside
    'He knocked the snow off his boots and then he pushed the curtain aside.'

  55. Iiiy,divazro[li]chenh.
    'Gee, now who was there.'

  56. Chelsoghluqzringanhdithitl'itsin[h]gginghyozranh.
    young mandearblackthat personblack personskinnylittlethat person
    '(It was) a poor pitiful black young man, skinny and little.'

  57. xiy---Xiyts'i genathtonh,tr'ixixehalts'idadz donxidiyo.
    they watched himthey didn't talkthey turned away
    'They watched him not saying a word and then they turned away.'

  58. Engodzyitots'i,engosts'indadhiyo.
    other sidethento other sidehe went up
    'He went over to the other side of the house.'

  59. (noise of dog growling and door opening and closing during next sentence)

  60. "Yoonetxits'idist'anhdiogot,"didiyoqts'igouxuyiɬ.
    upriverfromwhere I comehereit happenedheresuddenly
    "'I came from up the river" (he said).'5

  61. "He,dinaɬoxelanh,"dixaɬne.
    oh reallypersontrulywhen there isthey said
    "'Yes, there is another person," they (the girls) said.'

  62. "Ago doghxist'anhdi,agodist'adiyooniy'---yoonu'xist'anhagot,"neɬogo.
    from around hereI'm person of areahereI amupriverI'm person ofherehe saystruly
    "'Well I'm from around here, I'm from upriver," he said.'

  63. Iiy.

  64. Ts'anyitots'ixidighenek.
    thenthenhe stopped
    'Then he stopped.'

  65. Xoghk'osi[n]iiyxiyk'o'yitongo.
    opposite themgeethey dislike himmeanwhile
    'Gee, he sat there across the room from them.'

  66. Divaɬotthan'idoyhda'.
    I hopehe goes outI hope
    'I hope he leaves.'

  67. Getiyviq'aditr'et'its'ianh,niɬxidi'ne'yuxudz.
    verywe don't want himthat personthey said to each otherjust
    'We don't want him at all.'

  68. Niɬchuxinaɬtl'isrts'ixiyiɬɬo.
    they squeezed each otherthentruly
    'They were holding each other tightly all the while.'

  69. (BD, JD laugh)

  70. Ts'anyitots'in'yixixiɬdienathtanh.
    thenthentherethenhe went to bed
    'Then he went to bed.'

  71. Nixenithidrit.
    they went to bed
    'They went to bed.'

  72. Xiytl'ogidighetritxiyozrɬogo.
    they gave him foodlittle bittruly
    'They gave him a little food.'

  73. Yiqantodoɬiyxiɬ---ɬoxiynedhinhxiytl'odighetrit.
    (providing sustenance) for him(with) which he'll go backtrulythey thought itthey gave him something to eat
    'They thought if they gave him something to eat it might provide sustenance for him to leave.'

  74. Gga!

  75. Tthantodol(gh)ilechenh.
    he won't go back outsidemaybe
    'But maybe he wouldn't go back out.'

  76. Xoghtathdo'yit,yitongoyuxudzxiyk'o'getiy.
    with themhe started to staytheremeanwhilejustthey dislike himvery
    'He started staying with them but they really didn't like him.'

  77. "Uxudzdingit'anhviq'aditr'et'its'in',getiydithizringhanhdidhigginghts'ixiyiɬanh,"xaɬne.
    that kind ofperson who he iswe don't likeveryhe's blackhimhe's skinnytoothat personthey said
    "'We don't like the way he is, too black and skinny,"' they said.'

  78. "Gokeltr'o'itla'ts'isro'denuxdaq,"xivazrneɬogocheixutux.
    thisyoung manI'm no goodyou pl. thinkhe's telling themtrulyagainwhile?
    "'You think that I'm no good," he said to them over and over.'

  79. mmm

    JD: (inaudible)


  80. Ts'anyitots'in'axaxiɬdik---
    'So then---

  81. (recorder clicks off, then on again)

  82. Ts'anyi---axaxiɬdikxiytl'ogidighetritxiɬdikuxudediggixitadhon'yit.
    thenthenthey gave him some foodthenthey toothey started to eatthere
    'After that they fed him again and they too started eating.'

  83. Yitongoyitnchitr'ititl'ighiɬ.
    meanwhiletherehe sat and wouldn't leave
    'Meanwhile he refused to leave.'

  84. Ithenoghdolinhanhxiynedhinh,ine'yitdhido.
    would thathe might returnthat personthey thought itbuttherehe stays
    'They were wishing he would leave but he stayed there.'

  85. Niɬchuxinaɬtl'isrts'ixiyiɬ.
    they squeezed each otherthen
    'They were hugging each other tightly.'

  86. "Ithenongidoɬ,nangidoɬ"***divitr'atoneɬ(?)ine'xinaghɬjitɬogoche.
    would thatyou go backyou go backone was going to tell himbutthey're scaredtrulyalso
    "'Leave, leave" they wanted to tell him but they were too scared.'

  87. Ts'anxinathtanh.
    thenthey went to bed
    'So they went to bed.'

  88. Xinathtanhxiyiɬxizrolchenh,xividotuqxiyetr'ighe'otsdi.
    they went to bedthenapparentlybetween themsomeone was getting in
    'As soon as they went to bed there was somebody forcing his way between them.'

