(Spruce Grouse and Mink)

Belle Deacon

Recording on anl0760b.wav. Length:  3:55
  1. Niɬedaye,tr'i'ne,q'ixidaɬdiyhyixi.
    cousinsit is saidthey're shooting arrows aroundthere
    'Two cousins were shooting arrows around there.'

  2. Uxuxuyiɬyan'q'ixidaɬdiyhts'iq'ixet'osr.
    suddenlyjustthey're shooting arrows aroundthey're walking around
    'They were just walking around there shooting their arrows.'

  3. Xiyoqodrannigi(ti)t'isryixi.
    they for itall daywalk back and forththere
    'They just walk back and forth there for them (their lost arrows).'

  4. Xiyiɬxilegogiɬigginhanhvi---voghda'soghluqsriɬtiginiɬdik.
    thentruly?one personhehis cousindearhe shot disappearing arrow
    'Then one of the cousins shot an arrow in the woods.'

  5. Ndagonigeɬdikdi.
    nowherewhere it landed
    'He couldn't find it anywhere.'

  6. Niɬghonixi,niɬghonixinixitit'isr.
    behind each otherthey walk back and forth
    'They walked back and forth.'

  7. Xidigaɬxizronchexiyoqoxinthinek.
    finallyapparentlythey for itthey failed
    'Finally they gave up on finding it.'

  8. "Ndadzsre'didiyoqts'i,"xi'ne.
    whatI wonderit happened to itthey said
    "'I wonder what happened to it," they said.'

  9. "Gilanixinedhantr'ithdal,"yiɬ(ne).
    let's goback therefarlet's walkhe said
    "'Let's go way back there instead."'1

  10. Nginixinedha(ts')inixine'ots,ngido'chenixititht'otsxiyiɬ.
    back therefarthey walkeddownriveragainthey started to walkthen
    'They walked quite a ways back there, then they started to go downriver again.'

  11. Do'oghxizronchexiyh yixxinxighe'odi.
    right over hereapparentlyigloowhere it was sticking out
    'There was a little igloo right over here.'

  12. "Gildoduggxitr'ith'ozr,"xi'ne.
    let's gojust up herelet's walk upthey said
    "'Let's walk up that bank," they said to each other.'

  13. Ngidixixidhu'onhngiyixixiyegixinighetonhdi.
    up therethere isdown thereinsidewhere they looked
    'They looked in the house (from on top).'

  14. Ngiyixxizronchexinighe'odi,vanhgiqinighe'odi.
    belowapparentlyit was sticking onto itice creamit was sticking onto
    'It (the arrow) was sticking into the ice cream.'

  15. "Ayixgideiy,"he say.
    belowthat's itit
    "'That's it down there.'

  16. Gil,ngiyiggxiyetr'ith'ozr,"he say.
    let's godownlet's go down in
    'Let's go down there."'

  17. Ngiyixxiyexandixiynetonhxiyiɬ,"gilatr'itlt'igiy,"xi'ne.
    downthey pulled it outthengo aheadlet's lick ititthey say
    'When they pulled it (the arrow) out, "let's lick it off," they said.'

  18. Xiytitlt'etyuxudz,xiyxodiɬt'etyuxudz.
    they licked itallthey licked it all upall
    'They ate it up.'

  19. They sure like it. They just love that ice cream.

  20. Xivivitxiyiɬyuxudzdadz didiyoq.
    their stomachthenjustit bulged out
    'Their stomachs bulged out.'

  21. "Gilengodztthe'oɬt'oxsriɬtinehoyh,"yiɬne.
    go aheadacrosspillowunderyou hidehe told him
    "'Go hide under that pillow," he said.'

  22. "Gilachecheengodzq'oɬt'oxsriɬtinehoyh,"yiɬne.
    go aheadagainacrosswhetstoneunderyou hidehe told him
    "'Go hide under that whetstone," he told him.'

  23. Yiggiq'oɬt'oxsriɬtineyonh,ngiyixvoghyixxizronchediggadhu'oyk'idzitltonh.
    thatwhetstoneunderthe one who hidunderunder himapparentlyknifelittlehe found
    'The one who hid under the whetstone found a little knife underneath him.'

  24. Godanhchechenoqoyk'idzvaxa nigiduq'oy.
    this personagainstonelittlesharpening stone
    'The person (under the pillow) (found) a little sharpening stone.'

  25. Deg yixiyit'odzxinathtanhts'iviɬxentl'itinghyixi.
    around thereunder itthey went to bedandthey started to fall asleepthere
    'They lay down and fell asleep.'

  26. Viɬxeɬtinghxiyiɬxizronche,xidaɬdingh.
    they're sleepingthenapparentlythere is stomping
    'They were sleeping when there was a loud thump.'

  27. Xidaɬdinghxiyiɬ,tr'inxilighith.
    there is stompingthenthey woke up scared
    'A loud thump woke them up.'

  28. Xiviyiɬyixnixiditlux,nixiditlux.
    with themhouseit's shaking
    'The house was shaking.'

  29. Xiyiɬxilegoxidontr'et'otsdixizronche.
    thentruly?when someone came back inapparently
    'Somebody came in.'

  30. A!Engitheyiggiytth'okvanhgiqchuxviyegixelan,viyeguqul.
    (vexation?)out therethatbowlice creambigin itthere's nothing in itin itnothing
    'There was nothing in the big ice cream bowl out there.'

