A “Thank You” to Our Study Subjects

Posted by on Feb 13, 2017 in Blog, Featured | Comments Off on A “Thank You” to Our Study Subjects

A “Thank You” to Our Study Subjects

Without the support and participation of patients, family members, and clinicians our research would not be possible. Since the program began in 1999, over 2900 patients, 3120 family members of patients, and countless clinicians have participated as subjects in our various research studies. These unique individuals have generously shared with us their time, experiences, and opinions. Though palliative care and end-of-life care are often difficult topics to discuss, participants in our studies have graciously provided us with profound insights into their wishes and preferences for care. We recognize the magnitude of what we ask of our participants, and yet they continue to lend their voices –whether through survey responses, interviews or focus groups– to our endeavors. For this, we are immensely grateful. Thank you.