  89. Xiyk'oyi'itezreɬ.
    they rejecting himthey screamed
    'They screamed at him.'

  90. "Ndadzdingit'anhts'i'a?"xaɬne.
    whatyou're doingthey said to him
    "'What are you doing?" they said to him.'

  91. "Ngosu'otdituxlaɬts'an'axo'indiyux'itl-'anh.
    wellmy wifeyou pl. will bethusin order toI'm doing to you pl.
    "'I do this so you will be my wives.'

  92. Go degndadzenedzndadznigaghsoɬ.
    around heresomehowfrom upriversomehowI walked in circles
    'I walked all the way here from far upriver.'

  93. Nuq'oɬdaɬinyeoqoxintl-'anh.
    womenforI'm looking
    'I was looking for women.'

  94. Xiyiɬyixq'a'isots'an'adiyux'itl-'anh,"xivazrne.
    thenI find you pl.thusI'm trying for you pl.he told them
    'I've found you two so I'm trying for you," he said.'

  95. "Ngon-q'aditr'et'its'inde,"xaɬnets'ixiyiɬxiyiɬchethts'ixiyiɬ.
    wellwe don't want youkeep awaythey told himthenthey hit himthen
    "'Well we don't want you so go away," they told him and they hit him.'

  96. (Da)ɬchenhda.
    even so?
    'But he didn't pay attention(?).' %JK: Daɬchen da'.

  97. "Ngogetiygitr'oduxɬt'ats'ixiyiɬguxɬnonh.
    wellveryyou pl. are poorthenyou pl. eat
    "'You two are eating poorly.'

  98. Łeggyan'yu'uxeyh.
    fishonlyyou pl. eat pl.
    'You eat nothing but fish.'

  99. Yux'oxoggaggyan'ditatl-'eɬ.
    for you pl.gameonlyI'll hunt
    'I'll hunt nothing but big game for you.'

  100. Guq'uxyan'tuxɬnoɬ(ts')an'a,"xivitr'atadhine'ts'ixiyiɬ.
    fatonlyyou pl. will eatthenhe started to tell themthen
    'And you'll eat nothing but fat from now on," he told them then.'

  101. Yitongoxitathtraxts'ixiyiɬ,xitrixts'ixiyiɬ.
    meanwhilethey started to crythenthey're cryingthen
    'Meanwhile they started crying and they kept crying.'

  102. (JD coughs in the middle of the next sentence)

  103. "Ngonq'aditr'et'its'ingouxudz dingit'aninhq'aditr'et'idi,"goxaɬne.
    wellwe don't like youwellthat kind of personwe don't likethisthey told him
    "'Well we don't like you, we just don't like the way you are," they told him.'

  104. Yitots'iyuxudzxiyghuniɬts'i'idineyuxudzxiydhiɬghats'ixiyiɬ.
    thenjustthey to himthey told each otherjustthey're beating him upthen
    'They said this to each other and they beat him up.'

  105. Daɬchenhyitdhido.
    even sotherehe stays
    'He still stayed there.'

  106. Tthantithdogits'ixiyiɬ.
    he won't leavethen
    'He wouldn't leave.'

  107. Vinixuɬts'egtr'itr'inedhits'iyuxudzntr'ithitl'enh.
    early morningsomeone woke upjusthe got dressed
    'Early in the morning he got up and got dressed (to go hunting).'

  108. Xaɬts'in'xits'ixodhiɬxiyiɬxizrolchenh,xaɬ,xaɬngidisinxiyetr'ighe'onhdi.
    eveningto ittime is passingthenapparentlypackupsomeone lowered inside
    'There he was with a pack just as evening was approaching, and he lowered his pack to the floor.'

  109. Ganxizrolchenhyuxudznelangyuxudzguq'uxtinhyan'yiɬhiyviyedhidloyxivits'ixiyetr'ighe'onhdi.
    whatapparentlyjustmeanjustfatfrozenonlytooitin itthings which areto themsomeone lowered
    'There was nothing but meat and frozen fat in the pack lowered to them.'

  110. Ngichoghghinoygetiylighanathdlanhts'iyuxudziygoxughun',yiɬxughun'idiyo.
    big onecaribouveryfathe killedjustithereto themalsoto themhe returned
    'He had killed some really fat caribou and that was what he came back to them with.'

  111. Xiyiɬxidontr'et'otsts'ixiyiɬxiɬdikdixivazrne:"gila'guxɬvatrts'ixiyiɬyitots'igide'uxonhiy.
    thenhe came back inthenthenhe said to themgo aheadcook itthentheneat lotsit
    'So then he came indoors and said to them, "'go ahead cook it and then eat it right up.'

  112. Yux'oxon'ayuxudzdist'anh.
    for you pl.(focus)allI'm doing
    'It's for you (pl.) that I'm doing all this.'

  113. Ditast'eɬcheyuxoghtlzrekdisu'oqaydituxlaɬdi,"xivazrne.
    I'll do itagainI got you wivesyou pl. will behe told them
    'I'll do this because you are to be my wives," he told them.'

  114. Yitongoniɬxinaɬtɬ'isrts'ixiyiɬ.
    meanwhilethey're hugging each otherthen
    'Meanwhile they kept hugging each other.'

  115. Viq'aditr'et'its'ianhxi'nets'ixiyiɬ.
    we don't like himthat personthey saidthen
    'We don't like him at all they said.'

