Bevan Series
Poster 2001


Seminar on Sustainable Fisheries

      4-Jan  Bob  Francis - Professor of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences,
                                       University of Washington
 Sustainability and Marine Conservation: 
         Setting the Table
  • Williams , Terry Tempest. 1994.  An Unspoken Hunger:Stories from the Field. Vintage Books,New York. pp. 61-65.
  • Orr , David W. 1992. Ecological Literacy:Education and Transition to aPostmodern World. State Universityof NewYork Press. pp. 85-95.
  • Bottom , Daniel L, Reeves, Gordon H, Brookes,Martha H., (Tech. Coords.)1996.       Sustainability issues for resource managers. Gen.Tech.Rep. PNW-GTR-370. Portland, OR: U.S. Dept.of Agriculture,ForestService, PacificNorthwest Research Station. pp.1-3,5-12, 45-53.
Other Selected Publications(optional):
  • Dayton,Paul K . 1998. Reversal of the Burden of Proof in Fisheries Management. Science Vol. 279: 821-822. 
  • Pauly,Daniel , Christensen, Villy, Dalsgaard, Johanne, Froese, Rainer, Torres,Francisco Jr. 1998. Fishing Down Marine Food Webs. Science Vol. 279: 860-863. 

11-Jan  Bill  Burke - Professor of Law and Marine Affairs,
                                     University of Washington

   Politics  Trumps Science: The International

         Regulation of Whaling

  • Gambell , Ray. 1999. The International Whaling Commission and the Contemporary Whaling Debate. In J. Twiss and R.Reeves,(eds.) Conservation and Management of Marine Mammals. pp. 179-98.
  • Friedheim , Bob. In Press. Toward a Sustainable Whaling Regime.UW Press: Seattle. (Chapter 1, pp.1-46)
  • Aaron, W., W. Burke, and M. Freeman. 1999. Flouting the Convention. Atlantic Monthly .

      18-Jan  Celia  Lowe - Assistant Professor of Anthropology,
                                       University of Washington
    The Live Fish Trade in Indonesia:Social Justice, 
           Conservation, and Possible Futures for
           People and Fish

  • Zerner , Charles(ed.) People, Plants and Justice: The Politics of Nature Conservation
                Chapter 1 - Introduction by C. Zerner
                Chapter 5  - "Conservation in Tanzania" by Rod Neumann             
                Chapter 9 - "Global Markets, LocalInjsutice in Southeast Asian Seas"
                            by Celia Lowe
                Chapter 11 - "The Meaning ofthe Manatee" by Jill Belsky

  • 25-Jan  Peter Ross - Research Scientist,
                                           Institute of Ocean Sciences, Canada
          Killer Whales as Unwitting Sentinels of Toxic Chemical Pollution

    • Koopman-Esseboom, C.,Weisglas,K.N., de, R.M., van der Paauw CG, Tuinstra,L.G., and Sauer,P.J.1996.Effectsof polychlorinated biphenyl/dioxin exposure and feeding type on infants' mental and psychomotor development. Pediatrics 97:700-706.
    • Ross , P.S.2000. Marine mammals as sentinels in ecological risk assessment. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment6: 29-46.
    • Ross , P.S.,Ellis,G.M., Ikonomou,M.G., Barrett-Lennard, L.G., and Addison, R.F. 2000.High PCB concentrations in free-ranging Pacific killer whales, Orcinus orca:effects of age, sexand dietary preference. Mar.Pollut.Bull. 40: 504-515.

    Other Selected Publications(optional):

    • Holloway ,M. 2001. Sea Sick. Discover. February: 44-51.  (Refers to southern population of Killer Whales)

    1-Feb  Ransom Myers - Killam Chair of Ocean Studies,

        Why Fish Stocks Collapse:A Meta-Analysis
              of 700 Datasets

    • R. A. Myers and J.A. Hutchingsand N. J. Barrowman, 1997,  Why do fishstocks collapse? The example of cod in  Eastern Canada, Ecological Applications 7:91-106. 
    • R. A. Myers and K.G. Bowenand N. J. Barrowman, 1999,  Maximum reproductive rateof fish at low population sizes,  Canadian Journal of FisheriesandAquatic Sciences 56: 2404--2419.

  • 8-Feb  Steve Murawski - Chief Scientist, Population Dynamics Branch, NE Fisheries Science Center, NMFS
    Achieving Sustainable NewEnglandGroundfisheries: An Oxymoron?
    • Brodziak ,J. T., W.J.Overholtz,and P.J. Rago.  in press.  Does spawning stock affect recruitmentof New England groundfish?  Canadian Journalof Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences.
    • Murawski ,S.A., R.Brown, H.-L.Lai, P.J. Rago and L. Hendrickson.  2000. Large-scale closed areas as a fishery-management tool in temperatemarinesystems: The Georges Bank experience.  Bulletin of Marine Science66(3):775-798.
    • Fogarty ,M.J. andS.A.Murawski. 1998.  Large-scale disturbanceandthe structure of marine systems:fishery impacts on Georges Bank.  Ecological Applications8:S6-S22.

