
Title File
General Resources
Operational and Service Delivery Manual for the Prevention, Care, and Treatment of HIV in Zimbabwe Click to open file.
Consolidated HIV and AIDS Job Aide Click to open file.
Condom Use Click to open file.
Oral Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Training Click to open file.
Testing and Counselling
Shona Symptom Questionnaire Click to open file.
HIV Risk Assessment and Risk Reduction Planning Click to open file.
Zimbabwe National Guidelines for HIV Testing and Counselling in Children and Adolescents Click to open file.
Zimbabwe National Guidelines on HIV Testing and Counselling Click to open file.
Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights
Family Planning Click to open file.
Sexual and Reproductive Health Terms Click to open file.
Sexual Maturity Rating – Tanner Classifications Click to open file.
Tuberculosis and HIV Co-Management
Case Definitions for the Care and Treatment of TB Clients Click to open file.
Clinical Guidelines for the Management of Drug-Resistant TB Click to open file.
Drug-Resistant TB Pocket Guide Click to open file.
End TB Brochure Click to open file.
National TB Guidelines 2018 Click to open file.
National Tuberculosis Program – Strategic Plan Click to open file.
Standard Operating Procedures for Gastric lavage/Aspiration, Mantoux, and Sputum Induction Click to open file.
ART Initiation
National ART Guidelines 2016 Click to open file.
Spontaneous Adverse Drug Reaction Report Form Click to open file.
ARV Side Effects Click to open file.
Supply Chain Management
Standard Operating Procedures Manual for the Management of the Zimbabwe Assisted Pull System (ZAPS) for Health Commodities to Primary Health Care Facilities and Hospitals Click to open file.
Quality Improvement
Quality Management Program Guide Click to open file.
Quality Assurance and Quality Improvement Strategy 2016-2020 Click to open file.
Quality Assurance and Quality Improvement Policy Click to open file.
Quality of Care: A Process for Making Strategic Choices in Health Systems Click to open file.