  116. 'Nxitrixts'ixiyiɬ.
    they're cryingthen
    'They were crying.'

  117. "Dodouxtrixts'i,"xivazrne.
    stopyou pl. are cryinghe told them
    "'Why are you crying?" he said to them then.'

  118. "Cheltr'o---keltr'ighatla',ts'ixe'achesik'o'yitidhuxtrax,"xivazrne.
    young manyoung manI am no goodrejecting meagainyou pl. started to cryhe told them
    "'How can you cry like that about me, (saying) I'm no good?" he asked them.'

  119. Daɬine'yuxudzndadz godixitoneɬts'in'.
    nonethelessjustwhatthey'll do
    'But they didn't know what to do.'

  120. Yuxudzxiɬdidit'anh.
    justthenhe does
    'He kept on (getting meat).'

  121. Xiydhiɬghats'ixiyiɬtthidangithyuxudz.
    they're beating himthennightjust
    'So they just kept beating him even at night.'

  122. Xiyq'andaghɬchithts'ixiyiɬdaɬcheyitdhido.
    they kept hitting himtheneven sotherehe stays
    'They kept hitting him and in spite of that he stayed.'

  123. "Ngonq'aditr'et'its'i,nongidoɬ,"xaɬnets'ixiyiɬ.
    wellwe don't want yougo homethey told himthen
    "'Well we don't want you so go away," they told him.'

  124. Viyan'.No.
    'No. No'

  125. Ndadz go ditoneɬts'in'?
    what could be done
    'What could be done?'

  126. Uxuxuyiɬxizrolchenhdegxeydixodhiɬxiyiɬxizrolchenh,chegits'i'in ntithiyo.
    suddenlyapparentlyaround herewinter is passingthenapparentlytoohe went hunting
    'So that was how it was as winter went by---he kept going hunting.'

  127. Chegits'i'in ntithiyohingontsetidldux,iiiy.
    againhe went huntingmeanwhilethere was a big snow stormgee
    'He kept going hunting meanwhile there was a big snow storm.'

  128. Ndadzxuqults'ixiyiɬ,eqyiɬaxaxuqul!
    howthere is nothingthenfogtoowiththere is nothing
    'How white it was then, with fog!'

  129. "Gila'soghda',"yiɬne.
    come onmy cousinshe told her
    "'Come on cousin," one said (to the other).'

  130. "Gila',vik'o'sriɬtitr'ith'ozranh,"yiɬne.
    come oneescaping himlet's hidethat personshe told her
    "'Come on, we'll escape from that guy," she said to her.'

  131. Yitots'iyuxudzpacksackchuxyegixighelo.
    thenjustxaɬ dhithbiginthey put things
    'Right away putting their things in a big packsack.'

  132. Noɬchidlchuxviyegixighelovavdixiydineggit.
    skin bagbigin itthey put thingsfoodthey stuffed it
    'They took a big skin bag and stuffed it with food.'

  133. Hingogiɬigginhchets'idxiyiɬtidhighanh.
    whileother persontooblanketthenshe packed
    'Meanwhile the other one bundled blankets on her back.'

  134. Yitots'itthixide'ots.
    thenthey du. walked down the bank
    'They set off.'

  135. Ngido'ts'ixinaghyitots'ixitidhu'ots.
    downriverinsteadjustthey du. walked
    'They started going downriver.'

  136. Degngido'xo'isrdoduqsrixtl'otxelanh.
    around heredownriverthey du. are walkingjust up theregulchthere is
    'They walked far downriver to where there was a gulch.'

  137. Yitxiɬdiyuxudzduqxidhu'o(ts).
    thentherejustup therethey du. walked up
    'They walked up there.'

  138. Yitongoyuxudzgataɬtthetts'ixiyiɬ.
    meanwhilejustthere was a blizzardthen
    'Meanwhile there was a big blizzard.'

  139. Xivitingyixixuqul.
    their trackstherethere is nothing
    'Their tracks disappeared.'

  140. ***(Xiɬ)dikxidhu'otsxiɬdi,ngiduggutixidhu'ots'iyuxudz.
    thenthey du. walked upthenup thereslanting hilljust
    'They kept on walking up the hill.'6

  141. Ndaghachexiviting?
    where(focus)againtheir trail
    'Where was their trail?'7

  142. Degxidigaɬxizrolchenhithchaxnegxoghxine'ots.
    around herefinallyapparentlyarea under treeniceto itthey arrived
    'They went a long way and finally they came to a nice place under a tree.'

  143. "Gilgotr'initholngo,"getiyxogh [x]e[ntl]niq,niɬxidi'ne.
    come onherelet's campwellverythey got tiredthey told each other
    "'Let's make camp here now," they said to each other both very tired.'8

  144. Yitxiɬdiyuxudzbranchesyiɬyuxudzxiyexidinigheketthxiyiɬ.
    therethenjustts'ivi iltoojustunderneaththey broke upthen
    'Right there they made themselves soft bedding with branches.'9

  145. Xenadhoɬ,xuxidiɬq'onh.
    they started to campthey made fire
    'They made camp and built a fire.'

  146. Ts'anyitots'iyitdhaxidinekxutl'oghxiɬdiyuxudz,ts'idq'idixidlchethts'iyiggixinadhoɬ.
    thenthentherethey had a bite to eatafterthenjustblanketthey covered themselves withdown therethey spent night
    'After they had eaten a little they covered themselves with blankets and spent the night.'

