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2000 Conference: Selected Bibliography

Index of Topics

Introduction to the Selected Bibliography

Emerging Issues in Graduate Education - General

Emerging Issues in Graduate Education - Specific

US Programs

International Programs

Disciplinary Trends and Concerns

Humanities / Social Sciences

Science / Mathematics / Engineering

Enrollment, Recruitment, and Retention of Graduate Students

Enrollment and Recruitment


Attracting and Retaining Diverse Populations of Graduate Students

Faculty and Graduate Student Relationships

Graduate Student Teaching Assistantships and Professional Preparation

Preparing Graduate Students for Teaching Assistantships and Academic Careers

Preparing International Graduate Students for Teaching Assistantships

Broadening Career Preparation Beyond Academia

Overproduction of Ph.D.s

Post-Graduate Employment

Employment Patterns and Possibilities

Post-Doctoral Issues

Relationships Between Industry, Business, Government, and Academia

Issues For The Professoriate

Emerging Issues In Higher Education


In July 1998, funded by The Pew Charitable Trusts, two research assistants and I initiated an "environmental scan" of current concerns as well as promising practices in doctoral education as identified by institutions preparing Ph.D.s, by graduate students, and by those who hire Ph.D.s. Very quickly, we discovered that even though U.S. doctoral education is considered the world's best, with international students vying for admission, concerns about its future were being expressed by many groups. These included research-intensive universities, comprehensive and doctoral universities, liberal arts and community colleges, doctoral students, business and industry, foundations, government, disciplinary and educational associations, K-12 education, and accrediting agencies. Under the rubric of Re-envisioning the Ph.D., we interviewed more than 375 individuals, conducted numerous focus groups, compiled an impressive bibliography related to doctoral preparation, and inventoried numerous strategies that each of the groups was using to respond to criticisms and concerns in very creative and innovative ways.

The Promising Practices have been posted on the web at

This site links the reader to the actual web site for the practice wherever it occurs, in this country and abroad, or provides contact information. The Selected Bibliography has also been posted to the web site at

and is also published in a monograph. In addition, a brief analysis of concerns has been published in a companion monograph entitled, Re-envisioning the Ph.D.: What Concerns Do We Have?

This Selected Bibliography is truly a selected one. People have been calling for change in doctoral education since 1925 or earlier. Whereas a traditional literature review would have turned up potentially thousands of documents, our approach for this monograph, instead, was to capitalize on the insightful input from those who have actually participated in the project as interviewees, consultants, colleagues and assistants. After sifting through and abstracting more than 400 newspaper, journal and newsletter articles, commission reports, conference papers, project descriptions and initiatives, conference materials, and various statements, calls for change, and other recommendations related to reconceptualizing the Ph.D., we printed here what our small research team identified as classic or provocative pieces. As we sorted through materials, certain key themes recurred, and we categorized the items according to these themes. Where entries reflected more than one theme, we identified the predominant one and categorized the abstract accordingly. Collectively, these entries provide a sample of the trends, ideas and opinions regarding doctoral education that have been presented and debated in recent years. You, no doubt, have your favorite texts, and if we have not included them, please let us know. The wonder of today's technology is that it allows the web-site citations to grow and evolve, without requiring another printing.

We hope that the project's three products, the Promising Practices, the Concerns Brief, and this Selected Bibliography, will assist in answering the question of "How can we re-envision the Ph.D. to meet the needs of the society of the 21st Century?" We also hope these contributions will aid in strengthening the Ph.D., the pinnacle of academic accomplishment, whose recipients offer so much to the knowledge society of the 21st Century.

Jody D. Nyquist

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