(Polar bear)

Belle Deacon

Recorded by Karen McPherson. Told to John Deacon.
Recording: anl0764a.wav. Story length:  22:32.
  1. Qayxidhu'onhtr'i'nedegtovogh.
    villagethere isit's saidaround herecoast
    'There was a village they say on the coast.'

  2. Qayxichuxxidhu'onh.
    villagebigit is
    'It was a big village.'

  3. Axaxiɬdikniɬ'oqayexiɬdikqayxinedrxididltth'e.
    thenhusband and wifethenvillagemiddlethey live
    'And a husband and wife lived in the middle of this village.'

  4. Ngido'qun' dochetchecheniɬtsesoghluqyexididltth'e.
    downriverend of villageagaingrandmother and grandchilddear (pl.)they live
    'At the downriver end of the village a poor dear grandmother and her granddaughter lived.'

  5. Q'idoghtuxxiɬdikqayin xi---yi'in'idoyhanhvitse.
    sometimesthenvillageshe goes over toherher grandmother
    'From time to time the old woman would go up to the village.'

  6. Ngi'inqaynuxodhiɬts'in',xiq'i'inelneyhts'iyu'odzni'idoyhɬogo.
    overvillageit's happeningshe's finding outovershe goes hometruly
    'She would go to find out what was happening in the village and then she would go back home.'

  7. Yitongogoq'idaghdhilinhnuq'oɬonhgetiyngichughinhghu dhido.
    meanwhilethisyoung manwomanverybighe's married to
    'As for this young hunter, he was married to a very powerful woman.'

  8. Viye vigiɬt'a' hinhgetiyngitl'itthts'ixiyiɬɬogot.
    nobody is like herveryshe's strongthentruly
    'She was tough and very strong.'

  9. Yitots'ingi'eghgentoyhtux,yityuxudzyiyiɬ ntaɬtthikyuxudzyidhiɬgha.
    thenoutsidehe starts to lookwhenthenjustshe attacks himjustshe beats him up
    'Whenever he looked around outside, she would suddenly attack him and beat him up.'

  10. "Ngi'eghnuq'oɬdaɬingiyeningiɬ'an.
    outsidewomendifferentwhich you're looking at
    "'You looked outside at other women.'

  11. Ganavoqonuq'oɬdaɬinq'i'ididaɬinningiɬ'anh?"yiɬneɬogots'in'.
    what(focus)for itwomenthe ones who are walking aroundyou're lookingshe told himtruly
    'Why are you looking at the other women walking around?" she said to him.

  12. Yitots'ingi'eghxiyiɬnuggon'idiqayhts'iyuxudz.
    thenoutsidethenhe paddled to shorejust
    'Then he just paddled up to shore.'

  13. Ngi'eghxiyiɬgitinithtogits'iyuxudzgetiyyigitr'i---yigitr'inighalniyɬogot.
    outsidethenhe doesn't look at anyonejustveryone who is tired of hertruly
    'He didn't even look about but he was really getting tired of her.'

  14. Ts'anyitots'in'xidigaɬɬoyuxudz"ndadz dingit'asitiɬdhidanhgo.
    thenthenfinallytrulyjustshouldshe leaves me alonethat personthis
    'So at last he thought, "it would be better if she left me alone.'

  15. Inaghngi'eghq'i'ididaɬinnoghtl-'an'ts'i goiɬt'esiyiɬ tthidixu'oyh,"yiɬneɬogoinedhinh.
    shouldoutsidethose walking aroundI look atcontinuousllyshe fights with mehe saidtrulyhe thinks
    'Why if I so much as look out at women she always fights with me," he said thinking.'

  16. Ngiyiggiditraɬtth'etxiyen('idoyh).
    downhis kashimhe goes in
    'He went back down into his kashim.'

  17. Tthigitthingnuggondilu'oyh,vedoychuxyet.
    sealhe brings to shoreboatbigin
    'He towed seals to shore in his big boat.'

  18. Engithidit'anhengithi.
    out on waterhe does (hunts)out on water
    'He was hunting on the sea.'

  19. Ndaghsre'non'idiqayhxiɬ---xiɬdi,tthigitthingdiɬ'anh.
    whereI wonderhe paddlesthensealhe gets
    'I don't know where he paddled but he hunted seals.'

  20. Iyxiɬdinuggondilu'oyh.
    itthenhe tows back
    'He towed them back.'

  21. Gondixiɬdigonnuq'oɬonhgovu'ot,ngido'qun' dochettr'ansoghluqxivits'iyi'in-giditrikts'ixiyan'.
    thisthenthiswomanthishis wifedownriverend of villageold womandearto themshe gives foodalways
    'Then this woman his wife would go down to the end of the village and give food to that poor dear old woman all the time.'

  22. Iyxiɬdiqatdittheyniɬyax.
    itthenwith (food)her grandchildshe's raising
    'With that (food) she was raising her granddaughter.'

  23. Axaxiɬdikngidegyixinixidax.
    thenaround heretherethey're living
    'They lived there a long time.'

  24. Ngi'eghxiyiɬyuxudz yeggetiyxiq'adixet'a.
    outsidethenactuallyreallythey like them
    'Everyone liked them.'

  25. Dikul xixi'nen.
    they speak kindly
    'They spoke kindly of them.'1

  26. Anhchechelgetiyvixiyo' ngizrenh.
    himagainyoung manveryhe's kind
    'As for him he was kind.'

  27. Axaxiɬdingi'ingenithtogits'ixiɬdixoghtr'elets'iɬogot.
    thenover therehe doesn't lookthenshe's jealoustruly
    'He never looked around because she was jealous.'

  28. Ts'anyitots'iyixid---yixiyuxud(z) dixet'a.
    sothentherethings are okay
    'So then things were all right.'

  29. Xiyiɬniɬk'ontithiqanh.
    thenhe started to paddle back out
    'Then one time he paddled back out (to sea).'

  30. Degi dranvadidrinxodhiɬxiyiɬ.
    this daywithout himall day goes bythen
    'He was gone a whole day.'

  31. Xaɬts'in'xiyiɬxiɬdiengithittochuxyetxiyoqo xiniɬ'anhdiangithedzxizrolochegidithitl'itsq'idixet'adi.
    eveningthenthenout to seaoceaninwhere they look for himfrom far outapparentlysomething is blackwhere it looks like
    'In the evening far out on the ocean they looked for him, and there was a kind of black spot.'

  32. Nuggon-ghidiqaɬts'iɬogot.
    he's paddling to shoretruly
    'It was him paddling back in.'

  33. Ts'anyitots'in'ngittheghxiɬdinuggon'idiqanh.
    thenthendown to waterthenhe paddled to shore
    'He paddled back to shore.'2

  34. Ngi'eghyuxudzxiyts'i tr'idinedatlts'i,yixixiyentl-'an'ɬogot,nuq'oɬdaɬinyiɬ.
    outsideallthey came to himandtherethey started to look at himtrulywomentoo
    'All the people came out to the bank and looked at him, the women too.'