  147. Venhdiyuxudztth'exizrolchenhyuxudztsetlyiɬgataɬtthet.
    next dayjuststillapparentlyjustdrifting snowtoothere's a blizzard
    'The next day the blizzard was still blowing.'

  148. Xuxidet'an ts'iyuxudzeqyiɬaxa.
    no visibilityjustfogtoowith
    '(They were in) a whiteout with fog too.'

  149. Yitots'iyuxudzxaɬt'onxiɬt'onhchenixititht'ots.
    thenjustpackthey put back on their backsagainthey du. started out again
    'Right away they put their packs back on their backs and started off again.'

  150. Degdranndadzsre'nigixina'o.
    around hereall dayhowI wonder(shape of hills, ground)
    'All day they wandered they didn't know where.'

  151. Xidigaɬxizrolchenhyuxudzxogh xentlniq.
    finallyapparentlyjustthey got tired
    'Finally they became exhausted.'

  152. Ngiyixchexiviqa'cheqitr'igatithiggisrts'ixiyiɬiyfish skin bootsghiluqyuxudzviqa',qa'---yuxudzqitr'igatathtlaq.
    belowtootheir feettoosoles started to wear outthenitɬeq'ath giqaɬchinpoorjustits solejustsoles started to wear out
    'Their boot soles were starting to wear out and those fishskin boots their soles started to wear out.'

  153. Ditl'uqonchexolaɬxiy---xiynon-giɬtl'i'ts'ixiyiɬ.
    needletoothey're carrying pl.they patched themthen
    'They had their needles so they patched them.'

  154. Xidigaɬxizrolchenhyuxudzxogh xentlniqdi.
    finallyapparentlyjustwhen they got tired
    'At last they became exhausted.'

  155. Degdixinaɬt'adisre'getiyxinadhoɬxiyiɬ,yoq'anxatitl'iningh,iiy.
    around herehow manyI don't knowlotsthey campedthenskyit started to clear upgee
    'I don't know how many nights they had camped when the sky cleared up, gee.'

  156. Ndaghxingithxizrolchenhq'idixet'a!
    howfarapparentlyit looks like
    'How far they had gone then!'

  157. Sithtuxlochegodixit'anhdi.
    hillamongevidentlyherewhere they came
    'They were in a different place among the hills.'

  158. Ts'anyitots'iaxaxiɬdikdegndadzsre'dixit'anh?
    thenthenthenaround herewhatI wonderthey're doing
    'What should they do now?'

  159. "Agidet,"niɬixidi'ne,"maybedinatth'intoloɬdixoqon-goditr'it'anh.
    okaythey told each otherndaɬonour bonewhere they will befor itherewe're coming
    "'Okay," they said to each other, "we have come to where our bones will lie.'10

  160. Ndadz axaq'aghxiyiɬxits'itr'ine'otsts'ixiyiɬxantr'itr'ixi[neg]xantr'itl'inixdi.
    howbackthentowardswe du. walkedthenwe don't knowwe forgot
    'We don't know, we forgot the way back.'

  161. Ndaghxiyiɬq'aghnasrot'isr?"xi'ne.
    howthenbackwe du. will returnthey said
    'How can we ever go back now?" they said.

  162. Deg dranq'ixet'osrxiyiɬ,deloydadzne'oyq'idzdo---dodongithidzxitidhu'ots.
    all this daythey 2 are walking aroundthenmountainthis waywhich extendsontojust from the westthey du. walked up
    'All day they kept walking and they came up onto the summit of the nearby mountains.'

  163. Engithits'idegxito'isrxiyiɬxizrolchenh.
    westwardaround herethey du. will walkthenapparently
    'They went west (ahead).'

  164. Xogh gits'igixenetolxidoyixixizrolchenhdinatingxelanh.
    different (direction)where they started to look aroundjust belowapparentlysomeone's trailthere is
    'They looked down below them and there was a trail.'

  165. Iiiy!

  166. Yuxudzdoghda'yuxudz,yitlyiɬts'ixiyiɬ.
    justher cousinjustshe grabbed herthen
    '(One of) the cousins grabbed the other.'

  167. "Soghda'yozr,deglachedinating,"xi'ne.
    my cousindeararound hereevidentlysomeone's trailthey said
    "'My dear cousin, look there's somebody's trail down there."'

  168. "Divasre'anh?"xi'ne.
    whoI wonderthat personthey said
    "'Whose can it be?" they said.'

  169. "Xidayvik'o'sriɬtitr'ine'otsinhtlaggtingxit'alanh,"xi'ne.
    whereescaping from himthe one we hid fromno-goodtrailmaybehimthey said
    "'Maybe it's that no-good guy's trail, the guy we escaped from," they said.'

  170. Ngonginugguxiɬdiktr'igighandlititsxiq'i.
    wellback up therethenit's swollenlooks like
    'There was a round (hill) sticking up back that way.'

  171. Yitxiɬdixits'ixo'isr.
    therethento itthey du. are walking
    'That was where they were going.'

  172. Dotthingdoyiggigixidenathtonhdiattheayixxizrolchenhxiyhyixxinxighe'odi.
    just belowjust down therewhere they lookedway downhillway downapparentlywinterhousewhere it stuck up
    'They looked down below and there down at the base of the hill there was a winter house.'

