Classes (extension) | Undocumented classes

LPPart : LPObj : Object

(Undocumented class)
Source: LP.sc


This class is missing documentation.

Class Methods

Inherited class methods

Undocumented class methods

LPPart.new(id, clef, timeSig, keySig, voice)

Instance Methods

Inherited instance methods

Undocumented instance methods

.add( ... anEvent)

.addFunction(functionString ... args)



.addToVoice(voice ... events)


.addVoiceOverride(layoutObj, layoutProp, value, context)


.clef = value

.headOutput(file, score)


.id = value

.initLPPart(argID, argVoice, argClef, argTimeSig, argKeySig)



.keySig = value

.output(file, score)




.showBarLine = bool: true

.showClef = bool: true

.showKeySig = bool: true

.showTimeSig = bool: true


.spatial = value


.staffLines = value


.timeSig = value

.useSpatial(showTime: false, showBars: false)


Help template

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