Thursdays, 4:30–5:30 pm
6 January–10 March 2011
School of Aquatic & Fishery Sciences
102 Fishery Sciences (auditorium)
1122 NE Boat Street (map)
University of Washington
Reception follows each talk

For more information, contact:
Trevor Branch, 206-221-0776

Funding for the Series is generously
provided by Tanya Bevan, friends of Don
Bevan, the UW School of Aquatic and
Fishery Sciences, and NOAA's Alaska
Fisheries Science Center and
Northwest Fisheries Science Center.

Ocean Acidification: Effects on Fisheries and Oceans

17 Feb Brian Baird

Brian Baird

U.S. Congressman

Can an Acerbic Congress Deal with Acidic Oceans?


Ocean acidification has been called "the other CO2" problem because it gets far less attention than climate change but may be even more destructive to the planet. Congressman Brian Baird, former chair of the House Science and Technology's subcommittee on Energy and Environment, and author of the Federal Ocean Acidification Research and Monitoring Act of 2009, will discuss the environmental implications of ocean acidification and the policy and political demands of meeting this challenge. This issue is particularly acute for our region, where the latest research has shown acidification levels much higher than had been predicted and where adverse environmental impacts are already being observed.


As a six term member of Congress, social scientist and licensed psychologist, my background combines proven management, communication and strategic skills with the knowledge and relationships developed during twelve years in the House of Representatives. In Congress I have focused on science and technology, energy, health care, oceans, foreign policy, fiscal discipline and Congressional integrity. I am known and respected for taking principled stands, careful study of issues, and the ability to build bipartisan relationships. Prior to my service in Congress I worked as a Ph.D. psychologist in clinical and academic settings. My clinical work spanned twenty three years, with specialization in brain injury rehabilitation and medical settings. In more than fifteen years teaching at the university and community college levels, I have been a department chair, recognized for outstanding teaching, published in scientific journals and written a best-selling textbook now in it's Sixth edition. From my research training I bring a strong science methodology and statistical knowledge with a focus on applied, real-world problems. Having lived overseas in Spain, and from extensive travel before and during my time in Congress, I have developed a strong foreign policy background with particular emphasis on the Middle East, Europe, Latin America, and Asia.