  173. Tsocheyuxo'eghdathdlodi.
    cacheagainaround itwhere they were above
    'There were caches set up all around it.'

  174. "Ndadz axadasrot'al?"xi'ne.
    whatwe'll dothey said
    "'What can we do?"'

  175. Viyan'getiyeyo axaxi'ne.
    noveryshythey said
    'They were very bashful.'

  176. "Yitdingit'adaɬine'ditr'i[t]ith'ozr,"xi'ne.
    thereshouldhoweverlet's du. go upthey said
    "'We should go (down) there," they said.'

  177. Tth'enigith'oyts'iɬogo.
    stillsun hasn't settruly
    'The sun hasn't gone down yet.'

  178. Q'idoghnigitith'oy[ts'i].
    for a whilesun isn't setting
    'It's not going down for a while.'

  179. Ngitthingyitots'iyuxudzdiyithdatithivanh.
    downhillthenjustthey started wading in snow
    'Then they started wading downhill through the snow.'

  180. Ngitthingyityitongo,yitots'iyitxiyhyixxidoynixine'ots.
    downhilltheremeanwhilethentherewinterhousedoorthey du. stopped
    'Down there they went to the door of the winter house right away.'

  181. Ngiyixxiɬdixidiqa'nixatitlghitl.
    down therethentheir feetthey started to strike
    'At the doorway they knocked the snow off their boots.'

  182. Xidiqa'nixidaghɬghiɬdixiɬdingiyiggxidixitidhu'ots.
    their feetwhen they strucktheninsidethey du. started to go inside
    'Having cleaned off their feet they entered.'

  183. Xidiniɬchedhyadzixiniɬnek.
    curtainasidethey pushed
    'They pushed the curtain aside.

  184. Iiiy,ganxizrolchenhnuq'oɬonhnegxizrolchenh,daɬts'innuq'oɬonhnegxizrolchenhdathdodi,nuq'oɬonhtiyhgida'.
    geewhatapparentlywomanniceapparentlyright sidewomanniceapparentlywhere she's sitting upwomanolderimpressive
    'Gee, over on the right side there was a woman who seemed nice sitting up (on the bench), an impressive older woman."11

  185. Nuq'oɬonhaxanchedughoɬzrenh!
    womanby means ofalsoshe's nice-looking
    'She was such a nice-looking woman.'12

  186. Yitongonginiggianugguyixnedrq'ithts'in'taɬghaɬni'idalnekithitth'ix.
    meanwhileback therebackhousemiddlesidemattressrolled upit's pushed back to wallit's rolled up
    'Back to one side of the middle there was a mattress all rolled up.'

  187. Gitsatl'onnegcheviyiggitlcheth.
    woven grassnicetoounder itthere is
    'There was nice woven grass under it.'

  188. Axaxiɬdik,"iningasraqaynegye,"xiɬne.
    thenpoorchildrenbeautiful pl.she told them
    "'Oh my, what beautiful girls," that woman said to them.'

  189. "Ndadzyux'axadixet'ats'i'aduxt'anh?"xaɬne.
    howwith you isyou're doingshe told them
    "'What happened to you that you're like this?" she said to them.'

  190. Viyan'xi'ne.
    nothingthey said
    'They said nothing.'

  191. "Ngogo degq'itr'et'osrts'an-got.
    wellaround herewe're walking aroundthat's why
    "'Why we're just wandering around here that's all.'

  192. Tr'athdodixitr'i---xitr'ixitlnixts'iyiggiy,go degq'itr'et'osrts'an-go."
    where we staywe lost itthataround herewe du. are walking aroundthat's why
    'Since we lost the place where we (used to )stay we're just walking around here."'

  193. "Iningasraqaynegye,gilengosts'innux'osr,"xiɬne.
    poorchildrennice pl.go aheadto the other sideyou du. walkshe told them
    "'Oh dear, you nice children, go over to the bench on the other side," she told them.'

  194. "Ngoyux'oxog[a]ntatlnikdi,"xiɬne.
    wellfor you pl.when I'll cookshe told them
    "'Well I'll cook for you," she said.'

  195. Axaxiɬdi[k]yuxudzethok[ye]gighelonelangyiɬ.
    thenjustpotinshe put thingsmeattoo
    'Then she put food in a pot with meat.'

  196. Diyoghuxanxiynoghɬ didithne'.
    should havethey should tell her
    'They should have told her what was wrong.'

  197. "Ngogo dadzdina'axadixet'ats'igo.
    welllike thiswith usit isthis
    "'Well this is what happened to us.'

  198. Ngo'yixgitsiydinaanhk'on-goditr'it'anh,"diyoghxiydithne'.
    wellravenpersonthat personescaping fromthiswe're comingshould havethey told her
    'It's raven that we're running away from," they should have told her.'

  199. Xiydenelts'ixiyiɬ,xiɬdieyoaxa.
    they didn't tell herthenthenshamewith
    'They didn't tell her because they were so ashamed.'

  200. Axaxiɬdi,dze,xaɬts'in'nuxodhiɬxiyiɬxizrolchengi'inxits'idinaqa'tr'atitlghitldi.
    then(surprise?)eveningit's getting to bethenapparentlyover therefromsomeone's bootswhen someone started to strike
    'As it was getting to be evening, there was the sound of someone cleaning his boots over there (at the entrance).'