  31. Viyexiditth'iqdixizronche.
    in itwhen it is lickedapparently
    'Somebody had licked it all off.'

  32. Ngontr'ine'otsyuxudzviqitr'itlquyh.
    wellsomeone went overjusthe kicked it
    'He went to the empty bowl and kicked it.'

  33. "Divangiyexaghɬt'et?"
    whoinside youlicked
    "'Who licked inside of you?'

  34. "Sigidichidl,"vitth'okvazrne,"engodzgidetthe'oɬt'oxviɬ'aɬtinghanh,"he say.
    my someone's little brotherhis dishhe saidacrossreallypillowunderhe's sleepinghim
    "'My little brother is sleeping under that pillow across there."'

  35. Yitots'itthe'oɬgidintr'iniɬghiɬxiyiɬxizronchetr'ixineganhk'idzchelk'idzdhitanh.
    thenpillowelsewherehe threw asidethenapparentlychildsmallboysmallthere is lying
    'He threw that pillow aside, and there was a small boy sleeping.'

  36. Tr'itlyiɬyuxudxtr'ititl'iqit.
    he grabbed himjusthe swallowed him whole
    'He grabbed him and swallowed him whole.'

  37. Anhqitr'itl'uquyh"engodzq'oɬt'oxcheanh,"vazrne.
    himhe kickedacrosswhetstoneunderalsohimit said
    'The one he kicked said, "him too over there under the whetstone."'

  38. Anhchetr'ititl'iqit.
    himtoohe swallowed him whole
    'He swallowed him too.'

  39. Xutl'oghchevanqitr'ititl'uquyh.
    afterwardstoohe kicked it again
    'Then he stomped with his foot.'

  40. "Ngododoan,agidenotinyan'siyexaɬt'et,"neyiggiydichigitlvittth'ok.
    wellenoughtheyall right2 peopleonlyinside methey lickedsaysthatburldish
    "'Only those two licked inside of me," said the burl dish.'

  41. Dinavitq'antr'atidlchith.
    his stomachhe started punching
    'He started hitting himself on his stomach.'

  42. Dinavittr'iɬchithine',iɬt'eyuxudzniguxuq'ongiyix.
    his stomachhe punchedbutcontinuouslyjustthey're sharpeninginside
    'He hit his stomach but they just kept sharpening.'

  43. Xidigaɬyuxudzgixitaghɬtr'ethxuqul.
    finallyjustthey started to breathenone
    'Finally they were getting to be unable to breathe.'

  44. Yuxudzdredyitgixiɬtr'eth.
    justbarelytherethey're breathing
    'They could barely breathe.'

  45. Ngiduggyuxudzxiydroggngiduggyuxudzxin-gighetthiyhyuxudzxiyvityuxudzdiditlnix.
    upjustthey his chestupjustthey pokedjustthey his stomachjustsplit
    'They poked from the inside, and split open his stomach.'

  46. Ngiyiggitadhizraqyuxudztthinxeɬtluxyit.
    downhe spitjustthey jumped outthere
    'He spit out and they jumped out.'

  47. Ngi'inyuxudztthinxeɬtlux,tthan-gixididluq.
    overjustthey jumped outthey're laughing (going) out
    'They jumped out laughing.'

  48. Iiy!Gianttr'idhitlghanh.
    geewe killed him
    'We killed the giant.'

  49. Agidetr'idhitl---dina---niɬdina ghughultr'idhitlghanhhanh.
    all rightpeople killerwe killedhim
    'We killed the killer.'2

  50. Yitots'ingittheghq'anxididheɬngine'nixititht'ots.
    thendownhillthey're gliding alongupriverthey started to go back
    'They were walking back and forth on the beach and started to go upriver.'

  51. Degane'niɬxentl'i'an'xiyiɬ.
    around hereupriverthey started to look at each otherthen
    'They started looking at each other.'

  52. Giɬigginhvinoxdetthdithiq'isr.
    one personhis eyelashesthey're red
    'One of them had red eyelashes.'

  53. Giɬigginhchechevanhtsevidhayixxiluq'uɬ.
    another persontoohis nosehis throatthey're white
    'Another one had white nose and throat.'

  54. "Isdayozr,"he say,"nginoxdo'xidithiq'isr,nginoxdetthdithiq'isrhingo."
    cousindearyour eyelidsthey're redyour eyelashesthey're redwhile
    "'Dear cousin, your eyelashes are red."'

  55. "Ngidedigchechengidhayixxiluq'uɬ."
    you tootooyour throatit's white
    "'You too have a white throat."'

  56. Niɬghudith---niɬghunigixitithidluq.
    about each otherabout each otherthey started to laugh
    'They started to laugh about each other.'

  57. Nondluqxivitiɬghuɬ.
    laughing makes them fall down
    'They fell to the ground laughing.' %nondluq xivi

  58. Uxuxuyiɬgoyiggigiɬigginhvinoxdetthdithiq'izryuxudzq'ivaɬdalngilanhts'iyuxudzdinelningh.
    suddenlythisthatone personhis eyelasheswhich are redjustspruce grousehe isjusthe flew through air
    'The one with red eyelashes turned into a spruce grouse and flew off.' %yinet'uq

  59. Ngodoyigginhchechetixgedrngilanhts'iyuxudztithuquyh.
    wellthe one hereagainminkhe isjusthe ran off
    'The other became a mink and ran off.'

  60. Idixinlu'on'.
    the end
    'The end.'


  1. nedho(t) is more common for 'it's far' in Deg Xinag
  2. Niɬdina 'each other's person', ghughul '(sled) which goes' is some kind of idiom for 'killer'. The apparent literal translation is puzzling.