  35. Ngittheghyuxudztthigithingdhithyuxudzgetiylongnuggon'iɬ'atl.
    shorethensealskinjustverymanyhe's towing to shore
    'He towed a great many sealskins to shore.'

  36. Yi(xi)xiyentl-'an'ts'iyuxudzxiygho tr'indidax.
    therethey saw itandjustthey're surprised with him
    'They were surprised when they saw them.'

  37. "Ganinaɬt'aydiɬ'an,"xiynedhinh.
    whathow manywhich he's gettingthey thought of him
    'He gets so many,' they thought.'

  38. Uxuxiyiɬeyggivu'otviyenxidolningh.
    suddenlythathis wifeshe got angry
    'At that that wife of his got angry again.'

  39. Iiy!Diqing'itidhitlghanhngittheghyit.
    geeher husbandshe started to fight withdown on shorethere
    'She started fighting with her husband right there on shore.'

  40. Chengidixixits'iyuxudzdixaɬne,"ndadzdeɬ'anhanh?"
    againup therefromallthey saidwhyshe doesthat person
    'Meanwhile all the people up there said, "why does she do that, that one?"'

  41. Dingit'ayitiɬdhidits'i'a.
    shouldshe leaves him alone
    'She ought to just leave him alone.'

  42. Cheyughu dhidonhdeɬ'anhts'i'agetiyxoghyele,"xaɬne.
    tooher spouseshe doesveryshe's jealous of himthey said
    'She's just jealous doing that again to the one she lives with," they said.'

  43. Ts'anyidighenekts'ixiɬdingiyiggitraɬtth'etxinaghxits'idzxiyentithiyo.
    so thenshe finishedthendown therekashiminsteadtohe went into
    'So then when she had finished he went to his kashim instead (of going to his house).'

  44. Yeg yuxudzyina'yiɬdiniɬtl'etsɬogo,yuxudzyinayiɬiɬchethts'in'.
    actuallyhis facetooshe blackenedtrulyjusthis facetooshe punched
    'In there she gave him a black eye, punching him in the face.'

  45. Axaxiɬdikyits'ixiyen-giduqonh,yehelts'iɬogot.
    thento himfood was brought inhe didn't eat ittruly
    'And then when she brought food in to him he didn't eat.'

  46. Yuxudzgetiyviyenxighedhit.
    justveryhe was angry
    'He was very, very angry.'

  47. (In the middle of the next sentence, someone says "yeah?".)


  48. "Q'odeaxaxiɬdik,"yuxudzdenedhinhɬogot.
    nowthenjusthe thought thustruly
    "'That was that," he thought to himself.'

  49. "Diyoghgideghtidhisqayts'igoengan'---ndaghixindaghsitth'intoloɬdixits'in'.
    shouldawayI paddle offhereacrosswheresomewheremy bonewhere they will beto
    "'I should paddle away somewhere far across the water to where my bones will lie.'3,4

  50. Dingit'atidhisqaygetiyvitr'iginoghginiy(go)danh.
    shouldlet me paddleveryI hate herthis person
    'It's better that I should paddle away for I'm really tired of her.'

  51. Ngogetiyviyan'anhyuxudzduxoghlingithts'icheyuxudzxogh'in qulnuq'oɬdaɬints'itr'ixidhisag(hi)ngocheiɬt'esitr'itidhiɬgha,"inedhinhɬogo.
    wellverynotherjusthow longalsojustno reasonwomenI don't speak outwhileagaincontinuouslyshe will beat me uphe thinkstruly
    'Well for a long time now even though I don't speak with women she has been beating me for no reason," he thought.'

  52. Yits'ixiyegigheqonhine'gehelts'iɬogot.
    to himshe brought in foodbuthe didn't eattruly
    'She brought food to him but he didn't eat.'

  53. "Ts'angehonh,"xaɬneine'ehe'\textpolhooke.
    thenyou eatshe said to thembutno way
    "'Well, eat" she said, but no.

  54. Ngiyixxindinliggitts'ixiyan'iɬt'et.
    downhe's stiffalwayscontinuously
    'He just looked down all the time.'

  55. Yitongongido'qun' dochechetthidinuhonsoghluqq'aghdidhiɬɬogot.
    meanwhiledownriverend of villagealsoorphanpoorshe's growing uptruly
    'Meanwhile down at the end of the village the poor dear orphan girl was growing up.'

  56. Yitots'iɬogotxi'igheyots'ixiyiɬɬogocheyitongo,vitseghiluqyeniɬyaghinh.
    thentrulyshe had her first periodand thentrulytoomeanwhileher grandmotherdearthe one she raised
    'She reached puberty, the one raised by her dear grandmother.'

  57. Yitots'itthanyiɬtalts'in'.
    thenshe didn't let her go outside
    'She didn't let her go outside.'

  58. Vinixuɬts'egituxxiyan'xiɬdiktthu'uhoyh.
    early morningduringonlythenshe goes outside
    'She went out only early in the morning.'

  59. "Engithitochuxyegitinighetolin.
    out on wateroceanondon't look
    "'Don't look from shore out to sea.'

  60. Ngiyixnqa'yan'ningiɬ'anhts'ixidongidoyh,"yiɬne.
    downyour feetonlylookandcome back inshe told her
    "'Just keep looking down at your feet and come back in,' she told her.'

  61. "Ngoyuxudzn'aditr'et'axi'itr'o'isrtux,"yiɬne.
    wellthus(focus)we arewe have our periodwhenshe told her
    "'That is how we are (behave) whenever we menstruate," she told her.'

  62. Ts'anyitots'iyuxu---yuxudz(xiɬ)didit'anh.
    sothenthusthenshe does
    'So she did just that.'

  63. Vinixuɬts'egtr'inedhitgoq'idaghdhilinh.
    early morninghe woke upthisyoung person
    'Early one morning the young hunter got up.'

  64. Ngittheghxiɬdivedoychuxdhitonhtu'oggchuxviyedhitonh.
    down on shorethenboatbigit ispaddlebigit's in it
    'There on the beach was his big boat with his big paddle in it.'

  65. Iyxiɬdighunineyo.
    itthentohe went
    'He went down to it there.'

  66. Iyxiɬditighetonh.
    itthenhe put it in water
    'He launched it in the water.'

  67. Yiyenxititl'iyak.
    he started to load it
    'He started to load it.'

  68. Dits'idiyiɬyuxudzngiduggitsogiggiddhtsots'in'yuxudzyiyexidinigheggit.
    his blanketwithallupcachefurcachefromallhe stuffed it in
    'He stuffed it full with all his blankets and all the furs from his cache.'

