(Two Cousins Shooting Arrows)

Belle Deacon

Recording:  anl0760b.wav.  Length:  4:57
  1. Niɬ'edasoghluqyetr'i'nedeg,nixixiniɬghon'q'ixet'osr.
    two male cousinsdear saysaround herethey're playingthey du. are walking around
    'Two little cousins, they say, were walking around and playing.'

  2. Teq'avonxiyiɬq'igixidaɬdiyh.
    shorethenthey're shooting arrows around
    'They were shooting arrows on a beach.'

  3. Niɬghun'nigixididluqts'ixiyiɬɬogo.
    at each otherthey're laughingthentruly
    'They were laughing at each other all the while.'

  4. Ngidiggiyyan-gixidaɬdiyhts'i,nixiyiɬdiyhtuxxiɬdixiyoqonuxolyax.
    way up therethey shoot them into airandthey landwhenthenthey for themthey're searching
    'They shot arrows way up into the air and after they landed, then they searched for them.'

  5. Ts'anyuxudzdixit'anhedidran.
    thusjustthey're doingentire lengthday
    'All day they were doing this.'

  6. Tr'itlq'avonxinegyiɬɬogotq'ixet'osr.
    willowedgenicetootrulythey du. are walking around
    'They were walking around in a nice place along the edge of the willows.'

  7. Degyuxudzdixit'anh.
    around herejustthey're doing
    'They did this all the time.'

  8. Uxuxuyiɬgiɬigginh,eyggivoghda'ngichoghinh,ngidiggiyyan-gideɬdikxiyiɬ,vuq'o'ixedhinix.
    suddenlyone personthathis male cousinbig personway up therehe shot into airthenhis arrowit's lost
    'Then one of them, the bigger cousin, shot an arrow up into the air and his arrow got lost.'

  9. Xiyoqonixititl'iyoedidran,xiyoqonuxolyax,ine'xidigaɬxiyoqoxinthinek.
    they for itthey started to searchentire lengthdaythey for itthey're searchingbutfinallythey for itthey failed
    'They searched and searched for it all day but they never found it.

  10. Axaxiɬdikyiggixinathdo.
    thendownthey sat down
    'So then they sat down.'

  11. "Ndadzsre'didiyoqts'i'a,"xi'ne.
    whatI wonderit happenedthey say
    "'I wonder what happened," they said.'

  12. "Edidegntr'ixitl'iyo.
    entire lengtharound herewe searched
    "'We've searched all around now.'

  13. Ndadzsre'ts'ixe---didiyoqts'i'a,"xiɬne.
    whatI wonderit happenedthey say
    'I wonder what happened, anyway," they said.'

  14. Axaxiɬdiknonxuxititl'iyo.
    thenthey started searching again
    'Then they started searching.'

  15. Uxuxuyiɬxizroncheyiggigiɬigginh"angitheghlachetiyoteɬiy,"he say.
    suddenlyapparentlythatone personway out thereevidentlyit's floatingit
    'And then suddenly one of them said "there it is floating along offshore."

  16. "He,iyhe'iy,adeq'oiy?"yiɬne.
    oh reallyit(question)itreallyarrowithe told him
    "'Oh, is that really the arrow?" he said.'

  17. "`Hǫ,ngoiyiyengithegidetiyoteɬ.
    yeswellititout theredefinitelyit's floating
    "'Yes, that's it floating along right there by the shore.'

  18. Ine'xiɬtiytiyothtelts'i,geɬixdixiyan'.
    butmuchit's not floatingone placeonly
    'But it's not floating along fast, it's just in one place.'

  19. Dingit'avits'ituxunhtidhisoyiy,"yiɬne.
    shouldto itwadingI should wadeithe told him
    'I'm going to try to wade out to it," he said.'

  20. "Sre' linginh,gilndigidhelyayuxudz.
    it's up to yougo aheadundressall
    "'If you want to then take off your clothes.'

  21. Ganht'anixidineɬtayhts'iyitots'ivits'itinguhoyhiy,"yiɬne.
    nakedundress yourselfandthento itwadeithe told him
    'Get completely undressed and then wade right out to it," he told him."

  22. Axaxiɬdiyits'in'titadhiyo.
    thento ithe started to wade
    'So then he started wading toward it.'

  23. Tigheyo.
    he walked into the water
    'He went into the water.'

  24. "Ngogatatlets'ivits'in'niɬk'otasoɬiy,yitots'iyuxudzaxantatlchiɬiy,"yiɬne.
    wellI'll singandto itI'll walk to middleitthenjustwithI'll grab it againithe told him
    'Well, I'll sing and walk out to it and that's how I'll get it back," he told him.'

  25. "Gila(x)odangili'ithts'iniɬk'oghnguhoɬ,"yiɬne.
    go aheadslowlyyou sneakyou're walking out to middlehe told him
    "'All right but step very slowly as you go out from shore," he said.

  26. Engithidegnineyoxuyiɬ:
    out therearound herehe walkedthen
    'He walked out there (singing):

  27. "Vigenga yaxa,enga ɬax do,enga yaxah,"ne.
    he says
    'He sang, "Vigenga yaxa, enga ɬax do, enga yaxah."'1

  28. Uxuxuyiɬdeɬne,"isda,"xayiɬne,"ndagh xughotenlu'onh?"yiɬne.
    suddenlyhe sayscousinhe told himhow deepwater ishe told him
    'Then, "cousin," he said to him, "how deep is the water?" he said.

  29. "Ngitsisdogg[a']ghotenlu'onh,"yiɬne.
    your kneetowater ishe told him
    "'The water is up to your knees now," he told him.'

