Urban Beehive
Beekeepers in the urban environment have unique needs and motivations for beekeeping.  The traditional hive requires the bee keeper to stoop, lift, and stack heavy loads in order to manage the bees. All hives need a dedicated buffer zone between the bees and people in order to avoid unwanted interaction. By allowing the hives to be elevated overhead, the bees’ flight patterns do not interfere with human activities on the ground level. The hives can be easily lowered to an individual’s ideal working height and then raised up again without upsetting the bees.
Nathanael MartinZam Cam
Contour’s waterproof and rugged sports camera is moving to the playground! With multiple configurations designed for children from toddlers to preteens the Zam Cam puts home movie making into the hands of the young ones. Inspired by traditional push toys for the toddler, the toy mounted camera can face the child and capture video to be treasured by the child when grown, or the camera can face away, providing parents a view from the little one’s perspective. Once removed the camera becomes a handheld camera with single button operation, for the older and more stable handed child.
Nathanael MartinClavicle Support
Treatment for mid-clavicle fractures has fallen into a state of controversy. My design aims to fill a void in non-surgical treatment. Many patients, including myself, are now treated with the directions to “hold your shoulder back, to have good postureâ€. Historically, a healed fracture was defined by how well the bone fused back together but did not consider the effects of moderate clavicle shortening. Studies in the last two years show that clavicle shortening of 10% or more adversely affects shoulder kinematics and justify surgical treatment for cases that traditionally would not be considered for surgery. My design helps the patient hold the injured shoulder back, thus minimizing clavicle shortening and reducing the need for eventual surgical intervention.