  69. Idaghɬxititl'i'an'xiq'i.
    nowit started to get lightlooks like
    'It was just starting to get light.'

  70. Yitots'iengithiniɬk'otidhiqanh.
    thenout on waterhe paddled to middle
    'He paddled away from shore.'

  71. Yitongongi'eghyuxudzɬogoyuxudzxathdrit.
    meanwhileoutsidealltrulyallthey're sleeping
    'Meanwhile in the village everyone lay sleeping.'

  72. The next four lines are not on the recording, but were added to the 1985 print version for continuity of the story line.

  73. Ayigginhxi'igheyoninhtthineyo.
    that personmenstruantshe went outside
    'The one who was menstruating went out.'

  74. Engithigitinathtonhuxuxiyiɬxidithitl'itsdixi'eyhgininetonh.
    out on watershe lookedthenwhere it's black?she saw
    'She looked out on the ocean and saw a black spot on the horizon.'

  75. Ts'anyuxudzdinayiɬntathtrit.
    thenjusther eyewithshe pulled back
    'So she quickly averted her eyes.'

  76. Axaxiɬdikditsenoghɬ didenelts'in'.
    thenher grandmothershe didn't tell
    'But then she did not tell her grandmother.'

  77. The recording resumes here:

  78. Engithixiɬdiyuxudztochuxxiyiɬengithitvididinekngoyogh(anh)tr'aye gidithitinhq'idixet'aɬogot.
    out on waterthenjustoceanthenout on waterhe's movingwellfor him?as ifit's frozen init looks liketruly
    'Then out onto the ocean outward he moved on water so calm it seemed frozen.'

  79. Ts'anyitots'iengithixiɬdik,dranghiqaɬts'i,dran,xidigaɬxizrolchedongthinigatidhu'on'di.
    thenthenout on waterthenall dayhe's paddlingall dayfinallyapparentlywestsun started to go down
    'Then he paddled out to sea all day, until at last the sun started to set in the west.'

  80. Xidigaɬxizrolchedetsan'ts'i,cheyuxudzvavaxadhaghdinekts'ix(iyiɬ).
    finallyapparentlyhe's hungrybeingagainfoodwithhe ate a snackthen
    'At last being hungry he ate some food.'

  81. Xutl'oghxiɬdiknighalyiyhxutl'oghchentithiqanh.
    afterthenhe restedafteragainhe started paddling
    'And after that he rested and then he started paddling again.'

  82. Tthidigigheqanh.
    he paddled all night
    'He paddled all night.'

  83. Editthighingovidithitinhq'idixet'a.
    throughoutall nightmeanwhileit's frozenit looks like
    'All night it was (as calm) as if it were frozen.'

  84. Venhdichedrannigidiqanh.
    next dayagainall dayhe paddled
    'The next day he paddled all day again.'

  85. Nodi dran'ngeɬixditthidigigheqanh.
    two daysone (time)he paddled all night
    'For two days and one night he paddled.'

  86. Chechentitl'ighatl.
    againit started to get dark
    'Once again it started to get dark.'

  87. Naghligh(atl).
    it became dark
    'It got dark.'

  88. Nodi tthi(g)nodi dranhchetthidigigheqanh.
    two nightstwo daysagainhe paddled all night
    'Poor thing, he paddled this way for two more nights and two days.'

  89. Xiyiɬtoxdidranhxiyiɬxizroncheengooodz ts'ixizronchexittheghtr'aghntldiɬq'idixet'a.
    thenthirddaythenapparentlyfrom way acrossapparentlyshorethin line appearedit looks like
    'Then on the third day at last far across the water he saw signs of the shore appearing.'

  90. "Iiy,"inedhinh"xidaygoxogh enatlniqdi.
    geehe thoughthowI'm tired
    "'Gee" he thought, "how tired I am.'

  91. "Dogidinh,"inedhinh.
    thankshe thought
    "'Thanks," he thought.

  92. "Agidet,nuggxuxidet'a,"inedhinh.
    okayshoreit ishe thought
    "Land is visible," he thought.'

  93. Yitots'iyuxudzuxudiniyghiqaɬts'iyuxudzq'ayitxizrolcheyuxudznuggixits'aghqaɬdi.
    thenjustquicklyhe's paddlingasjustright awayapparentlyjustshorehe's paddling to
    'He kept paddling quickly until very soon there he was paddling right up to the shore.'

  94. Do'eghyitongovogh'eghtthigitthingyiɬtiɬevayyiɬq'i'ili'aɬ.
    just around theremeanwhilearound himsealandwhaleandthey're swimming
    'Meanwhile all around him seals and whales were swimming about.'

  95. Yits'igenithtogits'iyuxudzyughun' diditlniyts'in'.
    at themhe doesn't lookjusthe doesn't pay attention to them
    'He didn't look at them or pay any attention to them.'

  96. Yuxudziɬt'e, iɬt'eghiqaɬ.
    justcontinuouslyhe's paddling
    'He just kept paddling.'

  97. Ndadzdiytiɬdhel?
    whathe'll do
    'What else could he do?'

  98. Ts'annuggineqanhyitots'in'.
    thenhe paddled to shorethen
    'He paddled to shore.'

  99. Tovonxinegngine'tidhiqanh.
    beachniceupriverhe paddled
    'He landed on a nice beach.'

  100. Degngine'ghiqaɬ.
    around hereupstreamhe's paddling
    'He paddled on upstream.'5

  101. Uxuxiyiɬxizrolchedonuggi ts'ixizrolchexiditidhu'odi.
    thenapparentlyjust up from shoreapparentlyslough
    'And just then there back from the shore there was a slough.'

  102. Yitxidoyxiɬdinineqanh.
    theremouththenhe paddled
    'He paddled to its mouth.'

  103. Yitghaɬton'ɬogot.
    therehe completely stopped in boattruly
    'He stood still there.'

  104. Xutl'oghxiyiɬxiɬdikdenedhinh,"dingit'adonuggidichedhisqay.
    afterwardsthenthenhe thoughtshouldjust uplet me paddle into slough
    'After a while he thought to himself, "I ought to paddle up (the slough)."'

  105. Donugggiq'i xezrenhdi.
    just upit looks good
    'It seems good up there.'

  106. Maybengidiggiyixisitth'intoloɬxi,xilayxoqoxenatl-'eɬ,"inedhinh.
    up theretheremy bonewhere they will liemakingfor itI'll look forhe thought
    'Up there I'll look for a suitable spot for my bones to lie," he thought.'

