Fishing Rights or Fishing Wrongs?

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Seminar Time Schedule (pdf)

Day 1 

Opening Remarks

Clarence Pautzke

Executive Director, North Pacific Research Board

Session 1: Who Owns the Fish?

Daniel Bromley

Anderson-Bascom Professor of Applied Economics, University of Wisconsin

Purging the Frontier from our Mind: Rescuing Fisheries Policy from Incoherence

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Alison Rieser

Professor, University of Maine Law School

Rights-Based Fisheries Management and the Emerging Ecosystem Approach

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Rögnvaldur Hannesson

Professor, Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration

Rights-Based Fishing: Use Rights versus Property Rights to Fish

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PANEL: Power, Privilege and Poverty— The Socio-Economics of Fishing Rights

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Session 2: Local Scenarios, From Alaska to California

Joseph Sullivan

Partner, Mundt MacGregor LLP

From the Bering Sea to the Gulf of Alaska: Harvesting Shares and Co-ops

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Pete Leipzig

Executive Director, Fishermen's Marketing Association

The Pacific Groundfish Fishery's Road to Rationalization

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Rod Fujita

Scientist, Oceans Program, Environmental Defense

Financing the Transition to Rights-Based Management: An Investment in the Future

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Tony DeFalco

West Coast Organizer, Marine Fish Conservation Network

The Environmental, Public Trust, and Socioeconomic Costs of IFQ Programs

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PANEL: Allocation—Who Wins and Who Loses?

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Reception to follow

Day 2 

Session 3: Lessons from Afar, International Rights-Based Management

Ragnar Arnason

Professor of Economics, University of Iceland

Property Rights in Fisheries: Iceland's Experience with ITQs

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Margot Sachse

Principal Investigator, Alternative Management Strategies Project, Australian Fisheries Management Authority

Fisheries Property Rights Down Under: The Australian Experience

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Les Clark

Consultant, Ray Research

Rights-Based Fishery Management: Some Developing Country Experience

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Juan Carlos Castilla

Professor, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile

More Than One Bag for the World Fishery Crisis: Lessons from Artisanal Shellfisheries in Latin America

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PANEL: Political Realities of Rights-Based Management

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Session 4: Do Individuals Matter? The Role of the Community

Shankar Aswani

Associate Professor of Anthropology, University of California Santa Barbara

Customary Sea Tenure in Oceania as a Case of Rights-Based Fishery Management: Does it Work?

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William Rodgers, Jr.

Professor, University of Washington Law School

First in Time, First in Right? Indian Tribes and the Fisheries

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Michael Orbach

Professor of Marine Affairs and Policy, Duke University

Crawfish in the Keys and Our Evolving Oceans Ethos

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PANEL: Where Do We Go From Here?

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Concluding Remarks

Ray Hilborn

Professor of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences, University of Washington

Learning from Experience? Profitability, Sustainability, and U.S. Fisheries

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