  201. Ngidisindisinxizrolchenhxaɬ dhithchuxxiyghets'okdi.
    up aboveapparentlypacksackbigwhen he lowered it
    'Through the smoke hole above a big packsack was lowered down.'

  202. Ganxizrolcheyuxudzguq'uxyan'doghdinditinh.
    whatapparentlyjustfatonlyit's frozen solid
    'It was full of nothing but frozen fat.'

  203. Iyyuxudzyiyetr'igineloxiyiɬxizrolche.
    itjustshe took some out of itthenapparently
    'She took some out.'

  204. Ngu'oxizrolcheq'idaghdhilinhnegxidon-ghodoɬ.
    outside doorapparentlyyoung manhandsomehe's coming back inside
    'A handsome young man came in from outside.'

  205. Iiy,chelxit'achengizrenh.
    geeyoung manveryhe's good-looking
    'He was quite handsome.'

  206. Go deg xits'inlu'ontiliyh---tilitilixathda'ndaɬcheth.
    up to herewhich is (length)ground squirrelground squirrel skinparkahe's wearing
    'He was wearing a ground squirrel parka this long.'

  207. Deg xits'inlu'onhiyngiyixchecheq'atrekcheche,nigughunq'atrekdeg xits'idoghntitl'ingidhcheviyixts'idhidlo.
    up to herewhich is (length)belowalsofur bootstoowolfbootup to herethis longagainfrom below him?they are
    'He was dressed in wolf fur boots up to here (his hips).'

  208. Ngidiggivanhtoniychecheyuxudznigughunchuxnditl'uqon'.
    upparka rufftoojustwolflongit's sewed
    'His parka ruff too was sewn with long haired wolf.'

  209. Iiiy,ndagideyi'iɬtth'et hiy.
    geehowdefinitely?those which are so handsome
    'Gee, such handsome (clothes).'

  210. Chelxit'achengizrenh.
    young manveryhe's good-looking
    'What a fine looking young man.'

  211. Yuxudzngiyixyuxudzxinxidinliggit,getiyxidiyonhts'ixidina'yiɬdadzdixeloq.
    justdown therejustthey're sitting there stifflyverythey're shytheir facestoolike thisthey did
    'They kept their faces down very shyly.'

  212. Dina'eniɬ'eyhxiynedhinhts'idadzdixidiyoq.
    he'll look at usthey're thinking itthis waythey did
    'He might look at us they thought so they did that.'

  213. Yitongoengodznuq'oɬonhnegtiyhgida'"siyozr"yiɬne.
    meanwhileacross therewomannice-lookingolderimpressive?my sonshe told him
    'Across there the impressively handsome older woman said to him, "my son."'

  214. (big noise from dirt bike(?) taking off outside)

  215. "Govaxa ndadzdixet'anhin,ngonh?
    herewhat's the matterthe ones who aremother
    "'What's the matter with them, mom?

  216. Ngogiyendisiniyhdi,dinaghunedatlin,"xiɬne.
    welldifferent peopleI think (of you) lotsto usthe ones who camehe told them
    'Well I had hoped that someone would come to us," he said.'13

  217. Tr'ixehalts'inginuqdhitanhdixiɬdinon'idiyots'ixiɬdi.
    he didn't speak outup therewhere he sleepsthenhe went backthen
    'Without saying anything (else) he went back to where he slept.'

  218. (dirt bike noise fades away)

  219. Tritrtth'okyetxiɬdidiyozrts'inigineqonh.
    woodbowlinthenher sontoshe put something down in container
    'And she gave her son food in a wooden dish.'

  220. Iyxiɬditadhon',engon-hinchechexivitl'ogidighetrit.
    itthenhe started to eatthe ones acrossalsoshe gave them some food
    'When he started eating she gave them some too.'

  221. Eyoaxayuxudz!
    'They were so ashamed!'

  222. Gixithonts'ixiyiɬyiggixiyts'idhadolnekxiyozrts'ixizro,nginiggichelgetiyaxadiyonhts'in'.
    they haven't eaten anythingthenthatthey to itput in mouthslittle bitonlyup thereyoung manverywithare ashamed
    'For a long time they hadn't eaten so they put only a little bit of it into their mouths, being so bashful around that young man.'

  223. Ts'anyitxinadhoɬxiyiɬvenhdidicheni'idiyo.
    thentherethey spent nightthennext dayagainhe came back
    'They spent the night there and the next day he came back.'

  224. "Na'a,"yiɬne,"xiq'idinengadhts'isogh xoghgitr'ongili'anhnaghnik---ginoghnikoxo,"yiɬne.
    motherhe told hermany yearsyou're taking care of mecookingforhe told her
    "'Mother," he said to her, "for a long time you've done everything for me, cooking for me," he said.'

  225. "Dingit'a,diyoghyiggixividhitlchedinan,"xiɬne.
    shouldshouldthoselet me marry themthose peoplehe told her
    "'I should take them both as wives," he said of them.'

  226. "Agide,dinenisdhinhts'in',agidegetiyxivogh srigidasddhetngoxo,"yiɬne.
    okayI'm thinkingokayveryI'm thankful for themfor youshe told him
    "'I was just thinking that I'm very thankful for them," she said to him.'