  107. Ts'anyuxud(z)nginuggitidhiqanh.
    thenuphe started paddling
    'So he just started paddling up (the slough).'

  108. Nginuggitthiɬdiithqay[ts']ixizrolche,q'a!
    upshort wayshe hasn't paddledapparently(surprise)
    'He hadn't paddled very far, when oh my!'

  109. Anuggxizrolcheyuxudzyixdixidhu'onhdi.
    back from waterapparentlyjusthouseit's up there
    'There was a house standing back from the river.'

  110. Tsoyozrchexi---ngiduggichedidhu'onhɬogot.
    cachelittletooup theretooit's uptruly
    'And a cache was standing up there too.'

  111. John Deacon: mhm

  112. Belle Deacon:

  113. Axaxiɬdiyityuxudzye,inedhinh.
    thentherejustheyhe thinks
    'Hey, he thought.'

  114. Divasre'dhidodiat.
    whoI wonderlivesthere
    'I wonder who lives there.'

  115. Dingit'adin---gosiq'i dingit'anhdinaedidi,inedhinh.
    hopethisone who is like memanwhere is livinghe thinks
    'I hope it's a man's place, he thought.'6

  116. Godixitl-'anhdingonuq'oɬonhdhidodiviyan',inedhinhɬogot.
    thiswhere I'm getting towomanwhere she livesnohe thinkstruly
    'I hope it's not a woman's place, he thought.'

  117. Yitots'in'nuggineqanhxiyiɬxizrolchengiduggxizrolchenuq'oɬonhchuxyuxudztr'iditl'uqodi.
    thenhe paddled to shorethenapparentlyup thereapparentlywomanbigjustshe came out slowly
    'He paddled to shore and up on the bank and a big woman came slowly out of the house.'

  118. Yiniɬ'anh.
    he's looking at her
    'He looked at her.'

  119. Iy,gitr'ixiq'ayyi(ɬ)ndadzsre'yiyiɬxighengo'ɬogot.
    itEskimowithwhatI don't knowwith itshe spoketruly
    'She spoke to him in the Eskimo language.'

  120. Xiyiɬɬogodeɬne,"chelachedinaxelanhdigoxits'idist'anhdi.
    thentrulyhe saidboy(focus)alsomenwhere there aretoI'm doing
    'Then he said to her, "I'm trying to go to where there are boys or men."'7

  121. Ngositth'intoloɬdixilayxoqon-godadzdisnax.
    wellmy bonewhere pl. will liemakingfor itthisthusI'm doing
    'I am doing this to find a place for my bones to lie.'

  122. Ts'idinaxelanhdixiq'adi'ist'its'in',"neɬo.
    peoplewhere there areI don't likehe saystruly
    'I don't want a place where there are people," he said.'

  123. "Gildalikts'iduqudhehoyhntelyiyhdi.
    go aheadbe quietandgo upyou'll rest
    "'Don't say that. Come up here and rest.'

  124. Chendadzdidenets'iat?
    alsowhyyou saythat
    'Why ever are you saying that?'

  125. `Ngoenehiɬ,"yiɬne.
    wellyou'll spend nightshe said to him
    'Come spend the night," she said to him.'

  126. Ts'an(yi)t[o](t)s('i)duqudhiyo.
    sothenhe walked up the bank
    'So he walked up the bank.'

  127. Ganzrolchesanh qunxichuxxidhu'onhdi.
    whatapparentlyfish campbigthere is
    'A big fish camp (or smokehouse) was there.'

  128. Iiy,ngi'eghyuxudztthigitthingdhithyiɬyuxudzdoghdelots'igan che vuqul hiy.
    geeoutsidejustsealskintooallthey're hanging upandnothing is lacking
    'Gee, all around outside a lot of sealskins were hanging up. Nothing was lacking.'

  129. Yuxudz yegggathyiɬyuxudz,axaimedzdixet'aɬogot.
    actuallyking salmonandallwithall overit istruly
    'King salmon and plenty of everything was there.'

  130. Chetixidighedhitts'in'igadz.
    toospring cameandspringtime after break-up
    'It was after spring breakup.'

  131. Axaxiɬdiyuxudzgitlvatrts'iyuxudzyitl'ogidighetritɬo.
    thenjustshe cookedandjustshe gave him foodtruly
    'Then she cooked and she fed him.'

  132. Engodz ts'inxinaghnineyo.
    to the other sideinsteadhe went
    'And he went to the bench across the room instead (of sitting on her side).'

  133. Engodz ts'inyitots'iqun'q'idzyits'idititl'inek.
    to the other sidethenfireoverto himshe handed
    'She handed him the dish over the fire.'

  134. Axaxiɬdiyitɬogogon"iygilaxadrogg indineyhiynguhonh.
    thentheretrulythisitcomewitheat mealityou eat
    'Come, have a little something to eat.'

  135. Ngoenetaɬdingoxogh enaɬniqq'idengit'a,"yiɬne.
    wellwhere you will go to bedwellyou're tiredyou seemshe said
    'Then you can go to bed. You seem tired," she said to him.'

  136. "Hongogetiygogide.
    "'That's true.'8

  137. Toxditthidigaghsqanhtoxdi dranhchenhghisqaɬhingoinoghɬdisidithitinhts'ixoghod,"yiɬne.
    three timesI paddled all nightthree daysagainI'm paddlingwhilefortunately it's notit freezes on mehelping mehe told her
    'While I paddled for three nights and three days, fortunately it was calm for me," he told her.'

  138. "Gila',"yiɬne.
    come onshe said to him
    "'Come on," she said to him.'

  139. "Netayhgila',"yiɬne.
    you go to bedcome onshe said to him
    "'Go to bed, go on," she told him.'

  140. Engosts'inxithdidhitanhhingoengosts'innathtanhɬogot.
    other sideshe's lying downwhileother sidehe went to bedtruly
    'She went to bed on one side (of the fire) and he on the other.'

  141. Yitongoengan,enganchenonxitididhiɬ.
    meanwhileacrossagaintime is passing
    'Meanwhile time was passing across the water.'

  142. Enganviq'atl'otvu'ot,iiygetiyɬogot,viyexighedhit.
    acrossin his absencehis wifegeeverytrulyshe was mad
    'In his absence across there his wife got furious.'

  143. Ngi'eghqayxiyiɬxaxa tthidixitidhu'onh.
    outsidevillagethenshe wrecked things
    'She went out in the village wrecking things.'

  144. "Xidanhsiqing'?Ngosiqing'sriɬtinuxɬtanh,"nets'in'.
    wheremy husbandwellmy husbandyou hidshe says
    "'Where is my husband? You hid my husband," she was saying angrily.'

  145. Ngido'chechequn'xivideɬtthitchenh.
    downriveragain and againthrough villageshe rushed to itagain
    'She rushed through the village.