    Other Selected Publications(optional):

    • Murawski, S.A. 2000. Definitions of overfishing from an ecosystem perspective.  ICES Journalof Marine Science 57(3): 649-658.

    15-Feb  Jim Lichatowich - Alder Fork Consulting
     Conflicting Economics:  Fishes, Forests, 
              and the Future

    • Lichatowich ,J., Mobrand,L.and Lestelle, L. 1999. Depletion and extinction of Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchusspp.): A different perspective ICES Journal of Marine Science 56: 467-472.
    • National Research Council ( NRC).1995. Upstream: Salmon and Society inthe Pacific Northwest. Committee on Protection and Management of Pacific Northwest Anadromous Salmonids, National Academy of Science, Washington,D.C.  (Chapter 5)
    Additional articles of interest:
    • Mann, C.C. and Plummer, Mark L. 2000. Can Science Rescue Salmon? Science 289:716-719. (www.sciencemag.org )
    • Kareiva,P, Marvier,M. and McClure, M. 2000. Recovery and Management Options for Spring/Summer Chinook Salmon in the Columbia River Basin. Science 290: 977-979.

          22-Feb  Juan  Carlos Castilla - Professor of Oceanography
    Biology, Catholic University of Chile
        Marine Protected Areas, Co-Management
                    and TerritorialUse Rights in Fisheries                  
    • Castilla, J. C. and M. Fernández 1998. Small-scale benthicfisheries in Chile: on co-management and sustainable use of benthic invertebrates. Ecological Applications 8(1) Supplement:S124- S132.
    • Castilla, J.C and M. Fernández 1999.Coastal marine community-ecosystem approaches in invertebrate multispecies management ”take” and “no-take” areas network and TerritorialUse Rights in Fisheries(TURFs). In: Proceedings of the Norway /UN Conferenceon the ecosystem approach forsustainable use of biologicaldiversity.Editedby  P.J. Schei , O..T.Sandlund andR. Strand. Directorateof NatureManagement(DN)and Norwegian Institutefor Nature Research (NINA).pp.137-142.
    • Castilla, J.C. 2000 . Roles of Experimental Marine Ecology in coastalmanagementand conservation. Journalof Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 250:

    Other Selected Publications (optional):

    • Castilla ,  J. C 1994.  The Chilean small-scale benthic shellfisheries and the institutionalization of new management practices. Ecology International Bulletin 21: 47-63
    • Fernández, M and J. C.Castilla 1997.The Chilean artisanal stone crab (Homalaspis plana) fishery:catch trends in open access zonesandthe effect of management areas in central Chile. Journal of ShellfishResearch16:371-377.
    • Botsford, L.W., J. C. Castillaand C.H. Peterson1997.The management of fisheries and marine ecosystems. Science 277:509-515.
    • Castilla, J.C. , Manríquez,P., Alvarado,J.,Rosson, A., Pino, C., Espoz, C., Soto,  R., Oliva, D.and O. Defeo.1998.  Artisanal “Caletas” as units of productionand co-managers of benthic invertebrates in Chile.In:Proceedings of the North Pacific Symposiumon Invertebrates Stock Assessmentand Management. Editedby G.S.JamiesonandA. Campbell. Canadian Special PublicationFisheryand Aquatic Science125:407-413.
    • Castilla , J.C. 1999. Coastal marinecommunities:trendsand perspectives from human-exclusion experiments . TREE14: 280-283. 
    • Robinson, C. 2001. Conserving Coastal Commodities: Castilla Collaborates with Chilean Fisheres to Preserve the Catch. Marituentas January-June: 4-5, 16-17.

    1-Mar  Mike Sutton - Director of Sustainable Fisheries Program,
                                            David & Lucile Packard Foundation
        Seafood Choices: Harnessing Consumer
               Power to Save Marine Fisheries

    • Safina ,Carl. 1995. The World's Imperiled Fish. Scientific American, 273(5):46-53.
    • Sutton , Michael. 1998.A new paradigm for managing marine fisheries inthenext millennium.P.51-58.In M.J. Williams (ed.) A roadmap for the futureforfisheries conservation.ICLARM Conf. Proc. 56, 58p.
  •   8-Mar  Bob Johannes - R. E. Johannes Pty Limited Consulting
        Putting Small Scale Fishers' Knowledge to
    • Neis, B.,Schneider, D.C., Felt, L., Haedrich, R.L., Fischer, J., Hutchings, J.A. (1999) Fisheries assessment: what can be learned from interviewingresource users? Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science. 56, 1949-1963.
    • Johannes, R.E. (1998).The case for data-less marine resource management: examples from tropical nearshore fisheries.Trends in Ecology and Evolution   13, 243-246.

    Additional references of interest:
    • Yodzis, Peter. 2001. Must top predators be culled for the sake of fisheries? Trends in Ecol. Evol. 16: 78-84.
 Last Updated:
Contact the instructor at:  susfish@u.washington.edu