Case studies  
Located about an hour north of Seattle this house, featured in HGTV's Extreme Homes series, utilizes the first permitted graywater system in the State of Washington. In operation since 1998, this site is functioning exceptionally well, "We have not had any problems with it[the graywater system] whatsoever," states Lisa Conyers.  
Type: Pass through/Subsurface Flow Constructed Wetland (SFCW)
Graywater source: 2 bedroom house, 3 member family, approximately 1.75 sf/gallon/day
Where: Skagit County, near Mt. Vernon, Washington
System designer: 2020 Engineering, Bellingham, WA
Year: 1998
Not your typical house nor couple, the Conyers began looking for another option to treat their waste waters since their property is ill-suited for the typical septic system and would require special measures that are quite costly. A "pretty funky strawbale house," (see conyers_front.jpg) as Lisa Conyers calls it, features a living roof and composting toilets. The graywater system fits right in, not that it wouldn't fit in anywhere a typical septic system would. This system could be designed to fit nearly any aesthetic, from organic to rigid classical with clipped box hedges.