  146. Tsoyiɬnu'ondiniɬning'ɬogot.
    cachetooshe tipped them overtruly
    'She knocked down the caches.'

  147. Ngosriɬtitr'iɬtalts'ianh.
    wellwe didn't hide himhim
    'Why, we didn't hide him.'

  148. Ndadzdingit'anhts'ixaɬneine'.
    whyyou're doingthey saidbut
    "'What are you doing anyway?" they said, but (it was no use).'

  149. Ngido'chet qun'videɬtthitɬo.
    downrivervillage endshe rushed to ittruly
    'She rushed down to the end of the village.'

  150. Yiggitr'an,tr'ansoghluqxiɬdikxivoghxidineyo.
    thatold womandearthento themshe went in
    'She went to that old woman, that poor dear old woman.'

  151. "Ngosiqing'ixedhinix.
    wellmy husbandhe's missing
    "'Now my husband is missing.'

  152. Ngosiqing'sr---gosriɬtixiniɬtanh"neɬo.
    wellmy husbandherethey hidshe saystruly
    'Now they've hidden my husband," she said.'

  153. Ngoyuxitidhatlghasinoghɬ diduxnets'ixiyan'.
    wellI'll kill you pl. tell mejust
    'Now I'll kill you all unless you tell me something.'

  154. Ngo',soghgideghtithdolanhn'anh,"neɬo.
    wellfrom meawayhe won't stayhimshe saystruly
    'Now he will never (be able to) stay away from me," she said.'

  155. "Ndadzding---didenets'i('at)?
    whatyou say
    "'What are you saying anyway?'

  156. Ngosriɬtixiyiɬtalts'ianh.
    wellthey didn't hide himhim
    'Why, they didn't hide that one.'

  157. Agoxich'aliyogginhgodugguddhinh.
    heremenstruantherecorner girl
    'Here is a corner girl in puberty seclusion.'

  158. Go,gogidedixinaɬt'adigoxinadhoɬ,tthineyodi"engithitochuxyegitinighetol,"vidisneine'engithigitinathtonh,"neɬogo.
    herehere she ishow manyherenightshe went outto wateroceanondon't lookI tell hereven soto watershe glancedshe saystruly
    'Well she stayed there several nights having gone out and although I told her not to look out to sea, even so she did," (the old woman) said.'

  159. He.
    oh really
    'Oh really.'

  160. "Engithigitinathtonhdiengithit, engithittr'oqaɬdixinaghɬ'an',"yiɬneɬogo.
    to waterwhen she glancedto waterwhere someone is paddlingshe sawshe told hertruly
    "'She looked out and she saw someone paddling out to sea," she told her.'

  161. Agidet, agidetxiq'a didisnets'in'.
    ahaI wanted
    "'Aha, well I've wanted to know this.'

  162. Qaytthidixinis'onhxiyiɬ.
    villageI was wreckingthen
    'I've been wrecking the village.'

  163. Itheq'idongyuxdetthayuxidaghsne',"xiɬneɬogo.
    shouldalreadyyou pl. firstI spoke to you pl.she told themtruly
    'I should have spoken to you first," she told them.'

  164. JD: (laughs)


  165. "Ngovenhidida',go q'odetyixitr'iye---tr'iyetasoɬ.
    welltomorrowright nowthereI'll go in canoe
    "'Tomorrow I'll go in the canoe.'

  166. Yitots'iviq'itasqaɬanh,"neɬo.
    thenI'll paddle after himthat personshe saystruly
    'Then I'll paddle after him," she said.'

  167. "Agoanhdugguddhinhanhyiɬtr'iyetatltaɬts'in'."
    thisthat personcorner girlthat personwithI'll take her in canoeand
    "'And as for this corner girl I'll take her along in the canoe too."'

  168. "Viyan',"yiɬneyigginh,itsesoghluq.
    noshe told herthat persongrandmotherdear
    "'Oh no," said the poor dear old woman.'

  169. "Ngoyuxudzditidhenelts'in'.
    wellthusyou won't do
    "'You really mustn't do that.'

  170. Ngoxich'aliyoqts'iyiggi,xich'aliyoqts'iviyedyetitholts'ianh."
    wellshe has her periodthatshe has her periodcanoeshe doesn't go inthat person
    'Why, one who is having her period doesn't go in a canoe."'

  171. "Ngodaɬine'viyedyeytatltaɬanh,"yiɬne.
    wellanywaycanoeI'll take her in itthat personshe told her
    "'Well I'll just take her in it anyway," that one she told her.'

  172. Ts'an yitots'iyuxudztr'iyexighelots'ixiɬdiyiggidugguddhinhxiɬdidughongithitidltanhts'ixiɬdikengthitidhiqanh.
    thenallthey loaded canoethenthatcorner girlthenin front of hershe was putthenout to watershe paddled
    'Then she loaded the canoe and putting that corner girl in the canoe in front of her, she paddled out to sea.'

  173. Ndadz axainaghxiyatoneɬchegetiyhinh?
    hownotthey'll do to heragainverythat person
    'How could they stop her?'

  174. Che"yixtasghonh,"xiɬnets'iyuxudz.
    againI'll kill you (pl.)she told themjust
    "'I'll kill you guys," she told them again.'

  175. Njitaxayuxudzxiyogh tr'iyeyaghɬtanh.
    fearwithjustthey put her in boat
    'Terrified, they just put (the corner girl) into the canoe.'

  176. Enganxiɬdikxividithitinhq'idixet'a.
    acrossthenit's frozen to themit seems
    'All the way across (the sea) then it seemed calm to them.'

  177. Iiy!Engannugguneqanh.
    geeacrossshe paddled to shore
    'Far across she paddled over to shore.'

  178. Cheyuxudzxiq'icheidedigdixinaɬt'adisre'nadhoɬ.
    againjustapparentlyagainshe toohow manyI wondershe spent night
    'I don't know how long (i.e. how many days/nights) she spent in doing this.'

  179. Ngine'yuxudzgits'inyiɬgetiyuxudiniyɬogoghiqaɬ.
    upriverjustangerwithveryfasttrulyshe's paddling
    'She was so angry that she paddled along very fast.'

  180. Eyggittovoghnuggineqanhdidone'.
    thatbeachwhere she paddled ashorejust upriver
    'She paddled to the beach and on up (to the shore).'

  181. Doniggxizrolchedichixidhu'odi.
    just back/up thereapparentlythere's a slough
    'There was a slough.'

  182. Uxuxiyiɬgocheanhchexivoghnonxitididhiɬ.
    suddenlythisagainthatagainto themit's starting to happen
    'And as for the others (the husband and his new wife) this is what was happening with them.'