  227. De'.Tthitadhiyoxiyiɬxizronche.
    just like thatshe went outsidethenapparently
    'She went outside.'

  228. Ts'idghaɬchuxyuxudzxidon'et'onhdi.
    blanketbundlebigjustwhere she brought it back inside
    'She brought back in a big bundle of blankets.'

  229. Giggiddhnoɬchidlchuxchedadzdighaɬchoghchuxxidon'eɬtonh.
    fursackbigtoolike thisit's this bigbigshe brought back inside
    'She brought in such a big sack of furs.'

  230. Eygginengodznuq'oɬdaɬindidltth'ennɬi'indakxivindoɬcheth.
    those peopleacrosswomenthe ones who are sittingbothparkashe put on them
    'She gave each of the girls sitting there parkas to put on.'

  231. Xutl'oghxiɬdiyit,"on"xiɬnets'inginuggudhitanhxiyghu ninedatl.
    afterwardsthentherecomehe told themup therehe sleepsthey went to it
    'After that, "come," he said to them, and they went over to where he slept.'

  232. De'.Notinxelanhts'ixiɬchetxizrolchenh.
    just like that2 peoplethey arehe took themapparently
    'He took both of them as his wives.'

  233. Yitinduxot'ants'iyidong.
    what they didlong time ago
    'For that is what they did in the old days.'

  234. Notinyan'xogh xididltth'e,vaxa xeɬedz xidhu'onhinh.
    2 peopleonlythey take as spouseone who is well off
    'Those who were well to do always had two wives.'

  235. Ts'anxidivadrghuq'ixitithinek.
    thentheir mother-in-lawforthey started to work
    'So they started working for their mother-in-law.'

  236. Xivogh ntonikts'in'iyyuxudzxiyghu xiɬzrek.
    she'll work on themitallthey take away from her
    'Whatever she was working on they would take away from her.'

  237. Degdiyoghuxanxiynoghɬ didithne'.
    around thisshould havethey told her
    'They should have told her.'

  238. "Ngogoyixgitsiytlaggdinaghuneyonh,"ngine'ena'xits'idist'anh"nendinaghuneyonh,anhk'on-goditr'it'anh.
    wellthisravenno-goodto usthe one who cameupriverupriverfromI comeone who is sayingto usthe one who camethat personrejectingthiswe're doing
    "'Well this no good raven came to us, one who said he was from upriver, and when he came to us we didn't want him.'

  239. "Viyiɬ ngidiniyhanh"diyoghxiydithne'.
    watch out for himthat personshould havethey told tell her
    'They should have told her, "watch out for him".'

  240. Xiydithne'ts'ixiyiɬ.
    they didn't tell herthen
    'But they never told her.'

  241. Edi venhdituxdigits'i'intidoyh.
    every dayhuntinghe goes out
    'Every day (her son) always went out hunting.'

  242. Xeydixodhiɬ,xileggxits'ixodhiɬ.
    winter is passingspringto ittime is passing
    'Winter passed and it was becoming spring.'

  243. Xiyiɬxizrolche,chedigitrapsxaɬyidathdloyghunontithiyo.
    thenapparentlyagainhis trapstrapthose which are (there)he went to again
    'Then he went out on his trapline again.'

  244. Uxuxuyiɬxizrolcheay'odzxizrolchetr'iditisrdi.
    suddenlyapparentlyfrom over thereapparentlywhen someone is coming quickly
    'Suddenly there was someone coming quickly toward him.'

  245. "Ithedina,dinaingiɬtthayh?"vazrne.
    hopefullysomeonesomeoneyou sawhe said
    "'Did you see anyone?" (the newcomer) asked.'

  246. "Gogidexeydigaghstrixts'an-goiɬt'eistrixts'in'.
    hereall winterI'm cryingthat's whycontinuouslyI'm crying
    "'I've been crying hard all winter and I'm still crying.'

  247. Xeydiginaghginisr.
    all winterI'm crying
    'I've been crying all winter.'

  248. Sidadrqayesriɬtinedatlin,sik'osriɬtinedatlin[a]nixudhitlnix,"xivazrne.
    my younger sistersthe ones who disappearedfrom methe ones who disappearedthose peopleI lost themhe said of them
    'I've lost my younger sisters, who disappeared from me," he said of them.'

  249. Diyoghuxandiy[d]iɬdhik.
    should havehe ignores him
    'He should have remained quiet.'

  250. "Uxanlacheandinaghunedatlinnotinnuq'oɬdaɬin,ngongitthingxididltth'ean,"xiɬ[ne].
    evidentlythose peoplethe ones who came to ustwo peoplewomenwelldownhill therethey are stayingthose peoplehe said of them
    "'They must be the two girls who came to us, who are staying down there.'

  251. "Ndadzaxadixiveng---dixivengiloq?"vazrne.
    whatwithyou did to themhe told him
    "'What have you done with them?" he said.'

  252. "Sidadrqayn'an,"xivazrne.
    my younger sistersthose peoplehe said of them
    "'They're my younger sisters," (the crow) said of them.'

  253. Iiy,chelneg.
    geeyoung mannice
    'Gee, such a nice boy.'

  254. Ts'anyitots'in',"gilsinotthinongidoɬ,"hingogits'oghduq'ontr'oteɬ.
    thenthengo aheadahead of meyou walk backwhilespearsomeone is carrying
    'At that, "go ahead of me," (said raven), meanwhile he's carrying a spear.'

