(The People's Stories)

Belle Deacon

Length of recording:  0:46. Recording filename: anl0773a.wav
Recorder:  James Kari
  1. Yitots'i,

  2. JK: closer, here

  3. BD: oh

  4. Sigixidhoydititl'iyots'i,xogh dixi'ne.
    my storythey wentthey're telling them
    'They said this about the way my stories go.'

  5. Becauseengithidongxodhiɬdixits'in':
    long agotime passestowards it
    'Because in the time of long ago, (they would tell us this):'

  6. "Xeɬedzyiviɬnuxlitingts'ixiyiɬ,xeɬedzuxɬchikiyyidongxinag,"dina'ididine'sraqayitlanhdong.
    wellyou pl. don't fall asleepthenwellyou pl. getitoldlanguagethey told uschildrenI'm childwhen (in past)
    "'If you don't fall asleep, you can obtain the old wisdom," that was being told to us when I was a child."

  7. "Yitots'in',viɬ---viɬ axaduxt'aine',viɬ q'uxidinuxdiyiɬ.
    thensleepyyou pl. arebutyou pl. stay awake
    "'Even if you are sleepy, you should try to stay awake.'

  8. Yitots'in'xoghtidhuxdinogits'iyuxudzvugho yen'uxdhiɬ.
    thenyou pl. don't moveallyou pl. think about it
    'You shouldn't fidget and you should just think about everything.'

  9. Agideyityidongxinagituxɬchiɬdidina'ididine'yidong."
    thustherein the pastlanguageyou pl. will getthey told usin the past
    'Then you'll get the old wisdom that was told to us in the past.'

  10. Axaxiɬdikvughondidl---xiyo ditr'iɬ'anhxiyozrn'a,"dinats'ixiɬdhoyh"dina'ididine'tux.
    thenabout itwe thinklittle bit(focus)to usthey told storytell uswhen
    'After we'd thought about it a little, "tell it to us they would say to us."'

  11. Tr'ixitiɬdhoyhtuxdinanotthiyoqoyhxiduqukxiq'i,just likedindldikxiq'its'ivitux tr'uxohaɬts'ixiq'ixiɬdidingit'a.
    we start to tell storywhenbefore uslightit pops outas ifit's writtenas ifwe're reading itas ifthenit is
    'When we start to tell it, (a story) is like a bright light ahead of us, just like we're reading it as if it's written down.'