  183. De',"agidet,"yiɬne.
    all of a suddenokayshe said
    "Well, okay," (the new wife) said.'

  184. Ngu'ot,ngu'otxiyo' didiyoq.
    your wifeshe got smart
    'Your wife has gotten smart.'

  185. Yitots'in'ngu'otnq'igheqanh.
    thenyour wifeshe paddled after you
    'Your wife has paddled after you.'

  186. Ine'xiɬditthitidheholts'in'.
    butthenyou won't go outside
    'You mustn't go outside now.'

  187. Ts'idghoyixxinaghxiyetehoɬhingosideyan'vatasoɬ.
    blanketunderinsteadyou will go inwhileI aloneI'll meet her
    'You go here under the blanket while I go to meet her alone.'

  188. Yitots'in'ndadza(t)donɬitr'itoldheɬts'in'?"
    thenwhat(focus)we'll do to each other
    'What will we do to one another?"'

  189. "Ngoq'idongitlchet,sidenaghn'angitlchet.
    wellalreadyI married herI instead(focus)I married you
    "'I already married her but I married you too.'

  190. S(id)enaghitlchet,"yiɬne.
    I insteadmarried herhe told her
    'I already took her (as my wife).'

  191. Hingodaɬine'getiyviyan',ngogetiyq'idong xits'ivogh tasdo'.
    meanwhilealthoughverynotwellveryfor a long timeI stayed with her
    'I'd better not (hide), (as) I've already stayed with her a long while.'

  192. Yitots'igetiyvogh denisdhinhini'an'atgetiyiɬt'etyuxudzsiyiɬtthidixu'oyhdixo'in.
    thenveryI care for herdespiteverycontinuouslyjustwith meshe fightsbecause
    'I still love her very much in spite of her always fighting with me.'

  193. Xidigaɬxizrolchevidasinixts'igo dadzdisiyoq,"ne.
    finallyapparentlyI'm tired of herlike thisI becamehe says
    'But finally I got tired of her," he said.'

  194. Deg dixet'axiyiɬxizrolchevixighehoxdigoyigginhnuq'oɬonh.
    meanwhilethenapparentlyshe made medicinethisthatwoman
    'Here it seems that woman (the new wife) made medicine.'

  195. "Ngoxu'oghnineqanhanh.
    wellclose over thereshe paddledthat person
    "'She (the other wife) paddled there.'

  196. Xu'oghnoghqaɬ.
    close over thereshe's paddling back
    'She's paddling along near here.'

  197. Yuxudzn-godidisne,"yiɬne.
    thusthisI'm sayingshe said
    'That's why I'm saying this," she said.'

  198. JD: She's a medicine woman, huh?

  199. BD: mhm

  200. "Yitots'in'tthattthigheyo'in,"yiɬne.
    thenoutsidedon't go outsideshe told him
    "'Wait, don't go outside," she told him.'

  201. Deg dixet'axiyiɬxizrolchexidon'iluggukdi.
    meanwhilethenapparentlyshe ran back in
    'Meanwhile she ran back in.'

  202. "Ngitthegidetdichidhi---ngitthegidettr'igitith---vedoytr'itidhighiɬ,"yiɬne.
    down the bankdownboatit's coming around the pointshe told him
    "'She's paddled(?) into the slough and her boat is coming out there," she told him.'9

  203. 'n. gineq'utr---

  204. KM: I'll change the tape.

  205. BD: It's time now?

  206. Ts'anyitots'in'yitidhidini---"vedoychuxtr'itithuquyh"yiɬne.
    thenthenboatbigit started to appearshe told him
    "'A big boat is starting to appear," she told him.'

  207. "Angiyixtaɬdhidloyghoyixixiyenguhoyhngo,ndadzsre'donɬitr'itoldheɬ.
    under therematwhich are lyingundergo underwellwhatI wonderwe'll do to each other
    "'Get underneath these mats here, for I don't know what we'll do to each other.'

  208. Ndadzaoditidetthatsiyiɬtidltthidixiyan'atviyiɬ tthidixitas'oɬ,"yiɬne.
    how(focus)herfirstwith meshe attackedifI'll fight hershe said
    'But if she attacks me first I'll fight her," she said.'

  209. Axaxiɬdikngittheghxizrolchenuggixits'igoghiɬhingo"iiy"vazrneengitthedz.
    thendown at waterapparentlyshoretowardsit's approachingwhilegeesomeone saidfrom out on water
    'Then down in the water a boat was approaching shore while someone said "iiy" from out on the water.'10

  210. "Adesiqing'sughun'ingiɬchetts'ia.
    heymy husbandfrom meyou took(focus)
    "'Hey, you have stolen my husband from me.'

  211. Ngiyetrxitolaɬ[di]atsiqing'sughun'ingiɬchet?"divazrne.
    your lifeit'll bethenmy husbandfrom meyou tookshe told her
    'Can you keep living when you've stolen my husband from me?" she asked.'

  212. Yitongongiduggndidh(it).
    meanwhileup thereshe's standing
    'Meanwhile (the new wife) stood up on the bank.'

  213. Ngitthing xits'itthidigixidinot'ux,tr'alts'in'ɬogoghuhoɬts'in'.
    downwardsshe's flying downnot too (fast)trulyshe's walking
    'She began to descend toward the shore slowly and carefully.'

  214. "Ye!"Uxuxuyiɬxizrolchevits'iduqutr'itidltthidi.
    heysuddenlyapparentlyto hershe charged up the bank
    "'Hey!" (said the first wife), and suddenly she charged up the bank at her.'

  215. Vits'iduqutitr'idltthid(i)yuxudzviyiɬtitr'idltthitɬogot.
    to hershe charged up the bankjustwith hershe fought hertruly
    'Charging up the bank at her, she just grabbed her and fought with her.'

  216. Tthiduxutadhit.
    they started to fight
    'They started fighting.'

  217. Yitongoeygginhdugguddhinhngiyixi,ngiyixixinaghxiyegheyohingoeyggigo,ngitthingxits'ixatidl-ngi'eghxiyiɬxits'ixizrolchexatidldinghdi.
    meanwhilethatcorner girldown thereinsteadshe went inwhilethatthisdown by shoretowardsoutsidethenapparentlytowardsit started to shake
    'Meanwhile down below that corner girl hid down in the canoe while out by the shore the ground started to shake.'

  218. Xidaghɬdingh,xidaghɬdinghhingogiq'idixidetth'iqhingoxidaghɬdingh.
    it was shakingwhileit's quietwhileit was shaking
    'The place was shaking and shaking and there was not another sound except the shaking.'

  219. Deg ndadzsre'ndixidiniɬnekxiyiɬxizrolchexidon'idiyodi,goyigginhnuq'oɬonh.
    how longI wonderit quieted downthenapparentlywhen she came back insidethisthatwoman
    'After a long time it quieted down and (the new wife) came back inside, the woman of this place.'

