Winter 2019 Course Schedule

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200 B Reading Literary Forms Jaccard M-TH 10:30-11:20 14158
200 C Reading Literary Forms Gerhardt M-TH 11:30-12:20 14159
200 D Reading Literary Forms Hitchman M-TH 12:30-1:20 14160
200 E Reading Literary Forms Van Houdt MW 2:30-4:20 14161
202 A Introduction to the Study of English Language and Literature Staten MWF 10:30-11:20 14162
202 AA Introduction to the Study of English Language and Literature Milian TH 9:30-10:20 14163
202 AB Introduction to the Study of English Language and Literature Milian TH 10:30-11:20 14164
202 AC Introduction to the Study of English Language and Literature Kladouris W 12:30-1:20 14165
202 AD Introduction to the Study of English Language and Literature Kladouris W 2:30-3:20 14166
204 A Popular Fiction and Media Peters TTh 1:30-3:20 14167
204 B Popular Fiction and Media Kumler MW 2:30-4:20 14211
207 A Introduction to Cultural Studies George MW 11:30-1:20 14168
210 A Medieval and Early Modern Literature, 400 to 1600 Remley MW 4:30-6:20p 14169
242 A Read Prose Fiction Patterson MW 12:30-2:20 14170
242 B Read Prose Fiction Popov MW 8:30-10:20 21857
242 C Read Prose Fiction McCue MW 2:30-4:20 14171
242 D Read Prose Fiction Gerhardt TTh 6:30-8:20p 14172
242 E Read Prose Fiction Alaniz TTh 12:30-2:20 14173
243 A Reading Poetry LaPorte MW 1:30-3:20 14174
257 A Asian American Literature Liu MW 11:30-1:20 14175
259 A Literature and Social Difference Clare TTh 10:30-12:20 14176
259 B Literature and Social Difference Oehme TTh 1:00-2:20 21771
265 A Introduction to Environmental Humanities Handwerk TTh 10:30-12:20 14177
270 A The Uses of the English Language Webster MW 2:30-4:20 14178
277 A Introduction to Children's and Young Adult Literature Groves MWF 12:30-1:20 14179
281 A Intermediat Expository Writing Wirth TTh 10:30-12:20 14180
281 B Intermediat Expository Writing Malone MW 12:30-2:20 14181
282 A Intermediate Multimodal Composition Howard TTh 10:30-12:20 14184
282 B Intermediate Multimodal Composition Savage MW 12:30-2:20 14185
283 A Beginning Verse Writing Braun MW 9:30-10:50 14186
283 B Beginning Verse Writing Kenney F 10:30-1:20 14187
284 A Beginning Short Story Writing Burr MW 9:30-10:50 14189
284 B Beginning Short Story Writing Paris TTh 3:30-4:50 14190
285 A WRITERS ON WRITING Sonenberg TTh 12:30-2:20 14192
297 A Advanced Interdisciplinary Writing/Humanities Wacker MWF 11:30-12:20 14194
297 B Advanced Interdisciplinary Writing/Humanities Williams MWF 8:30-9:20 14195
298 A Advanced Interdisciplinary Writing/Social Sciences Simmons-O'Neill MW 1:00-2:20 14196
298 B Advanced Interdisciplinary Writing/Social Sciences Miller TTh 2:30-3:50 14197
298 D Advanced Interdisciplinary Writing/Social Sciences O'Neill MWF 1:30-2:20 14199
298 E Advanced Interdisciplinary Writing/Social Sciences MW 11:30-12:50 14200
298 G Advanced Interdisciplinary Writing/Social Sciences Devos MWF 3:30-4:20 14202
298 H Advanced Interdisciplinary Writing/Social Sciences O'Neill TTh 11:30-12:50 14203
299 AB Advanced Interdisciplinary Writing/Natural Sciences Wacker MWF 9:30-10:20 14204
299 C Advanced Interdisciplinary Writing/Natural Sciences Rininger MWF 12:30-1:20 14206
299 D Advanced Interdisciplinary Writing/Natural Sciences Eskew MWF 1:30-2:20 14207
300 A Reading Major Texts Diment TTh 2:30-4:20 14208
302 A Critical Practice Wong MW 2:30-4:20 14209
302 B Critical Practice Shields TTh 2:30-4:20 14210
307 A Cultural Studies Taranath T 4:30-8:20p 14212
316 A Postcolonial Literature and Culture Taranath TTh 8:30-10:20 14214
318 A Black Literary Genres Jaccard MW 2:30-4:20 14215
321 A Chaucer Norako MW 12:30-2:20 14216
324 A Shakespeare After 1603 Streitberger MW 2:30-4:20 14217
335 A English Literature: The Age of Victoria Butwin MW 3:30-5:20 14218
337 A The Modern Novel Chrisman TTh 11:30-1:20 14219
340 A Anglo-Irish Literature Popov MW 11:30-1:20 21892
342 A The Contemporary Novel: Two Paths and the Female Character Burstein MW 4:30-6:20p 14220
352 A Literatures of the United States to 1865 Griffith M-TH 9:30-10:20 14222
354 A American Literature: Early Twentieth Centure Babbie TTh 3:30-5:20 14224
368 A Women Writers Gillis-Bridges MW 12:30-2:20 14226
370 A English Language Study Stygall MW 12:30-2:20 14227
381 B Advanced Expository Writing Ghasedi MW 10:30-12:20 14229
382 B Special Topics in Multimodal Composition Grimmer TTh 1:30-3:20 14230
383 A The Craft of Verse Feld MW 10:30-11:50 14231
384 A The Craft of Prose Shields MW 1:30-2:50 14233
395 A Study Abroad ARR 14234
407 A Special Topics in Cultural Studies Helterbrand TTh 12:30-2:20 14235
440 A Topic: Joyce & Beckett - Ulysses Popov MW 2:30-4:20 14236
440 B Special Studies in Literature Gillis-Bridges MW 9:30-11:20 14237
466 A Queer and LGBT Studies Clare TTh 1:30-3:20 14238
471 A The Theory and Practice of Teaching Writing Macklin TTh 1:30-3:20 14239
479 A Language Variation and Policy in North America Bou Ayash TTh 12:30-2:20 14241
483 A Advanced Verse Workshop Bierds TTh 2:30-3:50 14242
484 A Advanced Prose Workshop Crouse TTh 10:30-11:50 14243
491 A Internship Sisko ARR 14245
491 B Internship Simmons-O'Neill ARR 14246
493 A Advanced Creative Writing Conference ARR 14247
494 A Honors Seminar Abrams MW 2:30-4:20 14248
494 B Honors Seminar Kaplan TTh 12:30-2:20 14249

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