How To Use the Learning Bank: Frequently Asked Questions

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    After collecting the Mentee Self-Assessment Form and the Clinical Performance Checklist, determine areas mentee needs support. Once you have familiarized yourself with the topics of the Learning Bank, you may find that some activities will be useful to perform with your mentee.

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    If a mentee has more advanced level of knowledge, a discussion activity may serve as a foundation for discussing some questions or more open-ended challenges. If your mentee needs support in interpersonal interactions, the role plays will be useful. If your mentee needs practice problem solving, cases are a good activity.

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    Following completion of these forms, you can plan the topics and activities you will use and resources you will need.

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    Note what issues are emerging as facilities issues. For example, if you notice that TB screening is not being conducted regularly at a facility, you could use individual or group mentoring to conduct or adapt the learning activities to address this problem. This might be an opportunity to support the facility team in conducting a QI activity to improve the facility’s performance in this area.

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    The Learning Bank was designed primarily for individual mentoring, although many activities can be adapted for groups of mentees. Activities like discussions, cases, and role plays can be adapted for small groups. You could use role plays, for example, with participants in pairs.

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    If you are unable to make an onsite mentoring visit, you may be able to conduct some activities by phone. Discussions or shorter case studies, where it is not necessary for mentees to see the tablet screen, are good activities to use for distance mentoring. Ensure that you prepare well ahead of time for these sessions.

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    We are still learning what works best, so will be eager to hear from you as we ask for feedback in the future. Please keep track of what works and doesn’t work for you, and please let us know via WhatsApp to I-TECH at +263 782708188. In the meantime we suggest you prepare for using the tablet by familiarizing yourself with the materials that are available.

    When you are with your mentee and using the tablet together, allow him/her to read what is on the screen, related to a case or resource, although ensure that you don’t show instructions that are meant for only the mentor.

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    Mentors can share with each other what topics and activities they have gone through or plan to go through with the mentee. This information should also be documented in Section B of the Clinical Mentor Monthly Reporting Tool, and mentors should review the previous month’s report to prepare for their visits. This allows any mentor to adapt their mentoring plan to the learning goals laid out. Mentors can also make notes in the facility log book to ensure consistency and follow-up.

  • e.g.What if I delete my app?

    Phone, SMS, or WhatsApp I-TECH at +263 782708188.

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    Please send a message via WhatsApp to I-TECH at +263 782708188. We also plan on adding priority topics so let us know if there is one you would like to see added next.