
Doctor Creates Virtual Reality Simulation to Save Babies’ Lives · April 01, 2019

Virtual Reality Is Helping Babies Breathe Thanks to a Project from Seattle Children’s and Oxford

GeekWire · April 08, 2019

Additional Educational Interventions

Helping Babies Breathe 2nd Edition Video

Filmed on location in Abuja, Nigeria in August 2018

Digitized HBB 2nd Edition Provider Guide (Indiana University)

Integrated eHBB + mHBS training

digital HBB manualmHBS Training app

•Seamless integration for end-user
•Educational interventions can be accessed by learners from within mHBS Trainer app
•Data tracked by mHBS Tracker app and reports sent to project DHIS2 database

Delivered study interventions in via 1) all groups with the HBB provider guide, 2) a video group with the HBB video, and 3) a group with eHBB.

•Offline Survey and Data collection tool
•Enabled linking of educational and clinical data
•Built on DHIS2 (District Health Information System) mobile platform used by National Ministries of Health in over 40 countries
•Data collected are stored in DHIS2 database