Scientific Method
Paraphrased from the Chapter "The Fine Art of Baloney Detection" in the book by Carl Sagan The Demon-Haunted World, Science as a Candle in the Dark, 1996
These are some of the tools used by the scientist to help find the truth:
- Independent confirmation - can others repeat the experiment in their own lab?
- Debate your ideas with others knowledgeable in this area. Different points of view can strengthen your ideas
- Beware of arguments from authority. They can be wrong. Look carefully at their reasoning, not who they are
- Consider more than one hypothesis. This will exponentially expand the number of experiments you can use to test your ideas
- Avoid attachment to one hypothesis
- Quantify your results — it will then be easier to compare results with other experiments and other researchers
- Every link in your chain of reasoning must hold, not just the final result. Look for weak links to better test your ideas
- Is your hypothesis testable? The support of a hypothesis comes from the test of many trials
Be careful of arguments:
- that attack the arguer and not the reasoning behind the work/ideas
- that depend on who said it rather than the reasoning
- that you accept because it is easier than "fighting" the system
- that are not logically explained and understandable
- that are not supported by data
- that select only the observations that fit the hypothesis
- that depend on small numbers of samples or trials. Repeatability is essential
- that depend on misuse of or manipulation of statistics (Also know as "gee wiz graphics")
- that are inconsistent. Using the same argument to support two viewpoints
- that fail to recognize other possibilities
- that correlate with no supporting evidence of causation
- that exclude the middle possibilities (extremes in values, time, consequences)
- that depend on suppressed evidence or half-truths
- that use "weasel words" to avoid telling it like it is (really a way of lying!)