March 21st update: The Educational Psychology website has been moved to:

We will be leaving the 'old' EDPSY web pages up for a few weeks before taking them down, but please be sure to udpate your bookmarks!

About Educational Psychology

The Area of Educational Psychology is located within the College of Education at the University of Washington and provides students with a wide variety of courses and training experiences appropriate for careers in educational research, university teaching, instructional evaluation, or School Psychology.

Below are links to the home pages of our study areas:

Human Development & Cognition
Measurement, Statistics & Research Design
School Psychology

New Concentration
Cognitive Studies in Education

Important Notice Regarding the UW School Counseling Program:
The Area of Educational Psychology's School Counseling M.Ed. and Ph.D. in Counselor Supervision and Education have been eliminated, primarily due to budgetary constraints placed on the University (the decision was finalized by the UW Board of Regents at their May 21, 2004 meeting; decision effective as of June 30, 2004).

If you are interested in obtaining more information about other graduate counseling programs in Washington, you may find this links page on the website of the Washington School Counselor Association useful.


We have a vibrant faculty that has won numerous honors and awards. In a survey of faculty productivity, as measured by publications in the leading journals of the field, our department was rated second in the nation, ahead of many departments twice or three times our size. (See "Productivity of Educational Psychologists" in the journal Contemporary Educational Psychology April 1998.)

We invite you to learn more about the opportunities that await you at the University of Washington, and we welcome your questions and inquiries.

Questions about Educational Psychology? Please e-mail us at

News and Announcements

The LIFE Center

The National Science Foundation recently awarded an interdisciplinary UW research team an initial $12.4 million to develop one of a handful of new centers across the US to investigate deeply into issues of human learning and to help create environments that will optimize future learning in the broadest sense. Many of the key figures in the development of the LIFE Center proposal and project are based here in the Area of Educational Psychology, including the director, Professor John Bransford. Other core contributors are Associate Professor Philip Bell, Assistant Professor Reed Stevens, as well as a number of other colleagues across the UW campus, Stanford University and SRI International in Menlo Park, CA.

Please click this link for a more detailed University Week story about this exciting new multi-faceted research project!

And here's the award announcement on the National Science Foundation website.

The LIFE Center is co-sponsoring the forum listed below with the Center for Multicultural Education:

"Diversity in the Twenty-First Century: Learning Challenges and Opportunities"

Scholars on the panel will include:
James A. Banks, UW
Kathryn H. Au, University of Hawaii
Kris Gutierrez, UCLA
Shirley Brice Heath, King's College, University of London
Carol D. Lee, Northwestern University
Luis C. Moll, University of Arizona

March 17, 2005 - 4:30-5:30pm (with reception to follow 5:30-6:30pm)
Walker Ames Room in the upstairs of Kane Hall, UW


Area of Educational Psychology Newsletter

Please click to see a pdf version of the Winter Quarter 2005 newsletter
If you would prefer a hard copy of the newsletter, please contact Jon Organ at the front desk in 312 Miller.


Recently Published Books and Chapters by EDPSY Faculty

Phil Bell co-edited (as well as writing a number of chapters in) a newly-released book, Internet Environments for Science Education, published by Lawrence Erlbaum Associates (see here for information on how to obtain the book directly from the publisher).

Sue Nolen and Cathy Taylor co-authored a textbook entitled Classroom Assessment: Supporting Teaching and Learning in Real Classrooms, just published by Pearson/Merrill Prentice Hall.

Deborah McCutchen co-authored (with former Human Development and Cognition Ph.D. advisee David Holliway) a chapter in the recently published Kluwer Academic Publishers book, Studies in Writing, Volume 13: Cognitive and Instructional Processes. Their chapter is entitled, "Audience Perspective in Young Writers Composing and Revising. Reading as the Reader."


Information for Prospective Applicants:
Educational Psychology now has an updated contact web page, which has more detailed information about where to best find our specific degree program information. It also lists where it is best for you to forward your queries about our program if you do not find sufficient information to answer all of your questions here on our web pages. Our Educational Psychology Contact Page now also has a link to the College of Education's newly updated Admissions Page which outlines all application due dates and instructions, as well as including a link to our new Online Application Form. The COE's Office of Student Services has also just created very informative new FAQ's for both prospective students, as well as for current students.


Current and Upcoming Educational Psychology Course Offerings:

Winter Quarter 2005 course listings are here.

Spring Quarter 2005 course listings are here.

Please note that these course listings are tentative and subject to change!

Contact Us | Degrees | College of Education | University of Washington

Last updated 3/1/05


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