  255. Viloytritrngithgoviloyxiɬdiyuxudzdangandhu'onh.
    its tipwoodlonghereits tipthenjustmetalthere is
    'On the end of a large staff was a sharp point.'

  256. Viyiɬviq'intr'ititht'otsxiyiɬyuxudzvit'odzgitr'aghɬtitsyuxudz.
    with himbehind himsomeone started to walkthenjustinto his backsomeone jabbedthen
    'As the man was walking ahead of him he jabbed it into his back.'

  257. Yityuxudzndoɬtsitlyuxudz.
    therejusthe fell downjust
    'He fell down right on the spot.'

  258. Yitongoyuxudzngitthingyuxudz,yityuxudzyetr q'at q'i'elneyhhingongitthingyuxudzxiditr'itithitits.
    meanwhilejustdownhilljusttherejusthe's catching his breathwhiledownhilljustsomeone started to rush inside
    'Trying to catch his breath, he went in quickly.'

  259. "Su'oqay,su'oqay"tr'i'nets'in'.
    my wivesmy wivessomeone said
    "'My wives, my wives," he said.'

  260. Ngitthingxits'ixiditr'idititshingoenginuggxizrolchexididltth'edi.
    downhilltowardshe rushed insidewhileup thereapparentlywhere they were sitting
    'He rushed down inside toward them while they were sitting up there in the house.'

  261. "Su'oqay,"xivazrnets'iyigginuq'oɬonhneggitiyhdhidonvogh ntr'eɬtthits'itr'itltisr.
    my wiveshe told themthatwomanniceolderthe one who sitshe rushed on herhe stabbed her
    'Saying "my wives," he rushed upon the nice older woman sitting there and stabbed her.'

  262. Tr'idhitlghanhcheanh.
    someone killed hertoothat person
    'He killed her too.'

  263. Yitongo"su'oqay"xivazrnehingoxiyq'andilighitlts'ixiɬdik.
    meanwhilemy wiveshe's saying to themmeanwhilethey beat on himthen
    'All the while he was saying "my wives" to them while they beat on him.'

  264. "Ngide"xiɬnets'idaɬcheviyan'.
    keep awaythey saideven sono
    "'Get away," they told him but no.'

  265. gee

  266. Trixyiɬyixendizreɬ.
    griefwiththey started to scream
    'They screamed in grief.'

  267. Getiyxiyq'axititldhits'in'.
    reallythey wanted him back
    'They really wanted him back (the one that was killed).'

  268. Q'ithevitr'idighene'inanhidoghgatili'eɬdixo'in.
    should havewe told herthat personhimselfhe will guard himselfin order to
    'We should have told her so that (her son) could have guarded himself.'

  269. "Ndadz sre' xo'in[d]ivazrenelts'i,"xi'nets'itrixyiɬnonxidizriɬ.
    there was no reason whywe didn't tell himthey saidgriefwiththey screamed
    "'We should have told him," they said as they screamed and wept.'

  270. Yitongo"su'oqay"xivazrnets'iyuxudz yegndadzchedixivitr'oghlax.
    meanwhilemy wiveshe told themactuallyhowagainhe doesn't know what to do with them (he's so happy)
    'Meanwhile he was saying "my wives" to them, and he was so happy to see them there.'

  271. Ts'an atyitots'iyityuxudzngidiggixiɬdixonxithidatlts'iedisinnonxiydiggisreyggiq'idaghdhilinhgid[a']neganh,vonhyiɬ.
    so then thentherejustup therethenthey went back upfrom abovethey dragged him backthatyouthimpressivenicethat personhis mothertoo
    'They went back up from the house and dragged the nice young hunter inside with his mother.'

  272. Ngu'oxiɬdiktsogiɬigginixighe'onh.
    outside doorthencacheonethey took down
    'Then they took down the cache out there.'

  273. Goyetyixxiɬdikxidixiynelo.
    rightinsidehousethenthey brought them in
    'They brought them right in the house.'

  274. Xidixiydineggiteyggiygiggiddhngi'eghdhidloy.
    they stuffed them insidethosefursoutsidethose that are
    'They jammed (the house) full putting all the furs that were outside into it.'

  275. Yitxiɬdiyuxudzxixidiɬq'onhxiyixqun' xiditltthiyh.
    thentherejustthey lit itbelowthey started fire
    'Then right there they set fire to it and burned up everything.'

  276. Idixinlu'on'.
    it ended
    'The end.'


  1. ixidanhdaɬ 'they lack' expected
  2. In the published version, the first word of the sentence is transcribed nin, which has no meaning.
  3. BD whispers here, and the second word of the sentence is hard to hear.
  4. inaudible whisper
  5. The first word appears to be Holikachuk. Note that Belle's second husband, John Deacon, was a Holikachuk speaker.
  6. false start at the beginning of this sentence?
  7. rhetorical question; it was all covered up
  8. Belle says xogh enatlniq 'I got tired,' presumably a mistake for xogh xentlniq 'they got tired', which she has below.
  9. ts'ivi il in the published version
  10. i.e. spend the rest of their lives
  11. 'impressive' in the published version; cf. Koy gede', 'great, large, very big, enormous'
  12. This is the free translation from the published version. axa n che must be an unknown idiom.
  13. Free translation from published version.