  220. "Xidiɬo,"yiɬne.
    it's over(?)she said to him
    'It's all right now,' she said to him.11

  221. "Ngo,idetthatn'adiseloq.
    wellshe first(focus)she did to me
    'Well, she did it to me first.'

  222. Ivanhtegh ɬona'ngitr'eva duxoldhiyhts'ixiyiɬ.
    be carefulyou're sadthen
    'Take care not to feel sorry or be sad.'

  223. Ndadz axasedist'anhts'iɬi'aidetth'atn'adiseloqini'an'a.
    howII do(?)she first(focus)she did to menonetheless
    'Whatever I did she did to me first.'

  224. Sogh dindiyoq.
    she wronged me
    'She wronged me.'

  225. Yitots'ingitr'eva dititl'idhiyts'i,"yiɬne.
    thendon't be sadshe told him
    'Come on now, don't be sad," she told him.'

  226. "Gildiggts'idit'oxtr'inehoyhts'ingi'intthinehoyh,"yiɬne.
    go aheadupblanketundergo outover therego outsideshe told him
    "'Get up from under that blanket and go back outside," she told him.'

  227. Iiy,ngi'eghxizronchexaxa tthidixet'onh.
    geeoutsideapparentlyit was destroyed
    'Gee, outside everything was destroyed.'

  228. Eyggivu'otyuxudzngi'eghyuxudz.
    thathis wifejustoutsidejust
    'His wife was out there.'

  229. Vich'ilzronontl'ich'iɬɬogot.
    her piecesonlytorn to piecestruly
    'She had torn her to pieces.'

  230. Vaxa tthidigixiniɬch'iɬts'iyuxudz.
    she tore her to piecesjust
    'She had torn her up.'

  231. Axaxiɬdikxidon'idiyots'itathtraxɬogo.
    thenhe went back insideandhe started to crytruly
    'He went back inside and started crying.'

  232. "Su'ot"nets'iyuxudztathtrax.
    my wifehe saysandjusthe started to cry
    'He said "my wife," and started crying.'

  233. Ine'yoghnineyo.
    butto himshe went back
    'But she went back to him.'

  234. "Dodongitrixts'i,"yiɬne.
    enoughyou cryshe told him
    "'Don't cry anymore," she told him.'

  235. "Ngogetiyxiq'idinengadhts'igitr'ongaghɬ'an'anh.
    wellveryfor yearsshe mistreated youher
    "'For a long time she mistreated you.'

  236. Tr'alsengu'ottatlaɬ.
    betterIyour wifeI'll be
    'I should be your wife.'

  237. Ndadzdidenets'inuq'oɬonhtr'oghtla'ts'iauxudzdatane' "yiɬne.
    whatyou saywomanI am(focus)thusyou started to sayshe told him
    'I am a woman too," she told him.'12

  238. Axaxiɬdikxididighenek.
    thenhe stopped
    'Thereupon he stopped crying.'

  239. Yuxudzgodegvilo'viloghegyiɬyuxudzdiɬyan'ɬogot.
    justherehereher handsher fingerstoojustbloodonlytruly
    'Her hands and fingers were nothing but blood.'

  240. Xiɬdiyuxudzniɬtoyitlch'iɬts'iyuxudz.
    thenjustshe tore her apartjust
    'For she had torn her entirely apart.'

  241. Ts'anaɬi(xi)xiɬdiyuxudzaɬixinonxiyniɬt'i(t)ts'iyuxudzngu'onixiynelots'iyuxudz,ngittheviyedyey[i]thdloyiɬyuxudz.
    thentogetherthenalltogetherhe gathered pieces togetherallover therehe took themalldownboatthey loaded canoetooall
    'Having gathered all the pieces together and having piled them up, they took the things down there in the boat.'

  242. Nixineloyq'idzyixidixiyeloqyuxudz.
    what they had put in thereontherethey did itjust
    'And then they piled them onto what was already in the canoe.'

  243. Xiydiɬq'onhɬogot.
    they set fire to ittruly
    'Then they set it on fire.'

  244. Uxuxiyiɬlo(go),goxiyedixilayhxiyiɬnuq'oɬonhxizrolcheviyedhidonuq'oɬonh yozr.
    suddenlytrulythisthey're unloading itthenwomanapparentlyshe's sitting in itgirl
    'And all of a sudden as they were unloading the canoe, there was a woman sitting in it, that young girl.'

  245. "Kula,"yiɬne.
    pityshe said to her
    "'Have pity," she said to (the new wife).'13

  246. "Kula,"yiɬne.
    pityshe said to her
    "'Have pity," she said to (the new wife).'

  247. "Kulagolocheyiggitthidinuhonsoghluq,"yiɬne.
    pitythisthatorphanpoorshe said to her
    "'Have pity on this poor little orphan," she said to her.'

  248. Ngonjitaxayuxudzngiyixixinoghlighithyitongo.
    wellfearwithjustdownshe's sitting scaredmeanwhile
    'She was crouching down there in terror.'

  249. Ts'anyitots'in'yiyiɬtanhts'iyuxudzduqonyidltanh.
    thenthenshe lifted her upandjustshe brought her back up the bank
    'So the woman picked her up and brought her up the bank.'

  250. "Q'iyendhididhigits'i.
    don't worry
    "'Don't worry.'

  251. Ngidiggdhedongongitr'eniɬyaxdi,"yiɬne.
    up thereyou staywellwe'll raise youshe told her
    'You can stay up there and we'll adopt you," she told her.'

  252. Hingoyuxudzeyggiyyuxudz,yuxudzxitthidighelo.
    meanwhilejustthatalljustshe put them in the fire
    'Meanwhile she put all those things into the fire.'

  253. Vitu'oggichuxyiɬyuxud(z)vedoychuxyiɬyitongongu'odhidlo.
    her paddlebigtoojustboatbigtoomeanwhileover therethey are
    'The big paddle and the big boat were also out there.'

  254. Ts'anyixixatidltth'e'.
    thentherethey started to live
    'They started living there.'

  255. Axaxiɬdiyiggighino diɬ'ants'ixidiggi dititht'an'goyiggichel.
    thenthathe workedandhe started working morethisthatyoung man
    'The young man worked and started to do well.'

  256. Yoxocheengithidit'anhts'igetiylongnuggon-gititl'u'onh,nginixighinoyyiɬ.
    for heralsoout on waterhe's huntingandverymanyhe started to haul backuplandcariboutoo
    'He started hunting for her a lot and he started hauling caribou back from the uplands.'

  257. Ghinoyyiɬtr'in'alyayhts'iuxutiyyiɬ.
    cariboutoohe brings backthose thingstoo
    'He brought back a lot of caribou.'

