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Two Students Named to Editorial Board


Two UW students, Peter Mork and Lisa Trigg, have been named founding members of the student editorial board for the Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association (JAMIA). Both students are affiliated with the UW Biomedical and Health Informatics Program. Mork is pursuing a Ph.D. in computer science and engineering and is a National Library of Medicine fellow. He is studying how to provide an infrastructure for sharing biological and life science knowledge.

Trigg has 20 years of caring for patients with acute psychiatric illness, and is enrolled in both the Ph.D. program in the School of Nursing and the master's program for Biomedical and Health Informatics in the School of Medicine. She studies the application of clinical information systems with emphasis on the socio-technical aspects of health informatics, the impact of informatics applications on health-care inequity.

Serving on the journal's student editorial board is more than an honorary appointment for Trigg and Mork. The JAMIA senior editorial board picks articles that they regularly send to the student editorial board.

The students, like their counterparts on the journal's senior editorial board, conduct a peer review on those articles. They then work with the student board coordinator to ensure the review looks professional, and their reviews are sent along with those of other peer reviewers, who are usually experienced professors.

Mork and Trigg, who were two of the six founding members of the journal's new student editorial board, will serve until the end of the 2005 school year. Serving on the editorial board gives them experience in conducting peer reviews of research articles, and the chance to stay abreast of research in biomedical and health informatics.

"We get to see exciting work that people are doing that they will eventually publish," Mork explained.