HOA Tutorial Exercise 11:
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HOA Tutorial Exercise 11

NRT synthesis, working with Buffers.

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The code below is a non-real-time (NRT) script showing how to work with Buffers and the Score class, to make e.g. dense spatialized granular synthesisin HOA. The code is adapted from the NRT example of the ATK toolkit.

First things first: let's start the sound server, which we configure first to get more audio buses and to have 36 output channels.

Start the oscilloscope showing all the channels for the selected order of the b-format.

We will first make a SynthDef with a very simple grain playing back a sound sample from a HOA scene redistributing it into a HOA scene.

First, load a soundfile:

Then, we make a Ugen that beamforms into this HOA scene, makes a little grain out of it and plays it back into another direction.

Now you can play the Synth, but you won't hear a properly decoded sound but only the W and the Y channel in the stereo panorama:

So let's make decoder, that is playing the decoded signal on the first 2 channels (0,1) and is listening on channel (2,3,4,5) for a b-format:

And in order to properly decode the Synth, we need to play it before the ~decoderSynth:

Then we make a Score and we add to the Score OSC messages invoking the SynthDef we have made earlier.

Now we can start the NRT synthesis. We will configure the ServerOptions for the NRT server first. We render the file as float and normalize it once it is written to disk.

Now let's listen to the recorded sound file by opening it first:

Now let's make a node that plays back the mukltichannel soundfile as a HOA signal

Let's make a decoder:

Finally, we can delete the files:

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