  30. "E,gilangochetr'an-gatas'oɬ,"yiɬne.
    yesfinewellagainI'll sing out some morehe told him
    "'Okay, fine, now I'm going to start the song over again," he said.'

  31. Vigenga yaxa,enga ɬax do,enga yaxahne.
    he says
    "'Vigenga yaxa, enga ɬax do, enga yaxah," he sang.'

  32. "Ndaghxits'ite?"yiɬne.
    whereto itwaterhe told him
    "'Where's the water to now?" he said.'

  33. Ntl'itr'itlxiyiɬhingoɬogo.
    he has eyes closedthenmeanwhiletruly
    'He had his eyes closed.'

  34. "Ngiyixinginesrinxits'ite,"yiɬne.
    belowyour waistto itwaterhe told him
    "'The water's just below your waist," he told him.'

  35. "Ngodaɬine'engithinedhatiymaybetidheɬchilts'iiy,"yiɬne.
    wellnonethelessout thereit's faritndaɬonyou won't grab itithe told him
    "'It's so far out maybe you won't be able to grab it," he said to him.'

  36. "Ngodaɬ[in]e'ntatlchiɬts'ixiyan'iy."
    wellnonethelessI'll grab it againjustit
    "'Well, I'll grab it just the same."'

  37. "Ngochetr'in-gatas'oɬ,"yiɬne.
    wellagainI'll sing some morehe said
    "'Now I'm going to start the song over again," he said.'

  38. Vigenga yaxa,enga ɬax do,enga yaxahne.
    he says
    'He sang, "vigenga yaxa, enga ɬax do, enga yaxah.'

  39. "Ndaghxits'ite?"yiɬne.
    whereto itwaterhe said
    "'Where's the water to now?" he said.'

  40. "Ngidhanxughotenlu'onh,"yiɬne.
    your neckto itwater ishe said
    "'It's up to your neck," he told him.'

  41. "Hingonguq'o'angitheghengitheghnedhaxitiyoteɬ.
    meanwhileyour arrowway out thereway out thereit's farit's floating
    "'Your arrow is floating too far out.'

  42. "Vughotidhenolts'ixiq'idingit'aiy,"yiɬne.
    up to ityou won't touchlooks likeit isithe said
    "'It looks as if you won't reach it," he told him.'

  43. Che---axaxiɬdichetr'an-gidine'onh:
    thenagainhe sang again
    'Then he started singing again:'

  44. Vigenga yaxa,enga ɬax do,enga yaxahne.
    he says
    'He sang, "vigenga yaxa, enga ɬax do, enga yaxah.'

  45. Ndaghxits'iteditoneɬ,biqdidiyoq.
    whereto itwaterit will becomeplunkit happened to him
    'The water was getting so deep he went under with a plunk.'

  46. Yitxughusrzroxigintlq'onh!
    therebubblejustthey came up
    'Only bubbles popped to the surface.'

  47. Tadhizreɬeyggi.
    he started screamingthat
    'He started screaming.'

  48. (dog starts whining)

  49. Vedasoghluqchelngistl'ihanh,"isdayozr"nets'inontithizreɬ.
    his cousindearboyhe's littlethat personmy male cousindearhe sayshe started screaming again
    'That (other) little cousin the little boy (on shore) saying "my dear cousin" he screamed again and again (as he walked into the water).'

  50. Ine'ndat?
    'But where (was the arrow)?'

  51. Hingoengitheghtiyoteɬeyggiyq'o.
    meanwhileout thereit's floatingthatarrow
    'While out in the water the arrow floated around.'

  52. Xidigaɬxizrolchenuggon'idiyo.
    finallyevidentlyhe came back to shore
    'Until at last he came back ashore.'

  53. I mean uh

  54. Nithizriɬts'iyuxudzyityuxoghyixyuxudzxits'itidltth'idi.
    he screamed excessivelyjusttherebelow him?therejustwhen he collapsed
    'He stopped screaming and fell right down there.'

  55. Ndadzgoditoneɬts'in'?
    whatthisit will happen
    'Whatever will happen now?'

  56. Divasiyiɬq'itodoyh?inedhinh.
    whowith mewill walk aroundhe thinks
    'Who will walk around with me? he thought.'

  57. Dingit'anginuggutthik'udhisoyts'iyuxudzanixiyuxudz---
    shoulduphillI should walk into woodsjustup therejust
    'I should just go up into the woods and just try to---'

  58. Go dadzdingit'aiytr'itl,iyghontasoɬts'iiydotuqsuq'uthtas'oɬts'iyuxudznixatagighuɬxidedhagigha',inedhinh.
    this wayit isitwillowitI'll go toanditmiddlemy neckI'll placejustI'll drop myselfI'll kill myselfhe thinks
    'I'll go that way to the willows and put my head in a forked branch and choke myself and kill myself, he thought.'

  59. Ts'annginuggutthik'utadhiyo.
    thenuphe started to walk into woods
    'So he started up into the woods.'

  60. Yitongoiɬt'eitrix.
    meanwhilecontinuouslyhe's crying
    'All the while he was crying.'

  61. Tr'itldadzdingit'aiɬtthanhdiiyyuxudzditthe'heregoggizrdinaghɬtl'ithyuxudznixatitl'ighiɬ.
    willowthis wayit ishe sawitjusthis headhereforkhe stuffedjusthe started to drop himself
    'He went up to a willow that was like this (forked), put his head in and just choked himself.'

  62. De'.
    just like that
    'Just like that.'

  63. Yitots'iyityuxudzxididhitl'ighanh.
    thentherejusthe killed himself
    'He killed himself instantly.'

  64. [I]dixinlu'on'.
    the end
    'That's the end of it.'


  1. The song has no meaning. Final [h] does not occur in Deg Xinag.