  258. Uxuxuyiɬxilegogiyiɬtr'ixinedhityiɬɬogovidhaquldixizrolche.
    suddenlytruly?with someonehe woke upwith himtrulyhis voicewhen it's goneapparently
    'One day he woke up and his voice was gone.'

  259. "Ndadz dengit'a?"yiɬne.
    what's wrong with youshe said to him
    "'What's wrong with you?" she said.'

  260. "Ngoenganxidaysiqayxanyendagidhiyhts'an-godist'a.
    wellacrosswhere is itmy villageI rememberedthat's whyI am
    "'I just remembered my village that's why I'm this way.'

  261. Agotnuq'oɬonhidiyiɬdiyli'anhyiɬengan[ghi]luqyuxodo'xidayvitsesoghluqyiniɬyaghinh.
    thisgirlwith hershe broughttooacrosspoordown therewhereher grandmotherpoorwho is raising her
    'This girl she brought with her was being raised by a poor person back over there.'

  262. Maybevitseyiq'a xiyo diɬ'anhanh,"yiɬne.
    ndaɬonher grandmothershe's worried about herherhe told her
    'Maybe her grandmother is worried about her," he told her.'

  263. "He,gochegoxeɬedztr'atidltth'edi.
    oh reallyheretooherewellwe're living
    "'Hey, we're living here quite well.'

  264. Ndadzdidenets'iat?"yiɬne.
    whyyou saythatshe told him
    'Why are you saying that anyway?" she said to him.'

  265. "Dingit'aixanenganyitxunikxontr'ithidal,"yiɬne.
    should?acrosstherenewslet's go forhe told her
    "'We ought to go across there to get the news," he told her.'

  266. Uxuxuyiɬn'axiɬdi,viyedyenxixighelo.
    suddenly(focus)thenboatthey loaded
    'So they loaded the boat.'

  267. Gitu'oggchuxyit,yitdhitonh.
    paddlebigthereit is
    'There was a big paddle in it.'

  268. "A'iyviyedvaxaninisqanhyan'tr'iye---tr'iyentr'itht---axa ditr'itht'an,"yiɬne.
    itboatwith itI paddled hereonlylet's usehe told her
    "'Let's use the paddle that I paddled over here with," he said to her.'

  269. "Viyan',"yiɬne.
    noshe told him
    "'Oh no," she told him.'

  270. "Iysitu'oggyan'aaxa dist'anhda'dixiyan'gidaghsrodix."
    itmy paddleonlyI useifonlywe'll escape/be safe
    "'We will be safe only if I use my paddle."'

  271. "Ehe'\textpolhooke.No.Getiyngide---ngichoxiyngitu'ogg,"yiɬne.
    no wayveryit's bigityour paddlehe told her
    "'Your paddle is too big," he told her.'

  272. Ts'antr'iy[e]nxididatl,niɬk'onxididatl.
    thenthey get in boatthey went out to the middle
    'So they got into the canoe and left.'

  273. Engithixivixedhinixxiviyiɬtigatidltthit.
    out on open waterthey're lostwith themit stormed
    'When they got out onto open water a storm overtook them.'

  274. Iiy,dadzanimedztiɬq'odh,ganchux!
    geehowintensewind started to get coldwhatbig
    'Gee, there was a cold wind, so big!'

  275. Totthiyyuxudz yegngidiggiydeloyngilanhts'ixinaghniɬinliq'iyh.
    waveitactuallywhich is highmountainit isandinsteadit glides
    'The waves were as big as mountains and the boat pitched and tossed.'

  276. Viyiɬ,viyiɬdiniyhditotthdotonnixitithiqanhxiyiɬxizrolcheyiggiytu'oggviditl'idhiyhdi.
    with itfourthwavebetweenhe started to paddle upthenapparentlythatpaddleit cracked
    'With the fourth wave he paddled through and the paddle shattered.'

  277. De',yigganxidithitux.
    all of a suddenthey capsized
    'Just like that, they capsized.'

  278. Ayeg ane'xizrolchexantthaghluquyhdiyiggitr'ixineganh,that little girl.
    way up thereapparentlywhere she came to surfacetatchild
    'Up on the waves the little girl came to the surface.'

  279. Vughon'nuq'oɬonhngilanh,vughon'cheɬeggingilanh.
    halfwomanshe ishalfagainfishshe is
    'Half of her was woman and half of her was fish.'

  280. Vittheghindi---dongithinhq'idingit'a.
    her hairover therethe person just aheadit looked like
    'And her hair looked like that of the person sitting just over here.'14

  281. Vittheghyuxudzdino'iɬteqogg.
    her hairjustit's floatingwateron
    'Her hair was floating on the surface of the water.'

  282. JD: mhm

  283. BD:

  284. Angitheghxantthaghluquyhdi,"choyalim'choyalim',"ditadhine'.
    out on watershe came to surfacegrandchildshe started to say
    'Out in the ocean she came up to the surface, "grandchild, grandchild," she said.'

  285. Hingogoeyiggindn---niɬ'oqayyixixinontthixitl'uquyh.
    meanwhilethisthatmarried coupletherethey came back to the surface
    'At the same time that man and his wife came to the surface.'

  286. Giɬigginhxizrolcheyuxudzanhgu'otxizrolcheanh,big white bearpolar bear.
    one personapparentlyjustthat personwifeapparentlythat persontaxghozr
    'One of them, the wife, suddenly had become a big white bear, a polar bear.'

  287. Viqing'chepolar bearngilanhts'ixantthixiluquyh.
    her husbandtootaxghozrhe ishe surfaced
    'Her husband also surfaced as a polar bear.'

  288. Agidexits'i,idixinlu'on'.
    enoughto itthe end
    'All right then it is finished.'

  289. Yuk.
    (listener's response at end of story)


  1. Dikul xixi'nen can also mean 'they're friends with them' (ED).
  2. Since the protagonist is on the water, ngitthegh 'downhill (to water)' is puzzling here, unless Belle is perhaps telling the story from the perspective of the people on the land.
  3. 'for one's bones to lie'; i.e. to spend the rest of one's life there and be buried there
  4. 'across' is normally engan.
  5. on a river there
  6. edidi seems to be a reduced customary form of 'sg. sits, lives'. idoyhdi would be expected.
  7. This is Jeff Leer's suggested analysis of chel a che.
  8. Usually yitongo
  9. dichidhi--- could be completed in different ways: dichidhighiɬ 'boat went into slough', dichidhiqanh 'he/she paddled into slough', for example.
  10. The first wife is referred to from here with tr'i-/zr-.
  11. In her English version of the story, Belle says at this point, "I'm finish. I got ready for your wife."
  12. This is the free translation from the print version. Belle's English version lacks this section.
  13. kula also said when taking pity on someone or something, 'poor thing'.
  14. Is Belle referring to Karen McPherson's hair?